《My Inner Demons》Understanding (Ch7)


We walk back into the living space and put down the bags, "Nothing seems to be missing which is kinda disappointing because otherwise, I would have been able to call the cops with a good reason instead of a crazy one." Ava says looking around the room.

She really doesn't like that we're here. And these cops she mentions so to be some sort of protector as she mentions them in only situations where she needs assistance.

"Speaking of which, where are they?" Ava continues, then I hear someone faze through the wall, quickly I turn to the sound and I see Rhys walk through it, that means they set it up! Sweet!

"Prince Asch. This way." Rhys says walking back through the wall. "They set it up!" Noi exclaims following Asch into the new living space that Leif and Rhys created. I follow them too excited to see the new space.

I walk in and the space is huge! It's a very nice design too! Lot's of gold, blue and white. The architecture definitely feels more familiar. "What do you guys think?" Leif asks as we look around, "Wow! excellent job Rhys and Leif! It looks amazing!" I say looking at the place in awe.

"Th-thanks y/n." Leif stutters, odd. He doesn't usually stutter. I turn to Ava who has also walked through the wall which Rhys collected to Ava's living space.

Ava looks shocked out if her mind, I guess this sort of thing isn't common on Earth. "Th-this can't be happening..." She sighs before fainting and landing harshly on the floor.

"Ava!" I exclaim as I run-up to her, worried if she fainted or if the walk through the wall affected her. Checking her vitals I find that, thankfully, she's okay. "Good, she's still alive. Why does she do this so much?" I ask looking towards the guys. They just shrug.


Picking her up gently, her lightweight catching me off guard, Daemos are quite heavy in comparison. I carry her to a nearby couch and place her down. "She needs to stop doing that. It makes her very vulnerable." I say studying her facial expression. It becomes a habit when you're a scholar of other species and their behaviours, study everything.

"Do you like staring at her or are you just weird?" Leif asks and I roll my eyes. "I'm trying to study her facial expression! The quickest way to learn about another species is by studying their behaviour. So that's what I'm doing." I snap at him turning back to Ava.

"You called her Ava earlier, is that her name?" Rhys asks and I shrug. "I heard a female human she called Lorelai call her Ava. So I'm guessing that's her name." I respond.

"You're very observant. It will hopefully make this mission much easier." Rhys adds, "That's why I was made a knight, is it not?" I reply, still studying Ava.

"Good point, what have you found out about her?" He asks walking over to me and looking at Ava too.

"She is good at creating lies but terrible at executing them. She also doesn't seem to like other humans and gets uncomfortable around them. She mumbles the end of her sentences a lot and she and the other humans have described us, mainly you guys, as 'hot' which I'm still trying to figure out." I reply listing off the main things I know about her so far. Rhys nods listening to what I'm saying when Ava suddenly wakes up.

Quickly I back off, not wanting to alarm her, "This isn't a dream still." She says sitting up and looking at us.


"Here, maybe this will help you." Pierce says handing her a box of 'munches crunches' that he must of taken from the convenience store from earlier.

"Where did you get this?!" Ava asks looking at him in shock. "I took it." He replies bluntly. This seems to make Ava mad, I wonder why. Hmmm...

Well, every time she took something from the mall she gave another human the green stuff for it. Maybe the green stuff gives her permission to take it and because Pierce didn't do that he didn't get permission. That's the only logical thing I can think of anyway.

"Without paying?!" Ava asks sounding angry. "Paying?" Pierce asks. Paying must be the term for giving other humans the green stuff in order to take the items she wants. It has to be... I really can't think of anything else.

"Alright, I'm good. I'm good for today, you guys learnt about the mall, I got to pretend to be a magic wizardy sorcerer and you guys stole stuff. Cool, I'm just gonna go return these and ah, for now just give me some time to figure out what I want to do next. Like, leave me alone for today or something. Just to clear my mind. Bye." She says rather annoyed before walking off.

Okay, so I think that paying is the term for using the green stuff to get things, and stealing is the term for not using the green stuff to take things. And stealing, based off of her tone, is a bad thing. What did she call the green stuff again? Money? Eh, I can't remember.

"What happened?" Leif asks and Asch seems angry, "Nothing! That's what! She said she-" Rhys cuts Asch off before Asch explodes in anger. "Patience your majesty. Trust her for now, she may be our only way to learn more about the humans. Y/n, did you learn anything from what she was saying?" Rhys asks and I nod.

"I believe the green stuff Ava has is called 'money'. And money is used to get things from stores which is called 'paying' and if you don't use the money to get the stuff from stores then that's called 'stealing'. And from the tone of voice, she used I'm guessing stealing is bad." I explain and I guess that's how it works. But where does she get this money?

At least I'm understanding something. It won't be long until I understand this world. Right?

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