《My Inner Demons》Did He Really Just- (Ch28)


"How did you get inside?" Ava asks, shocked to see Lorelei inside. How is she inside? No one answered the door.

"The door was open. So I let myself in." She replies simply and this seems to put Ava on edge. I don't like Lorelei, she seems very skilled in making Ava uncomfortable.

"That's called breaking and entering," Ava states, still shocked that Lorelei is in the house.

"Let's be real here. You would just slam the door, in my face, if I didn't let myself in." Lorelei explained. Don't you think Ava would do that for a reason? "Oh hey, it's you guys! I didn't realise you liked to wear your cosplay horns so much! Or was it for something else?"

Lorelei says the last part in a tone that makes Ava's face go red. How and why? "N-no! They were just trying them on... Heh heh haaa..." Ava replies awkwardly.

"Okay, well let's get going to the movies!" Lorelei exclaims, "Movies? Like the ones Ava showed us on the TV?" I ask looking over to the TV as I speak.

Lorelei looks at me shocked, "Have you never been to the movies?!" She asks and I look at her more confused. You can go to the movies? How? They're on the screen. Or is the movies a separate place? Or can you go IN the screen?!

"Yes." Peirce says simply and Lorelei gasps, "What really?! Not even for a date?!" She asks, there it is again. What is a date?

"Is that where you go to have a date?" Leif asks, "Of course!" Lorelei responds and I kid you not all eyes went to Ava. Well, at least I think all of them did...

"I have an idea!" Lorelei exclaims and then everything got weird. Ava attacked Lorelei to, presumably, stop her from speaking.

"What the heck Ava?" Lorelei asks confused and Ava just seems very tense, does she not like the movies? "Fine... We'll go to the movies. You guys need to remove your horns, but do it in my room. That's where the glue removal is." Ava states, rushing the end part as she is really not a good liar.

I guess it would be weird for Lorelei to see us make them disappear.

After we did that and changed into our human clothes, we went out of the apartment and towards this, movies.

When we got there the smell of what I can only describe as pure amazingness hit my nose. "What is that smell?!" I exclaim my eyes shining and my mouth begins to drool.

"Have you guys seriously never been to the movies before?" Lorelei asks again, seeming not to believe that we haven't been here. It must be commonplace for humans.


"No, we haven't, it smells amazing though!" I say excitedly and Lorelei chuckles, "I should have offered to take you guys before." She states asI look around the area.

"Hey y/n?" I hear Asch say in a questioning tone, "Hmm?" I hum in response, not really paying attention as the decor of this building fascinates me. It's dark yet bright at the same time.

"I wanted to say you look cute today." I snap my head towards him, my eyes were weirder than dinner plates. What did he just say?! "H-huh?" I ask, not really knowing how to respond.

"Don't think too much into it. You're still stupid." He says before turning away from me. A light red on his cheeks... Okay, that was weird, but... He called me... Cute.

Lorelei goes to the bathroom, while she's there Ava explains that we can't be weird otherwise people will know we're Daemos. And that we can't use magic.

"Okay, fine. We won't use magic, but when can we properly talk about the marriage?" Leif asks. I don't miss the sadness in Noi's face which he quickly fixes. Of course, Leif brings up marriage again.

"Look, fine. I'll talk about all that later, just not here." Ava demands and they all will hold her to that statement. Honestly, they need to give her a break, marriage seems like a big deal here on Earth.

We are told to stand and look at what Ava called "movie posters" and pick one but don't know what we are supposed to be doing... "Guys, do you know what it is that we are doing?" I ask looking towards the guys. They seem as confused as me.

"No clue Y/n, what are these movie posters?" Noi asks and I decide to whine at Ava for an answer.

"Avvvaaaa!!" I whine, which seems to get her attention. Never fails. "Whaaattttt?" She whines back, causing a smile to appear on my face. Her playful attitude makes me happy.

"What are we doing?" I ask and she thinks for a it before responding, "Well we are watching a movie. It's the same thing we did back at my house expect on a big screen. With better quality and food." She explains and my eyes light up.

"Really?!" Rhys and I exclaim at the same time, I hear a slight growl from behind me but I ignore it. "I mean that's the best way I can describe it. You're just watching people act out a story on screen." She explains further and I feel myself become giddy with excitement. It was fun watching movies at her house. I did not like how I woke up that morning though.

