《My Inner Demons》Princess For A Day (Ch30)


I'm in the kitchen, minding my own business when there's knocking at the door. Ava said we can't answer it so I'll just leave it alone. Ava taught me how to make a sandwich since she made one for me the other day and I enjoyed it. So I'm making one now.

Asch is in the lounge room watching some weird sock show while the others are in their rooms doing something. I don't know what they're doing and I don't particularly care.

I'm about to bite into my sandwich when the knocking on the door continues. It's getting annoying... But I ignore it.

Asch on the other hand storms up from the couch and over to Ava's room. "PRINCESS AVA THERE IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR!" He yells and I can't help but roll my eyes at his antics.

Deciding to just focus on eating my sandwich he suddenly storms away from Ava's door. "If she won't answer the door, I WILL!" He yells and I drop my sandwich as I watch him storm over to the door.

"Asch no!" I yell running up to him to try and stop him, but he makes it to the door anyway. He's obviously angry so whatever poor soul is at the door isn't going to have a fun time.

He opens the door roughly and growls angrily while making a fireball appear in his hand. He's breaking so many rules!

"Asch you moron! Ava said no scaring the humans!" I yell whacking him on the head as the tiny human screams.

"Now look what you did! The tiny human is scared! Get inside and stop breaking the rules!" I scold him as I shove him back inside the apartment.

"Marlene! Asch, what the heck?!" Ava yells as she comes running out after the tiny human. Asch growls at me and goes to argue but I just turn my back and go into the kitchen to FINALLY eat my sandwich.

Asch goes back to watching the show and everything is just quiet. Too quiet.

As I take the last bite of my sandwich Ava comes bursting into the apartment, "Y/N! ASCH! DAEMOS! LITERALLY EVERYONE! COME HERE PLEASE!!" She yells and I look over to Ava with confusion.

"What's wrong Ava?" I ask walking over to the lounge room, the other guys appear in the room too.


"Okay, I'm going to break this down for you all. I'm going to be babysitting." Ava states and my confused face turns into one of concern.

The boys start bombarding her with questions so I go up to her and quietly ask her, "Ava... Why do you sit on babies?"

Before she can answer Noi asks, "Huh, we never really asked about human babies... Where do they come from?"

My heart stops and my face goes red. I learnt about both Daemos and Human biology. I don't want to explain where babies come from. If I do I'll have to explain how there... Ew. No.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and try to change the subject back to this 'babysitting' thing. But then Noi decides to remember that I studied it! Noooo!!!

"Hey y/n, you studied biology or humans right? Where do babies come from?" He so innocently asks and I chuckle nervously.

"Uhhh, haha. I'm not going to talk about that. Right now we need to listen to Ava. Ava, please continue with what you were saying about sitting on babies." I ask awkwardly and Ava obliges without hesitation.

"So that tiny human Asch scared off earlier is Mrs Oates grandchild. Their name is Marlene and I'll be babysitting her, what that means is I'll be looking after her." Ava explains, and I nod in understanding.

"So in what way would you be looking after her?" I ask, just wanting to clarify what she'll be doing in this time of babysitting.

"Like a parent or guardian, so feeding her, making sure she doesn't hurt herself. The basic stuff." Ava explains. So Marlene is Mrs Oates grandchild, she must come from a very powerful and assertive bloodline.

We all change into our human clothes and hide our horns. Asch and I have to see Marlene because she already saw us. But the others don't have too. Of course, they choose to anyways.

All the guys sit on the couch but I chose to lean on the wall near the

Cray-O-La door, awaiting the arrival of the tiny human.

Ava comes in a few minutes later with the tiny red-headed human from earlier. The child is cute with dark skin and blue eyes. The way she holds herself with such confidence at such a young age is fascinating.


I smile at her as she walks past and she gives me a big toothy grin in return, then she sees the guys on the couch and hides behind Ava slightly, probably spooked that there is some many of them there. She's. So. Cute!

Ava introduces Marlene to the guys before turning around to introduce me. Marlene smiles at me again and says, "I like her Ava. She's pretty."

Her voice is so cute too! How are tiny humans so adorable? "Thanks, kid. Ava, you didn't tell me tiny humans were this cute." I say looking towards Ava. My comment causes the child to blush and giggle sheepishly.


"Hey, y/n? Ava?" Marlene says in a questioning tone, I look over to her and giving her my attention. "Is one of these guys your boyfriend?" She asks I go to deny that sort of relationship status between any of the guys with both me or Ava.

But someone cuts me off.



Did he have to speak?!

"I'm y/n's boyfriend," Asch says, he then realises what he said and covers his mouth with his hand.

I feel my face burning up and I go to deny it but the tiny human speaks, "Oh heck no! He was the one that scared me before. He can't be your boyfriend y/n." Marlene whines and I laugh at her statement. I love this child.

"Well, he's not for starters. And none of the guys are Ava's boyfriend either." I state, the guys look at me with distaste but I just spit my tongue out at them. I'm only being honest.

"Well, one of them can be!" Marlene says before jumping up onto the coffee table and giving the boys a speech about how amazing Ava is and how she only deserves the best. So she came up with a solution, a competition.

She made Ava, herself and me princess for a day and the guys have to do as she says. Whoever she likes the most she'll let them marry Ava. This is going to be one heck of a day...

...Time Skip brought to you by my love for FNAF...

I'm. So. Tired. Those games were not fun, nor were they necessary. I ended up refusing to do a lot of them because I wasn't comfortable doing it. Like she tried to make me go onto Asch's shoulders. No. Not happening.

I'm now collapsed on the floor just wanting sleep to take me. "Psst, y/n." I groan and roll toward the direction of whoever whispered to me.

Only to find myself looking at the second most annoying thing in the world. Noi. "What?" I ask clearly not interested.

"Who do you think won?" He asks, hope in his eyes. I roll my eyes and reply, "I don't care. But probably Pierce." I state, a smirk crossing my face as Noi looks annoyed at me.

He goes to reply but Ava's room door opens so everyone's attention goes towards the door. "Alright everyone I've made a decision. Not just for Ava but for all of you." Marlene smirks and Ava looks at her worriedly.

Marlene coughs to clear her throat and says, "I think the perfect boyfriend for Ava is Pierce." Pierce looks happy and the others go to complain but Marlene quickly shuts them up.

"The next perfect couple I think is y/n and Asch." She states, Leif starts laughing and I glare at him to shut up. Which he does. My death glares can scare your nightmares.

"Lastly, Noi and Leif!" She cheers and I burst into laughter, Leif and Noi look at Marlene confused before processing the information.

Noi sits there completely shocked and confused while Leif starts denying everything. "No! No way! He's so... Well, Noi!" He complains and I just continue to laugh.

"It is true though, I've been wanting you guys to admit you like each other for ages now." I state and Leif explodes, "I would never like him! I'm one of the best fighters on Daemos! He's weak!"

"DID YOU JUST INSULT MY BABY BROTHER!" I exclaim and Leif looks even more annoyed. If that's possible.

"IT'S NOT AN INSULT IF IT'S TRUE!" He exclaims and I ball my hands into a fist in anger. "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK! COME AT ME YOU PIECE OF SH-"

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