《My Inner Demons》They Are So DEAD! (Ch19)


We get to the place of pizza and see Noi and Ava outside. "What are they doing?" Rhys asks as we look at them. Ava and Noi seem to be going red now... Why?

"I don't know..." I reply, staring at the two weirdos. Then Ava extends her hand to Noi and the guys gasp.

"Is sorceress Ava offering her power to Noi?!" Asch asks and I roll my eyes, "No Asch. Whatever they're doing it can't be that. I am interested to see how this goes though," I reply and Asch just groans.

"WAIT. Noi's gone completely red!" I state looking at the two, "Is she trying to kill him?" Rhys asks and Leif burst in excitement, "FINALLY!" He exclaims and I growl.

"Leif! Say one more word and you'll regret it!" I growl and he tries to stifle his laugh. He is so annoying! I'm going to get him back for that...

"Wait he's still alive!" Asch exclaims and I turn my attention back onto Noi and Ava.

They seem to be talking, but they're still holding hands and their faces are also still bright red. I'm so confused. They're embarrassed? Hmmm... I have an idea...

"So, their faces must be bright red due to embarrassment. They're also holding hands so physical contact which if my studies are correct, humans increase physical contact when liking someone. So my best bet is they're holding hands to make it look like they like each other." I state and just as I had hoped I get a reaction...

"WHAT?! Noi can't like Ava!" Leif exclaims and I smirk at him, "Whys that Leif?" I ask in suggestive tone and he growls at me, trying to hide how flustered he is.

"B-because I uh... I like... Um... AVA! I like Ava!" He exclaims, hiding his real crush from everyone. But I'm not blind Leif... Daemos are easy to read.


Andrew and Devon come back out and are also doing something weird. It seems they are whispering to each other... Why though?

They go inside and we all walk up to the window near Ava and Noi to watch them closer, but we can't hear anything.

"This is no use! I can't hear a single thing going on!" Rhys complains as he tries to listen closer to their conversations. "Then we're going in." Asch states as he begins walking inside. This is not going to end well...

I get inside and groan at the utter lack of manners that Noi has. I tried to teach him some back on Daemos but he wasn't interested... I wish I pushed more with it. This is embarrassing.

Humans seem to value manners, especially in public areas.

Noi and Ava leave somewhere and come back a while later, the others didn't see where they went but I did. I decided not to tell the others as I want them as far away from this as possible.

It seemed to be a room of privacy other humans wanted to use too, but not all at once. Kinda like the death room, or bathroom as Ava calls it.

Noi and Ava come back and sit down at the table again, "There they are!" Leif states as if we were on a wild chase and found our target.

"Where were they?!" Asch yells confused. I just stay silent.

"Noi, uh tell me, what kinda job do you have?" Andrew asks Noi and looks more confused. "Job?" Noi responds and Ava laughs nervously.

This whole ordeal is just emanating awkward tension so thick it's basically screaming someone 'help me'.

"What's a job?" Leif asks and I think for a minute, "I believe it's something humans do to earn that green and gold stuff called money." I answer and Leif nods trying to understand but I know full well he doesn't have a clue about what I was saying.


"So dad, how is your campaign going?" Ava asks Andrew. Andrew looks at her both confused and kinda saddened. I wonder what a campaign is.

"Have you not been keeping up with it Ava?" Andrew asks and Ava looks nervous out of her mind once again.

"I-I've been busy looking for a job and stuff..." Ava replies. So Ava doesn't have this job the humans talk about. Is that why she doesn't have a lot of money? It sounds plausible.

"What's a campaign?" Noi asks and Andrew looks as if he had just been stabbed by these words. Devon tries to comfort his distressed husband and Ava turns to Noi seemingly stressed.

Everything is stressed.

"Uh Noi, my dad's running for City Council. It's like being in charge of a lot of humans." Ava explains and the others gasp.

"Did you hear that?" Rhys asks in shock. "Ava's father is in charge of all the humans," Asch states also taken aback from the new discovery.

I realise what he said and start to panic, "No Asch, they didn't say all the-" I get cut off by Leif, "That makes her..." "A princess" Pierce finishes his sentence and I start to panic more.

"No guys you miss heard! Ava's father doesn't run all the human he's only in charge of a few-" I try to explain again but I'm cut off. It's obvious they don't care about what I'm saying in the slightest.

"Noi cannot have this opportunity!" Asch demands and he walks over to Ava, "No Asch! She's not-" "Now this is my chance!" Leif yells cutting me off.

"No guys stop you aren't-" I try talking again, but Rhys and Peirce walk over to Ava too. All of them have completely lost their mind.

I run over to her and turn myself visible, "Ava the guys have gone nuts you need to leave before-" Asch becomes visible and appears next to me, cutting me off from my sentence.

"Asch no she's-" I try to stop him from making the situation worse but he cuts me off... I'M GONNA KILL EVERYONE IF THEY KEEP DOING THIS! UUUGGGHH!!!

"Ava, Noi is clearly a lesser suitor for you," Asch states pushing me out of the way.

"I would kill for her!" Leif yells, making himself visible too. "You both need to stop," Pierce says to Noi and Ava. I groan, "You're all moronic! Leave her alone before you stress everyone in this place out!" I exclaim trying to get them away from Ava, but to no avail.

"Why are you all approaching her?! Traitors!" Asch exclaims, "This is E-earth, you know what that means!" Leif yells back and I just hold my head in my hands.

"You're all stupid!" I exclaim trying to stop this situation, but it's already gone too far now.

Next thing I know Ava faints. Again, "Ava!" I exclaim and run over to her. "Look what you morons did! You stressed her out, AGAIN! This is not how you should behave in this world!" I yell at then and Asch growls at me.

"How would you know! You've been here just as long as us!" He snaps back and I stand up to face him, "Maybe because I actually pay attention to things instead of being an overdramatic jerk who needs to take anger management classes!" I yell and Asch goes to yell back but I cut him off.

"No! Everyone outside now where we can actually discuss why you're all morons!" I shove them all out of the place of pizza. I'm so done with this.

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