《My Inner Demons》Asch Gets Jealous pt 4 (Ch36)


Before I have my go the carnival guy has to fix it, when he's done I do as Ava said and picture the button to be Leif's head.

I bring the item up and then slam it down onto the button, the object on the pole flies up the pole making the game make a very, very loud ding noise. I must have won! Yay!

"H-how... How did..." I hear the carnival guy whisper sadly and I smile proudly to myself.

Before anyone else can play the strength game Ava notices one of the blue guys from when we went to the government.

Panicked Ava quickly tells us to split up, Noi, Asch, Rhys and I go in one direction. Everyone else follows her.

I wasn't too pleased with the idea of leaving her but because she seemed panicked I left without causing an argument about it.

"Well, what do we do now?" I ask looking towards Rhys since Ava left both of us in charge.

"Well, I don't know. For now, we'll stay away from the blue guy. When it's clear we'll go back there and wait for Ava." Rhys explains and I shake my head in disagreement.

"That sounds boring. I think we should explore a bit, we can find Ava later as she said. For now, though let's continue the first mission that Ava assigned us and have fun!" I exclaim, not wanting the fun mood that everyone was having to go away.

"No Y/n, the best course of action is to stay away from the blue guy. Once it's clear we'll go back and wait for Ava." Rhys demands and I roll my eyes at his stubborn behaviour.

Since when was he the stubborn and annoying one? Earth has really flipped everyone's personalities in strange ways.

After what feels like years of just waiting, my bored levels have reached its peak and from the looks of it, so has Noi's and Asch's.


"Anyone got any ideas?" I whisper to them and Noi shakes his head sadly. Asch holds an expression of consideration before smiling slyly. He's got an idea.

He whispers it to Noi then tells me that I'll catch on which I find annoying but whatever gets us away from Rhys, I don't care.

"Ava isn't even with us. What harm would it do her for us to go out on our own?" Asch asks Rhys, his sly smile still present on his face.

"Princess Ava has entrusted me and Y/n with Noi's and your safety. Y/n seems to not be bothered with it but I am taking it very seriously." Rhys states, standing his ground.

I am taking their safety seriously and there are no nearby threats so why not have some fun?

"Since when do you take orders from Ava Rhys?" I ask. I think I'm starting to understand Asch's plan.

"She respects my ability to think before taking action. I highly respect someone who values my intellect." Rhys replies seeming very pleased with his answer. But Noi shuts that down quick.

"Heh, not like it got us far with our battles on Daemos," Noi says innocently, but instantly striking a chord with the suddenly high and mighty Rhys.

"Wha- I beg your pardon?" Rhys asks, from his tone of voice to his body language you can tell he is irritated and Asch seems to be pleased with this. So, this was the plan. Irritate Rhys. Easy enough.

"Noi. Do you even understand who put together our battle tactics?" Rhys asks in a demanding tone and Noi simply answers, "Yeah. Asch."

Ouch... He is not gonna like that one...

"No! Asch just got the plans from me!" Rhys argues and I see a perfect window to annoy him further.

"But Rhys, I could have sworn Asch was the one giving the orders on the battlefield. So it must have been his plan." I state knowing full well that's not the case, but Rhys takes the bait and his face contorts into one of disbelief.


"You know full well Y/n that I came up with the plans! Sure Asch has done some, but all the others were mine!" He exclaims, steam basically coming out of his ears.

"So... Asch made the plans?" Noi questions and Rhys is pushed off the edge. He begins rambling about how Noi is wrong and blah, blah, blah don't care. This is our opportunity to leave.

Asch grabs my wrist and bolts off in the opposite direction to Noi. As we are running away I hear Rhys yell something angrily.

This is pretty fun! Who knew getting Rhys annoyed and being disobedient would be fun? Certainly not me. Yet here we are.

"What's the plan now Asch?" I ask as we start to slow down from our running pace.

"Stay split up from Noi until we lose Rhys. Have some fun as Ava said. I don't know, I didn't really think it would work." He says laughing awkwardly.

"Well, it worked surprisingly well, smart thinking Asch." As I say this his face goes to being red again, is he sick? This keeps happening.

"Hey, Asch are you okay? Your face keeps going red." I state looking at him with confusion. He turns away from me so I can't see his face and replies, "I'm fine. Uh... Let's keep a lookout for Rhys and Noi so we can keep avoiding Rhys."

We only end up walking for a bit before Asch bumps into Noi, "Hey Noi! Did you lose him?" I ask, looking for any sign of Rhys.

That's when I see him. He's staring right at us on the opposite side of a very straight walkway.

"Uh, guys... We should run." I state, looking towards the spine-chilling looking Rhys that's running towards us.

"Quick! Let's hide in there!" Asch says pointing towards a very prominent hiding spot.

"Isn't that kinda obvious?" I ask, looking around for another spot to hide, only to come up fruitless.

"We have no other choice! Let's go!" He says running towards the hiding spot and pulling me along with him.

As we are running from the abnormally scary Rhys we end up in some sort of forest-like thing. I think it's called a maze, but I'm not certain.

"Rhys we're sorry!" I say, hoping to calm down the angered and threatening creature that is an outraged Rhys.

"You'll pay for fooling me!" He yells back and goes to shoot an ice blast. "AHHH! WE'RE SORRY!" We all yell in unison before running into a group of people.

"Ava?" I ask looking at everyone in the group and realising I know them.

"Y/n? What are you-" She goes to ask us something when Rhys comes around the corner using his ice magic.

"Y/N! ASCH! NOI! PREPARE TO FACE-" He goes to blast us until he notices Ava. "Rhys!" Ava yells angrily and Rhys stops his outburst.

"Ava?" He questions and that's when I notice Lorelei... Oh no. "Magic?!" She asks surprised.

"Leif!" Ava calls out and Leif immediately teleports behind Lorelei and knocks her out.

"Well... Crap." I state looking towards the now knocked out Lorelei.

"We got to get out of here..." Ava mumbles, probably trying to think of a plan.

"Asch, are you holding Y/n's wrist?" Leif asks and I feel my face heat up, I forgot he was doing that!

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