《My Inner Demons》Hygiene Help (Ch31)


"Nooo! You can't make me Rhys!" I yell as the intellectual announces his most recent idea to everyone.

"It's the best way to conserve our magic y/n. It's not that bad." Rhys replies and I become stroppy and very defiant. Which is new for me, but why not?

"How are we going to keep clean? I don't want to smell like sh-" "That's enough y/n. This isn't negotiable." Rhys says cutting off my complaint. I roll my eyes and leave to my room. This is not going to be fun.

...Time skips brought to you by EA stealing all my money because sims 4 university is coming and I am defenceless...

It's been almost a full week and I can't take it anymore. I've just stopped coming out of my room because I can't handle the smell.

But I'm really hungry.

Ugh! Screw it, I'm going to go eat, messy hair? Don't care! Messy everything? Kinda care. Why did Rhys have suggested not using our magic to keep clean! This is so gross!

I walk out quietly towards the kitchen and thank the gods, no one notices me. I start making a sandwich because that's all I know how to make and as I finish eating it Ava comes out of her room.

Her face instantly recoils in disgust.

"What the?! Why does it smell so bad?!" She asks looking towards the two oafs fighting over the remote. By to oafs, I mean Leif and Asch.

"Hey, time out," Ava says calmly and the boys finally stop fighting. If I'm going, to be honest, the murder show is way better than socky's adventures. I could never tell Asch that though, he'd be fighting with me about it for days.

"What the heck is going on? Why do you guys look so beardy and smell so bad?" She asks Asch and I see this as the perfect opportunity to complain.


"Well Ava, that's because Mr Genius thought it would be a great idea suggest not using our magic to keep clean. So now we all smell and look like trash." I complain rather annoyed at the situation. I don't even want to go back home so what's the point of conserving magic?

"Why?" Ava asks and I feel my facial expression sadden, "Because we need as much magic as we can get to... To leave." I state and Ava's face saddens too. At least she wants us here.

"Will you be leaving soon?" She asks and Asch sighs, "In time..." Does Asch not want to leave too? Wait if most of us don't want to leave then why are we going to leave?!

"Well, let's focus on what's happening right now. What does conserving magic have to do with keeping yourself clean?" Ava asks.

"Well, we can't clean ourselves. We use magic." Leif states and Ava's eyes widen, I catch on to this and look at her curiously I think she told me something about humans and keeping clean before...

"THAT'S RIGHT! Human's don't use magic to keep clean! They have baths and showers! How could I forget!? This whole time I could have been clean, all I had to do was ask Ava for help." I state out loud in realisation, smacking myself on the forehead.

"Ava, can you teach me the ways of, what was the human word? Oh yeah, hygiene! Teach me the ways of hygiene!" I say happily and Ava laughs.

"Sure y/n, come on I'll teach you guys too. Before I do though, would you guys be interested in going to the fall festival?" Ava asks and everyone looks at her with excitement in their eyes.


"You're taking us out?! Heck yeah!" We all say in unison, Ava goes to laugh but is too disturbed by our smell too. Which is understandable. Thank the gods humans don't use magic to clean themselves.

She took us to the bathroom and talked about its sacrality and importance of privacy. She taught the guys how to shave first and Leif cut himself which I found very amusing. He did not. What else is new?

Earth has done something to all of us, Asch is suddenly being really weird and less of a pain. Leif won't stop fighting me on everything. Noi is consistently daydreaming and Rhys just wants ice-cream.

And as for me, I'm in a situation that's completely new to me and out of my comfort zone. A state of confusion. I'm always confused about something, clarity is becoming a rarity and honestly... It scares me.

Never the less, I digress. Put on a happy face and people become oblivious.

When Ava was done teaching the guys to shave she shooed them all out of the bathroom as she was going to teach us one by one how to take a bath and I was first.

Taking a bath was an odd sensation. The water was really nice and warm, the bubbles tickled my bare skin in a rather amusing way.

I looked over to Ava who had her eyes closed. Which I appreciated. I know a lot of Daemos don't value privacy so I'm glad humans do.

She told me to wash the bubbles over my skin and through my hair until all my smell was gone and I felt clean.

I did as I was told and it was surprisingly relaxing. I want to take a bath more often. Better yet I want to know what a shower is like.

"Are you done?" Ava asked, her eyes still closed tightly. "Yep!" I replied, still relishing in the sensations of the bubbles.

"Okay awesome! There's two pieces of cloth next to you, a small one and a larger one. Humans call them towels. When you step out of the bath wrap the larger towel around you so you're covered. Then I'll help you with the small towel which is for your hair." Ava explained and I did as I was told.

In only a few minutes I was dried and changed into my human clothes. Stepping out of the bathroom, feeling cleaner than I ever have before. Magic is one thing but baths are another.

About an hour or so later everyone was washed up. By everyone I mean everyone. Rhys, Noi and Pierce came out of there rooms to see what was happening and Ava had to help them too.

She also explained that a fall festival is like a giant gathering of humans to celebrate fall and all the things that accompany the season.

That's right! I learnt about seasons too! I'm very happy with myself. Woo! Seasons are very interesting. Summer, Fall/Autumn, Winter and Spring. I learnt that the top half of the Earth has opposite seasons to the bottom half. So the bottom half is currently in Spring.

She tried to explain it more in-depth but Ava didn't exactly know the right words so I only learn about that much. It's still interesting none the less!

Once again, that's off-topic. TOO THE FALL FESTIVAL!!

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