《My Inner Demons》Don't Leave Me. (Ch29)


Y/n stood there in shock as the others looked at the situation at hand. After Asch caressed her on the lips he ran into the part of the apartment the Daemos had created.

His emotions were running high, confusion plastered on his face as he recalls what he did. "Why?" Was his only thought.

Noi was too busy celebrating that Ava caressed him on the cheek to notice that his older sister was now standing there in shock. Heck, he didn't even see what Asch did.

Ava saw though, and she took action. Grabbing y/n by the hand Ava took y/n to her room to talk as Ava knew with no doubt in her kind that poor y/n would explode from confusion, doubt and stress.

Rhys and Peirce looked at each other not knowing exactly what to say. Rhys was trying to analyse the situation only for no answer to form in his mind.

Peirce was thinking about Ava's caress on the check as that's all that mattered to the love-struck Daemos.

Leif was in a state of not knowing what to do, he wanted to be mad that Noi was happy about Ava caressing him. He also wanted to be happy Ava caressed him and he wanted to make fun of Asch and Y/n. "Wow, didn't know it did that. Why did he do it though? I'm so gonna make fun of them for it later. Especially because both their faces were bright red. Gods I'm hungry... Noi is way too happy about Ava... This is a long paragraph... Did I just break the fourth wall? Eh." Leif thought before leaving to go find Asch.

Y/n sat on the bed, her mind still in breakdown mode and trying so hard to reboot. But it just can't understand it. Then it does.

Asch caressed me. Prince Asch caressed me. The royal pain in my arse put his lips on mine and then ran. The guy who I've hated since the day I met him. The guy who hated me.

I feel my brain physically load this information and process it. Trying to understand the meaning of this madness.

"Y/n... Are you okay?" Ava asks as my brain finally loads everything and I explode.

"No, I'm not okay! Asch just caressed me!" I reply, my face lighting up like fire and Ava looks at me weirdly.

"Caress?" She asks and I sigh, "It's what Daemos call a kiss. It's not something casually done on Daemos. For someone to caress someone else..." I trail off at the thought and face heats up more.

Oh, my Gods, this can't be happening. Why? Why now? What will happen because of this? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? This is Asch I'm talking about. Of course, it means something.

As much of a moron he is, he doesn't do stuff without reason. Sure what he does is almost always while thinking irrationally and on impulse, but it still has a reason.

But if it means what I think it means then I'm scared. If it means he likes me back. Then I don't want it.

I don't trust him. As much as my heart loves him my brain refuses to believe it. The royal family took me from my school. My home. My mother. And threatened Noi too, just to make me work for them.


He might have had no say in the matter, but it still happened. On top of that, how would that work? Sure we are both people of status but of completely different statutes.

I am the best female assassin on Daemos and in the top five overall genders. That gives me a status in fighting and is the reason why I am his knight.

And that's the thing, I'm his knight. He is the Prince. Two different statutes that don't mix well. Why did he have to go make things so complicated?!

"Y/n... You need to breathe." I here Ava say softly and I finally realise I stopped breathing. My stress is getting the better of me. I really don't like being confused. I was never this confused on Daemos. THINGS MADE SENSE.

I slowly breathe in and out, regaining my thoughts and sighing as I finally realise I don't know what to do now. I don't like not knowing what to do!

"You two should talk. It's obvious neither of you knows how to control your emotions. Well, these emotions in particular. If you both try to ignore your feelings you'll do something you regret or on impulse." Ava says as she comforts me, calming me down.

"You're right. But Daemos don't talk about emotions. Especially these ones. Heck, we aren't supposed to have these ones." I laugh awkwardly and Ava sighs tiredly.

"Go get some sleep and we'll figure stuff out in the morning," Ava explains and I nod in agreement. Quickly and avoiding everyone I run off to my room and shut the door. Tomorrow is gonna be a mess!

I awake at sunrise and I don't want to leave my room. Correction, I refuse to leave my room. I don't wanna see him. I don't wanna see anyone. I just wanna stay in bed and hide.

"Y/n!" I hear a voice say from behind my door... Asch.

Noooooooooooooooo!!! Leave me alone!! I yell in my mind as I groan and roll off of my bed.

"Y/n! You and Rhys have work to do! Open the door!" Asch demands and I sigh in relief. Thank the Gods it's about work. Maybe things will be back to normal?

Opening the door the once normal energy instantly becomes awkward. We both look away from each other and his once demanding tone became nervous.

Well, looks like things won't be normal.

"I-uh..." Asch stutters, before clearing his throat and regaining some confidence. "You and Rhys have to look up more information on Earth. We have to find out as much as possible." He states and I nod in understanding.

"Asch, I've been doing that since we got here. I know more about Earth then you could even grasp." I state confidently and he rolls his eyes, "Whatever. Just get it done."

He walks away and the second he does it's like someone cut the tension with a dagger because it just disappears. Sighing, I shut my door and make my way to the lounge room.

Yes, I learnt the human terms for each room of the house. It wasn't that hard really.

