《My Inner Demons》I Like You... (Ch37)


"Okay, we need to talk," Ava says as we get back to her apartment. We dropped Lorelei home and told her she passed out after Ava and Leif punched her boyfriend. Sorry, ex-boyfriend.

So Lorelei now thinks that what happened with Rhys was a dream, thank the gods. But Ava is still not happy about it...

"I have to things I want to discuss, first of all, Asch and Y/n. Second of all Rhys." I look at Ava in confusion, to which she returns with a smirk.

"So what's up with you and Asch huh?" She asks, her tone of voice making it obvious she's suggesting something.

"I don't know what you mean?" I ask, look at her even more confused. What is she suggesting?

"Okay, Asch was holding your hand when you ran into the maze, you both gave each other a stuffed animal, Asch is always blushing when you're around him and the icing on the cake... He kissed you barely a week ago!" With all of Ava's words, I feel my face burning up... No way can I look Asch right now!

"Now look at you both! Your faces are bright red!" Ava says, stating the obvious.

"Well... I... Uh... Um... Heh, I..." Was all I managed to get out of my mouth. My brain is fully shutting down.

"Look, I'm not gonna force you two to admit your feelings and I'm sorry for calling you out. But you need to discuss it with each other." Ava states, after a few moments of pure tension she talks again, "Right, now that's out of the way. RHYS! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Ava yells, shocking everyone in the room.

"I've told you all so many times, don't use magic in front of others. It's dangerous. But no! You had to do it didn't you?!" Ava rants, her voice may sound angry. But it's so full of worry.

"I'm sorry Princess Ava... I was out of line... But I did have a good reason." Rhys says sadly and Ava looks at him with worry I've never seen her exhibit before.


"You know what the repercussions are of using magic here... You need to understand that." She says looking at everyone. There's something wrong, she seems upset.

"What does it matter? Humans have magic. You use it all the time in front of us. It is worth you getting upset over?" Leif says stubbornly, this seems to set Ava off...

"I have to get upset over it!" Ava yells, Leif goes to argue again but Ava cuts him off, "YOU GUYS COULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM ME!" She yells, the worry and sadness becoming not just evident in her tone, her eyes are swirling with it... I knew something was wrong.

"I... I don't know what I would do if that happened..." Ava says sadly catching everyone off guard again.

Before anyone can say anything else she leaves the room and goes into her own, shutting the door behind her.

Without a second thought, I follow after her, I have a good guess on what's wrong and I want to help...

"Ava?" I ask as I slowly open the door. "Ava, are you okay?" Cautiously I walk in and shut the door gently behind me, walking carefully over to her bed.

"Hey Y/n... Yeah, I'm fine..." She mumbles, clearly not fine. Sighing I sit down on the end of her bed and look towards the sad friend in front of me.

"We're sorry Ava. The others might not understand why you're upset but I do... If you did something that caused the possibility of us losing you I'd be upset too... We care about you Ava." I say softly, trying to calm her nerves.

It seems to work but she's still upset, "Thanks Y/n... Do you mind if I lay here alone for a minute? Just to think." She asks sadly.

"Sure, Ava. Call me over if you need me. I'm here for you." I reply as I get up and quietly leave the room.

Only to walk into one where the boys are anxiously waiting for my word on Ava. "She's fine, just a bit worried is all. She just needs time to think." I say calming their nerves.


They all visibly relax and that's when my version of torture begins, Leif sits up and smirks at Asch and me.

"Sooo... The Prince and his Knight huh? What a story that would be." Leif teases and I feel my face heating up.

"Shut up Leif. No one asked for your opinion." I state, walking over to the guys and sitting in the chair that I placed next to the couch.

"Oh, you didn't have to ask. I'll say it anyway. Hm, doesn't Asch have to have suitors though? Like Rhal did?" Leif asks, to my surprise Asch actually responds.

"No, Rhal only had suitors because he didn't care about such things as marriage and only married Bish because he needed to," Asch explains and Leifs smirk widens, oh no... What's he doing now?

"So, you gonna marry Y/n then?" Leif asks and I feel my whole body just stop working. Making matters worse, Asch doesn't deny it...

Remembering breathing is a thing I need to do, I start coughing, trying to get the air back into my lungs as my body remembers to function again.

"He's not denying it!" Noi exclaims happily and I sit further into my chair, trying to leave this situation.

"Hey, guys you're going to miss the explosions! Quick turn the TV back on!" I exclaim and like magic, they all forget what they were talking about.

Good gods. That was not my idea of a good conversation... But Noi is right... Asch didn't deny it... Does Asch want to-

"Uh... Y/n? Can I talk to you?" Asch asks me quietly as to not disturb the others watching T.V.

Nervously I nod and we both get up and away from the others so they won't intrude on the conversation. "What is it?" I ask, not making eye contact with the cause of my recent emotional confusion.

"I uh... wanted to say... Uh. Ava..." He stops talking and takes a deep breath in and out, I go to ask why he stopped but before I can he says, "Ava was right. I like you... A lot. I don't know why or when. But there. I said it." Asch states and I look at him surprised. He actually said it.

"I..." I just stare at him, not really knowing what to say. He looks away sadly and goes to walk away but I grab his wrist and force the words out of my mouth before I cause stuff I don't wish to cause. "I like you too."

He looks back over to me, both our faces alight. He goes to continue talking but we hear, "You guys are missing the explosions! Come watch T.V!" Noi exclaims and I shake my head, laughing slightly at his timing.

"You go sit down, I'm going to make Ava some food," I say to Asch, he nods and goes back to sit down and watch T.V. What just happened?

Going into the kitchen I try to find a basic recipe to follow. Rhys is better at cooking than I am... Maybe I can ask him to help me? He is the reason why Ava is worrying right now.

"Rhys! Can you help me make food for Ava? You're better at cooking than me." I call out him and he looks over his shoulder towards me.

"Sure!" Rhys replies, getting up and coming over to the kitchen to help me.

We finish making the food and I go tell Ava we made her some, soon after she comes out to eat then leaves to take the trash out.

"We have matters to discuss," Rhys says as he turns off the TV and looks towards everyone, Asch in particular.

"We were watching that!" Asch yells angrily, meanwhile, Rhys is keeping his cool as always.

"I love your enthusiasm for the culture of Earth Asch, but we need to discuss Daemos," Rhys says coolly, little does he know he just made all of my hope start to crumble with those few words.

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