《My Inner Demons》Courting (Ch18)


"They went out to what Ava called a date. When I asked about it she said she'd explain it better later, but in short, it's what humans do to see if they like each other enough to court each other. They go on multiple though and some humans can go on hundreds and it doesn't always end in a courting so I doubt Noi can court her." I say casually as I walk into the room that Rhys created off of the apartment.

This is the biggest mistake I ever made.

"They're what?!" Everyone says in bewilderment and I look at them all confused, "Huh?" I respond not really knowing how I can answer that as I just told them two seconds ago and I know they heard me.

"Wait, if Noi can court Ava than maybe we can get her magic..." Rhys mumbles in thought, Asch only grows angry.

"Why does he get to court Ava?! He can't be trusted with such a task!" Asch exclaims and I growl at him, "Then who are you saying is more fit than my brother Asch?!" I snap back.

He glares daggers at me, once again if looks could kill we would have killed each other years ago. "I'm better fit to court Ava!" He yells shoving past me to go into Ava's apartment.

I feel a slight pain in my chest at these words, I don't know why though. Maybe it's because he insulted Noi? No they all do that a lot and it never happened before. Maybe it's just my need to protect Ava.

I'm gonna go with that.

We all follow him out of the room and into the apartment to stop him from doing something stupid.

"We need to trust Noi to do this! If you go and disrupt it then you could cause more problems!" I argue, making Asch stop walking.


He turns to face us and looks at me annoyed, to be honest, though when doesn't he look annoyed? "Asch is right y/n. It should be someone Asch can trust with Ava." Pierce adds. I go to argue back but Noi being the lowest ranking, I don't really have anything to argue. Ugh, stupid ranks.

"Right, that person should be me! Noi hesitates to kill and Asch you haven't killed enough!" Leif yells and I smirk, "If we're going off kill count you know I'm better Leif." I say in a cocky tone and Leif groans.

He has a higher killstreak, most silent kills etcetera, but I have the highest kill count overall. Something I will never let him live down.

"You want to court Ava y/n? Is that why you're being so defensive?" Rhys asks and I laugh, "No I don't, but if, one she's happy to court me and two keeps you, buffoons, away from her then I would." I state and Asch growls at my response.

"What's your obsession with keeping us away from her?" Asch asks angrily and then it hit me... Why do I want to protect her?"

"I don't know. The best way I can describe is I feel the same way with her that I do with Noi. It's just a need to protect them." But why though? I know with Noi it's because he's family, but now that I've met Ava I'm not so certain.

Do I care about them? Daemos don't really care for things such as love and caring... Do I care about them? Enough that I would kill for them and have for Noi many times. Is that what 'caring' is?

"Either way, Noi may be a lesser option on Daemos, but here on Earth, he seems to have the advantage. Humans seem less suspicious of him." Rhys explains and I nod happily in agreement.


"It doesn't matter! We're going to go ensure Noi doesn't fail. And if he does, we'll take his place." Asch states and I look at him wide-eyed.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask, knowing he's going to- Asch quickly hides his horns and turns himself invisible -waste his magic. Uuuggghhhh!!!

"Your Majesty! Don't use your magic so recklessly, we can't-" Rhys tries to stop Asch but Leif cuts him off.

"I'm all for that!" He exclaims, hiding his horns and turning invisible the same as Asch.

"You morons!" I say to them as I do the same, what? I can't let those idiots go and do something stupid.

I hear Rhys's protests but I'm too stubborn to listen. I need to make sure they don't do something idiotic because lord knows they will.

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