Though when I walk into the lounge room the decor surprises me. What happened? "Uh, guys... What's up with this stuff?" I say pointing to the orange and black decor.


"Huh? When did this stuff get here?" Rhys states as he takes his attention away from the TV. I guess they've been watching more of that.

I look over to see Ava hanging up the decor. Going over to her I tap her on the shoulder, this must-have scared her as she begins to fall off of the ladder.

Quickly I go to catch her but somehow Pierce beats me, "How did you get there so fast?!" I exclaim and he just shrugs putting Ava down.

"Thanks, Pierce, geez y/n you scared me!" Ava chuckles and I apologise for it but she just shrugs it off.

"I'll be right back, I need to dust off." She states, walking to her room. I'll have to ask about the decor when she comes back.

"Hey, y/n?" I hear Leif say in a questioning tone. I hum in response, turning towards him.

"How was Asch's caress yesterday?" He smirks and I lose my ability to breath, my face goes bright red and I'm stuttering beyond belief.

"W-what?! W-why would you ask that?!" My voice cracks and Leif starts cracking up laughing. I refuse to even make eye contact with Asch right now. This is so awkward.

"Wait... What?!" Noi exclaims, looking between me and Asch. Leif just laughs more, "Oh? You didn't know Noi? While Ava gave us a caress on the check Asch caressed y/n... On the lips." He mocked.

Noi gasps and made a squealing noise I didn't know he could make. I look at him with both shock and confusion, his eyes light up. "You two would be so cute!" He squeals and I feel like dying.

"And that's both Asch and y/n out of the running for Ava's hand in marriage," Pierce states blankly and to my surprise, Asch doesn't argue the point. He's just quiet.

"I... Uh... Ava!" I call out to her in hopes she can save me. "What is it y/n?" She asks, Leif goes to say something but I cut him off.

"What is the decor for?" I ask and Leif forgets what he was saying as he is now interested in what Ava has to say. He's so easily distracted and that is very useful sometimes.

"Oh, heh. I guess I should tell you guys. It's October, which means Halloween is coming." Ava explains but I'm only more confused, what is this Halloween?

"Halloween?" Pierce asks and Ava's eyes light up like a light. She must really like this Halloween.

"Yep! And it's when I feel most like myself!" She exclaims. Whatever this Halloween is she must really like it. She explains that it's basically when people have an excuse to be scary and the decorations are for fun.

"Can you eat them?" Rhys asks, "No-no, you can't eat them as they're electric- PIERCE! ASCH!" Ava exclaims. I turn to look at them, only to see them trying to eat the lights.

"No!" Ava yells as she tries to pull it away but to no avail. A big spark hit both of them and they fall over, getting "electrocuted" and breaking Ava's light.

"Great. Now I have to go get a new one." Ava sighs and I look over to her with hope in my eyes. "TAKE ME WITH YOU!" I yell, jumping up from the couch and basically begging to go with.

"Fine. Just let me get changed." Ava explains she leaves to change and the guys glare at me, "Why do you get to go?!" Noi complains and I just spit my tongue out at him.

We get to the shop and I see them selling... Bones? "Ava, why are they selling bones?" I ask and she looks over to me.

"Oh, they're fake bones. For decoration. You know? Spooky stuff!" She explains, I nod in understanding but I'm still slightly confused.

Ava goes back to what she's doing but stops as a thought seems to cross her mind. "Hey y/n, why do you work for Asch?" She asks and I look over to her a little shocked.

"W-why do you ask?" I stutter, no one has ever asked such a question. Most people just ignore it.

"I don't know. It's just you told me before you hated him. Why would you work for him if you hated him?" She asks and I sigh, why does she have to ask that question?

I'll just answer the question honestly, but leave out the parts of... She'd never forgive me if I told her.

"Well to put it simply, I'm one of best in all-round on Daemos, with fighting and education. The royal family found out about me and forced me to be a knight. If I refused they said they'd burn down my school and... And kill Noi. Noi was already a knight there but he wasn't doing as well as they'd hoped... They said if they had me there too they'd spare his life." I explained, sadness filling my facial expression as I recall the encounter.

"I just wanted to be a scholar. As great as I was as an assassin, murder is not something I enjoy. I wanted to teach others. Not..." I trail off, tears threatening my eyes. I hold them back. I can't be weak.

"S-sorry... It's kinda sad." I say laughing awkwardly to release the tension and shake the sad off of me.

"Is that why you have trust issues?" Ava asks and I sigh, "No... I have trust issues because... well..." Taking a deep breath in and out I let out the secret I hold close, "everyone I've ever trusted has let me down at some point, left me alone when I needed them most. Even Noi." I say sadly and I feel someone wrap their arms around me.

I look down at Ava's small figure as she hugs me tightly, making me feel comfort I've never felt before. She releases slightly and looks me in the eyes. "I'll try my hardest not to leave you alone y/n. Friends don't leave each other. And friends don't lie." She states.

Her words hit me hard, a smile grows on my face and I hug her tightly. Spinning her around slightly which makes her laugh.

"Thank you."

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