《My Inner Demons》Why Do You Care? (Ch26)


I groan as my eyes start to flutter open. I can't remember what happened after I blacked out. Or why I did for that matter. I just feel so... Tired.

"She's awake!" I hear someone say, but it wasn't Ava because the voice was too deep.

"She is?!" And there's Ava. I hear footsteps coming over so I guess she was in a different spot and now she's walking towards me.

Opening my eyes and blinking to get rid of the blurriness I'm met with two faces. Ava and... Asch?

Closing my eyes and shaking my head, thinking I'm just seeing things, I open my eyes again only to realise I'm not seeing things.

My face heat's up at the close proximity and I immediately recoil into whatever soft surface I'm on in hopes to create distance.

"Woah her face just got really red! Are you okay y/n?" I hear Noi ask, looking up more I see Noi looking at me. I must be on the couch as he's looking at me over the back of it.

"I'm fine. What happened?" I ask going to get up, only to be pushed back down by Ava.

"You blacked out randomly, I called Mrs Oates over and told her all your symptoms. She says you were sleep-deprived." Ava explains and I nod in understanding. Sleep-deprived huh? That's new.

"Yeah sounds about right. I haven't slept properly in days and I haven't used my magic to fix that problem either." I say, clarifying that Mrs Oates was correct in the assumption.

"Why would you do that y/n?" Ava asks, worry filling her gaze. I kinda feel bad for making her worry, but I did what needed to be done. Those I care about come first.

Those I care about... I'm a freak, I'm honestly surprised I wasn't killed on Daemos for it. I almost was, but that's not something I wish to re-live...


"Well, I didn't want to use my magic as it's very limited and I didn't want to sleep because I needed to make sure you were getting better and no one was disturbing you," I reply Ava's facial expression turns into a frown. She must not be happy about that answer... Oops.

"Y/n that's not how taking care of someone works! You need to be in top health and taking care of yourself too. Otherwise what use are you being sick as well?" She asks and I tilt my head in confusion. I don't get it, is this not normal?

"But I've always done it like this. When my family was sick, overworked or injured back on Daemos. I would help them to the point I couldn't even move I was so exhausted." I explain and Ava looks at me wide-eyed.

"Why?!" She says in shock and I shrug my shoulders, "I... care about them." I don't like daying that around the others, I was supposed to stop caring.

"Tell me y/n. Have they ever done the same thing for you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, why should they? I only do it for them because I care about them. That doesn't mean they care about me. Daemos aren't really made to care. I'm just... different." At these words, Ava looks so upset. I don't understand why though. Why is she sad?

"Ava, why are you upset? What did I say?" I ask, concern in my voice as I look at her with worry.

"No it's just, here on Earth it's believed that family and friends should care for each other, and that caring goes both ways. When it goes one way or none at all it's considered really, well... Upsetting. Someone you care about so much should care about you back. If they don't then you shouldn't care about them back." Ava explains and I lay there, soaking up her words.


After thinking them over a question comes to mind, "So... Do you care about me?" I ask. Her face lights up and she smiles brightly.

"Of course I care about you." She says happily.

And I got this feeling. I don't know how to describe it. But you know when you've been trying to do something for so long wishing that one day your effort would be recognised, but it never is? And then someone, without even you asking, says thank you for your effort? When some says, without you asking, that they appreciate you? That they care.

I believe that feeling is called being overjoyed. Maybe pride? No, even those words are an understatement for the feeling.

It's pure ecstasy.

Tears threaten my eyes as I hug Ava tightly. I didn't realise how badly I wanted someone to say those words.

Those simple little words. I care about you. Sure Noi might care about me, but not to the extent that I care for him. If both our lives were on the line he would save himself before me... And I would let him.

She was surprised at first, but then happily returned the embrace. "Thank you..." I whispered to her and she hugged me tighter in response.

We were about to pull away, but I hear Asch growl. Curious to why I continued to hug her. Only for a second later to be pried away from her by none other than Asch himself.

"That's enough." He stated plainly, shoving me back onto the couch so I'm laying down again.

"Sleep." He demands and I feel like annoying him a bit, plus I'm curious about why he is demanding that I sleep. Definitely not a command I've gotten for such reasons before.

"Nah, I'm good. You guys wrecked the house so I want to help clean first." I replied, going to sit up again, but he shoves me back down by my shoulder, "No. You need to sleep. Mrs Oates said that's how you'll get better."

"Oh? Why do you care if I get better or not?" I ask and I see him visibly tense at these words.

Turning away from me so I can't see his face he replies, "I don't! I... Uh, I just don't need my knights being weak." He states and I laugh, "Sure Asch. Whatever, I'll sleep. You guys better clean up the mess though."

"Ugh, whatever." He replied and looked back towards me before I closed my eyes I noticed something... His cheeks were pink.

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