《My Inner Demons》Asch Gets Jealous pt 2 (Ch34)


The guys all go off to try and win one for Ava. While Y/n wants to win one for herself because she said and I quote, "They look so cute and colourful!"

I'm going to go try and win one for her. I know her favourite colour is f/c, so maybe I can find a/an f/c one...

Why am I doing this? Why do I want her attention so badly? There has to be a reason right? I wasn't like this before. In fact, I hated her back on Daemos. It's got to be Earth that's changed things.

I have to stop thinking about this. Ava just told us the mission is to relax and have fun. So that's what I'm going to do! My only problem now is I can't seem to find where Y/n went. Ugh!

Looking around I manage to find her at one of the games. She appears to be throwing a ball at a ring then yelling in a rather annoyed tone when she misses.

"What game is this?" I ask, looking curiously at the game. "You have to get the ball through the hoop but I keep missing! I never miss when it comes to accuracy! I shot an arrow at a moving target from 500 meters away!" She yelled angrily as she goes to throw another ball and misses.

"This is stupid!" She shouts, I start laughing and she glares at me to stop. To which I do. Her glares are scary.

"Or maybe you just suck Y/n." Leif says cockily and Y/n glares at him, "Oh? You think you can do better Leif? Go on." She says passing him a ball.

He takes is and throws it at the ring, only for it to bounce off. "What the?!" He says shocked, causing laughter to erupt from Y/n. Grrr... Why is she laughing at Leif?!


"I want to try too!" I announce, giving a ticket to the human behind the game and he passes me a ball in return.

I go for the shot and to my surprise, I got it in. "No. Way." Y/n says in shock.

Looking over my shoulder I see her mouth wide open in shock and disbelief on her face. "Heh, guess you're not that good at aiming," I state, knowing it would anger her. And it did. Her face contorts into an expression that can only be described as extremely offend.

"Why you little sh-" "Here's you prize sir!" The human cut off Y/n's outburst by handing me a/an f/c stuffed animal. "Thanks," I say bluntly before remembering what I want to do with the stuffed animal.

I feel my face heat up again and my heart rate increases. Oh, dear gods what am I doing?

"Woah, Asch you okay? Your face is red." Y/n states coming closer to me to inspect why my face is suddenly red.

Quickly I shove the stuffed animal in front of Y/n and turn my face away so she can't see how red it is.

"Here! I want you to have it... Don't ask questions, just take it." I state awkwardly, looking over to Y/n slightly.

Her face is slightly pink, and a small smile graces her lips. "Uh, thanks, Asch." She says awkwardly before taking the stuffed animal.

The air is very tense and awkward before I hear Leif burst into laughter, "Hahahaha! Asch likes Y/n! Asch likes-" He goes to continue his taunting tune but Y/n punches him in the arm.

"Shut up Leif nobody asked you!" She yells and I can't help smile at the way she's holding the stuffed toy in her hand.


I think Leif is right... It would explain why I want her attention. Why I'm acting this way. I think I like Y/n... Damn it! Why?! This just makes things difficult. Damn you Earth!

It was odd receiving this from Asch, I wasn't expecting it. I thought he would have wanted to win one for Ava like the others.

Is Leif right? Does he like me? I think I like him? What now? No. I don't want to think about this right now. I just want to relax for once. But how can I when he's right next to me?

When Leif uses all of his, Asch's and my tickets on the ring game, only for him to lose each time, we made our way over to the rest of the guys who were looking at Rhys playing a game. It's a throwing game by the looks of things.

Noi is the first one to notice us as he looks over to me, his eyes light up at the sight of the cute stuffed animal in my hand. "You won one Y/n?!" Noi asks and I shake my head shyly, my face warming up slightly.

"Uh n-no... Asch actually won it and uh, gave it to me..." I say quiet and Noi raises an eyebrow at both of us before smirking and giggling giddily. Don't do that! It makes things weirder!

"Have you guys won anything?" Asch asks, getting the attention off of the awkward situation.

"We haven't, we spent all put tickets too. Rhys still has some and he's trying to win against this ring toss game." Noi explains, bringing attention to Rhys.

Rhys carefully aims and after about one thousand years of waiting, he throws the damn ring. It flies gently over the counter and lands perfectly on a glass.

Rhys excitedly takes the stuffed animal and that's when we realise, Ava is missing.

Worry consumes me and I begin looking for Ava, everyone splits up and we all eventually meet up only for Ava to still be missing.

"Where could she be?!" I ask, my worries getting the better of me, "Y/n calm down. We can-" "Shut up! I hear her!" I yell cutting off whoever was trying to calm me. I don't know who as I wasn't paying attention.

Without even thinking twice I dart off in the direction of her voice. Soon I'm met with the short, brown-haired girl. Her purple eyes wide in surprise as I hug her tightly.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Ava asks, I just hug her, my worry drifting away.

"Don't you dare do that again Ava! We didn't know where you were! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I yelled, releasing her from my grasp.

Everyone tells Ava off and is also very relieved that she's okay. Well, everyone execpt Asch. He seems annoyed at something...

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