"Is it a real story?" Asch asks and Ava shakes her head profusely, "No no. Just like at my house the stories are fake. It's acting." Ava explains and we nod in understanding.


"So what movie are we going to see?" I ask and Ava explains that she's going to choose. Which I'm fine with.

Looking around again as I like to observe every detail of my surroundings, I see Lorelei seems very broken, "Ah Ava. Lorelei is broken." I state as walking over to the female, "Hellooo?" I say questioningly as I wave my hand in front of her face.

Why is she not responding? Why is she broken?

Lorelei then suddenly grabs Ava and leaves to the bathroom, saying something about girls going together? Is that a normal human female thing?

"Where is princess Ava?" Pierce asks when Lorelei walks out of the bathroom without Ava. "Aww princess~" She coo's in reply. What an odd human.

"Is she okay?" I ask and she turns to me, a smile that seems permanent and forced plastered on her face. Is Lorelei okay? What's with the face?

"She's just using the bathroom." She replies chipperly, "Now. I want to talk to the guys about Ava and kissing." She states and I tilt my head confused.

"Ava has mentioned something about kissing before. What is it?" I ask and the others ask her about it as well. This causes her to look at us wide-eyed.

"What, have you guys ever kissed someone before?" She asks and we all reply with an answer along the lines of no.

"Okay, where are you guys from?! Five hot guys and a chick who is built like a model, haven't had their first kiss and they call a girl princess as well as treat her like she's royalty! Are you guys from a magical land or something?" She states her jaw almost to the floor.

Whats's a model? Why is she using hot in that context? She's just causing more questions than answers.

"It doesn't matter alright. Just listen to me! For as long as I've known Ava, she's never had a date or a kiss. " Lorelei says and Asch looks over to her.

"A date?" He asks and Lorelei looks at us puzzled once again. "Don't tell me you guys don't know what that is either..." She says and surprisingly Leif makes her explain it without us saying we don't know what it is. Smart move on his part.

She explains it as something you do with some you're interested or want to "get with" which I don't understand what she means by that.

But I do understand what she means by having an interest in someone. So a date is something humans do before marriage, to see if they're compatible. They're incredibly evolved compared to Daemos.

"Enough with the words! I just want to know if it stops someone from hating you." Asch states demandingly and in an instant, my brain is in overdrive. He's still not mentioning marrying Ava... He said someone he hates... WAIT A MINUTE-

Before I can confront it, the other guys bring up marrying Ava again. Great. Lorelei talks about how to win her over and all the guys seem to pay extremely close attention to her words.

In summary, the main thing she spoke about was kissing. Which I found is the same thing as caress... Ava said that Asch and I should... AVA WHAT THE ACTUAL-

Before I can have a mental break down Ava comes out and we get popcorn for the movie, which I eat very quickly... It tasted sooo gooood.

During the movie, Asch kept being weird but I ignored it. The way we sat was Leif, Noi, me, Asch, Pierce, Ava then Rhys. I didn't like sitting so far from Ava but Asch forced it.

We ended up getting kicked out of the movies for being loud which was disappointing, I was having a surprisingly fun time making fun of the movie with Asch and Noi getting annoyed at us for making fun of it.

"The movie was fun to make fun of, we should watch another sometime!" I exclaim, "And popcorn is a must." Noi adds and I nod in agreement.

"I'm glad you guys liked it! We should go again sometime, but next time a better movie and let's not get kicked out again..." Ava said, laughing at the fact we actually got kicked out the movies. I'm happy she found it amusing, I'd feel bad if she was upset.

"Can we talk about the marriage now?" Pierce asks, Ava's smile dropping at the question. "Right I said we would talk about that... um..." Ava stops to think for a bit then does something I didn't expect her to do.

She kisses all the guys who were bugging her about marriage on the cheek, so everyone but Asch and me. They all immediately shut up and just as Ava takes that opportunity to leave to her room I feel someone grab me gently and pull me towards them.

Taken by surprise I look up at the culprit and just as I see their face they put their lips on mine. Before I can push them away or even register what just happened they pulled away and run off.

I just stand there. Dumbfounded. He actually did that.

Asch kissed me.

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