《My Inner Demons》Fall Festival (Ch32)


We got to the carnival and Ava started yelling excitedly about stuff I didn't quite understand, but I didn't mind. She looks happy. I like that she's happy.

"Okay guys, I'm going to go buy the tickets. Be right back!" She exclaimed as she ran off.

"Ava wait-" I go to stop her and ask what she means by that, but she just runs off. Her excitement apparently too much to bear.

"Ugh, being without magic sucks Rhys!" Leif exclaims and I look towards him with an eyebrow raised.

"Where did you learn to use that word in that context?" I ask. Usually, they only ever talk in a proper context. So no metaphors or words like "sucks" or "sick" as they take it literally.

"What does sucks mean?" Rhys asks and Leif explains it, "It means not 'cool'." He just doesn't explain it well, so I go to explain what "cool" means in that context, but surprisingly someone else beats me to it.

"Cool means good," Asch explains and I look at both him and Leif both confused and impressed. "You guys have been learning?" I ask, today is full of surprises.

"Yeah, it's actually not that hard to understand." Leif replies and Asch nods in agreement. I smile at them both and Asch's face goes red slightly. It's been doing that a lot lately.

Knowing they're learning how to speak and act here makes me happy. I guess it just gives me hope that we won't leave. No one seems to want to leave, so convincing them not to might be easy...

"It seems we're all becoming more like humans. Even in our mannerisms." Rhys comments and Noi's face lights up excitedly.

"I noticed that! It's kinda nice." He agrees, his smile never wavering at he spoke. He seems happier here than he ever did at Daemos. Every day I'm becoming more convinced to never leave. Gods, I hope they're thinking the same way.


"We need to start thinking about when we are executing our final plan and going home," Rhys states, he had to shatter my hope didn't he. I especially don't want to do the... Final plan...

I sigh and look over to him, "What I'm about to say may seem crazy but, what if we... Don't." I avert my gaze as I make my suggestion, worried about the response.

"Are you saying to never go home?" Rhys asks and my hope disappears more with the criticism and confusion in his voice over the idea.

"Well was Daemos ever home? I mean think about it. We have all ever felt this happy on Daemos. We've only been here for a few months and it feels more like home then Daemos ever could. Do we really have to leave?" I ask, hoping. No. Begging that I can convince him. Daemos was hell for me in comparison to Earth.

My voice goes from being it's normally assertive tone to depressed by the end of the sentence. Saying it out loud I realised how badly I don't want to leave.

"Ava is coming back. We'll talk about this later Y/n." Rhys says, finishing the conversation. This should give all of them time to think over my words. Please let them listen...

"Okay, guys I got the tickets- BALLOONS!" Ava gasps as she comes towards us only to turn back over to the colourful floating objects she called balloons.

She grabs one of the balloons and comes over to us, eyes sparkling as she looks at the object. "It's a balloon!" She says excitedly and I look at it confused.

"I don't get why you are so excited. Can you eat it?" I ask and she shakes her head, "No! Why do you guys think everything is edible?" She asks, rather amused by my question.


"Why do you make things look so delicious?" Pierce replies simply and I nod my head in agreement, "Yeah! Why is that? It's like everything I look at makes me hungry." I add which causes Ava to laugh.

I like it when she laughs, I like it when everyone is happy. We weren't like this on Daemos... Is it just Earth? Or is it Ava?

"You aren't wrong there Y/n, anyway! Come on, guys! I want to show you everything the festival has to offer!" She announces, grabbing my wrist and leading me away. The guys following behind.

I'm excited to see what she wants to show us! She looks happy. Everyone looks happy.

I like being happy.

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