《My Inner Demons》Asch Gets Jealous pt 3 (Ch35)


Ava brings us to another game. It seems to be a throwing game like the last ones, but in this one, you have to knock bottles off a table with a ball.

It seems easy enough and Ava got it first try, so now she has two stuffed animals. One from Rhys which is a pink thing she called a poodle and an orange one that she calls a burger cat.

I'm glad she's having fun and that she didn't leave us. I don't know what we would have done if she went missing and we couldn't find her...

"Beginners luck. Watch this." Asch says cockily, grabbing a ball and carefully tossing it at the bottle. Only to miss.

"Hahaha! Your aim sucks Asch!" I laugh and he growls under his breath, "No way! I'll try again!" Grabbing a ball he throws it again and misses.

This continues for a while until Leif and I are laughing hysterically at his frustration. "Fine then, if you two are so good you guys can try it," Asch exclaims giving me the ball.

Shrugging in response, I take the ball and line up to it, hitting one on the first try. "You were saying, Asch?" I ask looking at his shocked face with a cocky smirk.

"Which prize do you want?" The carnival guy asks and I spot a stuffed animal that kinda looks like Asch.

Amused by the likeness of the stuffed animal I decide to choose that one, "Here Asch. Because you tried so hard to hit the bottle you can have the prize." I say handing him the stuffed animal, still laughing slightly at his misfortune.

He shyly takes it without obligation, his face going red for what seems like the hundredth time today.

"Step aside losers. I want a go." Leif states, grabbing a ball and preparing to throw it. And just like Asch, he misses. Over and over and over again. He becomes even more frustrated and with my laughter in the background as he misses he looks like he's going insane.


"AGH! THIS IS STUPID! Maybe it's not me... I just need a bigger ball..." Leif yells, then suddenly he grabs Noi and throws him at the bottles.

Leif. Is so dead.

"LEIF!!" I scream, anger bubbling threw me. "Oh no..." he mumbles worriedly as he turns slowly towards me. Meeting my infuriated glare.

"YOU DARE THROW, MY BABY BROTHER?! I'M GOING TO THROW YOU SIX FEET UNDERGROUND!!!" I yell ready to attack the scared assassin.

"Y/n no!" I hear Rhys demand, stepping in front of me as a poor attempt to stop me. I simply push him aside go to punch Leif.

"Asch! Help me restrain her! Don't you remember what happened last time Leif did something like this!?" Rhys orders, knowing that my yelling will definitely attract unwanted attention.

As I'm about to hit Leif's face someone wraps their arms around me. Pinning my arms to my sides.

"LET ME GO! HE DESERVES TO FEEL MY RATH!" I demand only for my order to fall onto deaf ears.

"Good thinking Asch. Keep her restrained until she calms down." Rhys says calmly before turning toward Leif and addressing his very poor decision making.

"Let me go, Asch! I want to at least hit him in the face once!!" I plead, still struggling to leave Asch's grip.

"No Y/n. We all know one hit will turn into Leif needing to be healed. Last time we needed the best healers to fix what you did. Plus didn't you say not to get the human's attention? I'm pretty sure beating Leif would get a lot of "unwanted attention"." Asch states and I sigh, knowing full well he's right.

"Fine. I'm calm now. I won't hurt him. Can you let me go? You're holding me so tight it's becoming difficult to breathe." I say calmly to show that I have no more intentions of hurting Leif.

Asch slowly and seemingly reluctantly lets me go and I go to see if Noi is okay.


Oh, my gods... She was so close to me! My face feels like it's on fire and my heart is beating so fast it feels like I just went sparring. Agh! Stop it! I need to calm down before she notices... What the hell is happening to me...

"Noi are you okay?!" I ask, going over to him while Ava helps him up. "Hey Y/n, yeah I'm fine. Wait... Is Leif okay?! You didn't kill him did you?!" Noi exclaims, pushing past me to see if Leif is still alive. Fair enough response. I mean I still want to kill him.

"He's fine Noi. Asch stopped me from killing him... Unfortunately..." I state, mumbling the last part of the sentence. I really wanted to at least hit him. Just once.

"Don't look so upset Y/n. Leif has been scolded for his actions and he WILL apologise to Noi. Won't you Leif?" Rhys states and Leif rolls his eyes.

"Fine... Sorry, Noi." Leif says reluctantly and Noi smiles shyly, "It's fine. I'm not hurt." He replies while Ava is apologising profusely to the carnival guy. He, thankfully, accepts her apology.

Ava starts to walk off so, naturally, I follow her and so do the others. Well, at least I thought so...

"Uh, Noi. Where did you get that?" I ask looking at the strange food item he's holding in his hand.

"Oh! Leif, Asch and I took them from those children over there," he says casually. So he hasn't learnt as much about Earth as I had hoped...

"Noi! Ugh, you guys are stupid! Ava!" I yell to get her attention and she looks over to me confused, "What is it?" She asks and I nod toward the object in Noi's hand.

"Uh... Noi. Where did you get that?" Ava asks and I nod towards the tiny humans that are crying about their stolen food. We now have a problem. Great.

"Oh no. Quickly everyone! Follow me! Now!" Ava whisper yells to us as she bolts off in the opposite direction of the children and we all follow suit.

She leads us over to another game that she seems particularly happy about, "I think you guys will like this one a lot. Especially you Y/n." She says walking towards the game.

"How so?" I ask, looking at this game with curiosity, it seems to just be a pole.

"Watch." She replies going up to the carnival guy and giving him a ticket to play the game.

He takes the ticket and passes her what seems to be a blunt axe looking item. Ava takes it at stands in front of the pole.

She then uses the item to whack it down onto a button below the pole which makes something go up the pole slightly and come back down.

"Pierce, come and try it!" She says giving the carnival guy another ticket and passing the item to Pierce.

Pierce hits the button and the object goes up the pole again, this time though it goes to the top. "Wait... Is this a strength game?!" I exclaim, looking at Ava with excitement.

"Nice observation Y/n! Yes, it is! Why don't you give it a try? You have to hit the button as hard as you can. Even better you can get your anger out on Leif by pretending the button is his head. You can only hit it once though." Ava says giving the carnival guy another ticket and Pierce gives me the item.

I'm going to enjoy this, who doesn't want an excuse to whack something with all your strength?

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