《My Inner Demons》Asch Gets Jealous pt 1 (Ch33)


"Hey look they're drowning humans!" Leif announces and I look over to where he is pointing. Only to be rather confused by the sight.

"They're- No, they can't be. The humans are drowning willingly. There's no fun in that. Of course, it's not fun, to begin with, but whatever." I reply, still looking at the humans with bewilderment.

The human pulls their head out of the barrel of water with an apple in his mouth. That's not the only weird thing but they all start... Clapping? Are they going to eat him? Is this some strange ritual?

"Are they going to cook him now?" Asch asks, seeming to be just as confused as everyone else.

"Hey, prisoner!" Asch yells at Ava to get her attention and most likely ask her about the drowning humans. But her attention is elsewhere.

"Prisoner! Prisoner!" He continues to yell and I notice it's getting him a lot of confused looks, I should stop his yelling.

Whacking him on the back of the head to get his attention, he looks at me angrily, "What was that for?!" He yells.

This reaction was expected so I don't retaliate. I just reply, "Tell me, Asch. Are you moronic, unaware of your surroundings or both? Because every time you shout prisoner another human looks this way in confusion. It's giving you unwanted attention. So I suggest you shut up and call her Ava when around other humans."

I know I was trying to get Ava's attention. So why am I happy I got y/n's? And most of all how am I happy when she just insulted me like that? Shouldn't I be angry? I should be angry!

Deciding being angry is the best course of action I decide to retaliate. "You dare speak-"

"Yes, I do dare to speak to you like this Asch. You may be the prince of Daemos, but so help me if you get us caught by the humans because you're too dumb to shut your fat mouth I will whack you upside the head so hard you won't be able to walk." Y/n scolded. Cutting me off of my outrage I was about to yell about.


Not knowing how to respond to her I do the only thing I can think of doing. Turn away from her in embarrassment, but I can't let her know I'm embarrassed so I'll pretend I'm angry.

Every time I'm around her I feel my face go warm. It's really warm right now... What's happening?

I hear her sigh and she gives her attention back to Ava. Most likely to ask her about the drowning humans.

Ava always has her attention. I don't like it. But I can't seem to get her attention away from Ava...

Well if I can't get her attention away from Ava, I'll just get Ava away from her. Flawless logic.

"Ava!" I yell at Ava and to my luck, she brings her attention away from Y/n. And more luck for me I also get to ask what this place is. Score one for me!

"What exactly is this place? Do high councils meet here with humans or something?" I ask, "Kinda? It's more of a place where humans can hang out with other humans for fun." Ava replies and Y/n goes to talk to her again, but even more luck for me Y/n can't get Ava's attention back because Noi asks Ava a question too.

Heh, this is easier than I thought.

"Why are those humans trying to drown themselves?" Noi asks looking back over to the humans. It's so odd. Why would they do that?

"Huh? Oh! They're just bobbing for apples. It's a game humans play when you try to get the apples into your mouth without using your hands. It's for fun." Ava explains and I'm still confused. What does she mean fun?

"Look, I'm going, to be honest with you guys here. I want you to let go of any bad thoughts you have about humans because today is all about fun." Ava says happily. There it is again, fun. What is it?

"What do you mean by fun?" Rhys asks and Ava goes to explain. Once again keeping her attention off of Y/n, so that part of the plan seems to be working. Why do I want Y/n's attention anyway? I don't know. I don't care. I'm just going with it.


"You know fun? That thing you guys have been having since you got here." Ava explains and Y/n smiles slightly, my face feels warm again... Ugh why?!

"Is fun the feeling that makes me feel happy and relaxed? If so then I want to have more fun!" Y/n chirps excitedly, her smile growing. She has a demeanour on Earth that she never had on Daemos. I don't know what it is but I hope it doesn't leave.

She just seems so happy. I don't think she was ever happy on Daemos. In fact, I never even really noticed her on Daemos. So why am I noticing her now?

"Well yeah, Y/n! Fun is a feeling of being relaxed, happy and overall positive about the things around you. When you don't feel worried or stressed out." Ava says in agreement with Y/n. Damn it! Stop giving her attention!

"You know what? That's your guys' mission today! Just for today let go of your stress and whatever worries about Daemos and enjoy the festival. You've all been on Earth for more than a month now. You should know nothing can hurt you." Ava says happily, her happy energy seeming to make Y/n happier too.

I don't like that, it means that Y/n still has her attention on Ava.

"And if something does?" I ask trying to get Ava to calm down her happy energy or get her attention away from Y/n. Something needs to work.

"Asch you have to admit since we've been here nothing but Ava has threatened us," Rhys says knowingly like usual.

"Perhaps, letting our guard down for one moment won't hurt," Pierce adds on and I sigh in defeat, knowing he correct.

"Fine," I stated annoyed at the situation. But Y/n seems happier by my agreement to participate in having fun and relaxing. Ugh! Why do I care?! I don't. It was just an observation.

Ava goes off to do something so we all just stand around chatting. Y/n doesn't seem to join in on the conversation which is odd.

Looking over to her I notice she's too busy looking around the festival to care about talking. She's still smiling.

Ava gets back with these tiny things she called tickets. "They're used to play the games here! We can also use them to go on rides later." She explains, what are rides?

"What is this?" Rhys asks as we all lool around the strange area. "These are called carnival games. They're crazy hard to play." Ava explains, still seeming very enthusiastic.

"What does that mean?" Noi asks, seems like I'm not the only one confused. Humans do strange stuff for entertainment.

"Well, the rules vary based on the game. But if you follow them and manage to succeed you can win a stuffed animal!" Ava states pointing to one of the colourful and fluffy looking objects hanging from the roof of one of the games.

"What does the stuffed animal do?" Leif asks looking away from the animal and back towards Ava. I glance over to Y/n and to my surprise, her focus isn't on Ava. She's looking at the stuffed animals with fascination, it's kinda cute...

I mean the stuffed animal. Not Y/n...

"It's just for decoration really. Some people give them to their boyfriends, girlfriends or just someone they're interested in. And before you ask, a boyfriend and girlfriend is a stage humans have before marriage. It's basically the stage when two people are figuring out if they love each other. Some people marry each other after, some people break up and look for other humans to date, other people don't bother getting married and stay boyfriend and, or girlfriend forever. It varies human to human."

So humans have a stage before marriage? They seem to have many stages in friendship and courtship. Way more than Daemos anyway.

Ava did say you can give them to someone you're interested in... Maybe I can... Looking over to Y/n I see her attention is still in the stuffed animals.

I think I will at least try right? How hard can it be?

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