《Dirty Little Secret || KTH ✓》14



"What if I say this car is no other than Yours?" Jungkook said as he pierced his eyes at the man in front of him.

For a moment Taehyung's eyes darkened and seeing those eyes anybody could've faint. He looked psychotic for a second. But then a smile appears on his face, a sarcastic one.

"And what makes you accuse me that?"

"This car is yours, the gate CCTV footage clears it. You got out from this car"

"then it's mine, but from which angle does it look like the same car that the culprit ran away in? they ran off so we didn't see if they used a car neither did they showed up again. and then this car appeared in which apparently I got off from so it can be a coincidence, correct me if I'm wrong" taehyung explained, hands on pockets as he flickered a casual smile.

"Umm... I-" Jungkook had nothing to say. Really it could be any car. There's no proof of it being the killer's car.

"And how can you be so sure that the killer owns a car? I don't see anywhere he's showing us he owns a car so why?" Jungkook had shut up by then. He wasn't able to answer him. He wasn't sure if that killer owns a car or not but his guts told him this killer had a car. And before he could speak Jin spoke.

"Kid, sit down. Let me handle this" Jin ordered as he gestured the man to sit. the male glared at Taehyung one more time and saw how a grin was on his face, calling him a failure.

"We still don't know if this is the same car as the killer's, so we would request you Mr Kim to not leave this city for a while" Jin said and he nodded nonchalantly.

And you sat there all confused. You had clench your fist so hard that you fear your palm may bleed from your nails. Jungkook was accusing Taehyung. Your love of life. It was last night when you suspected him and now Jungkook. What would be going inside his mind, you wondered.


"until next time then" Jin and Jungkook took leave and Namjoon gave you both a small smile before following them. And you could see Jungkook looking at both of you blankly before he finally left.

What was he thinking? You again wondered.

Taehyung was about walk out before you grabbed his wrist, halting him as he turned his head to look at you. his eyes weren't lovable or enthusiastic, they were tired.

You heart sank seeing that look on his face. after all, this all happened because of you.

"Tae... I-"

"You wanna talk? Let's go then" he completed your words and a little smile formed on your lips finally having his approval.

with that both of you got on his car as he drove off to his place. Arriving at his house, your lips parted as you took a glance of the place you visited countless of times. Admiring the richly vintage style home which had a small yet beautiful garden in front of it you two stopped in front of the door as he pressed his thumb on the scanner and the door opened before you two walked in.

"Tea, coffee or Juice?"


"I'll make coffee for both of us then" he said and you sigh remembering he knows you like coffee.

You took a seat on the couch, your eyes on the man who entered the open kitchen beside the dining room, as he began to make the coffee you admired how he just stood there oh so focused, his lips parted as his eyes glued down as he poured the coffee in the cup.

He just stood there and made coffee yet he looked so innocent, so angelic. How can a person this beautiful even exist? and how could he be a part of your miserable life? you wondered.

You sat upright and averted gaze on something else as you saw him coming back with two cups. When he sat beside you, you looked at him again and mouthed a thank you when he handed you the cup of hot coffee. All sudden feeling kinda nervous since it was probably the first time he looked so tired and just, done with everything.


after all, he always seemed so happy and cheerful that his this awfully dull side caught you off guard.

"How's the coffee?" He broke the awkward silence and you shifted your gaze from the coffee to him.

"It's great as usual"

"I'm sorry" he said out of the blue and you almost spit out the coffee but luckily it got stuck in your mouth.

"For what?"

"For not receiving your calls last night and ignoring you this morning. I was mad at you.... I know it was so silly of me to do that but you should know I was hurt by your words..."

"Don't be sorry, I'm sorry for asking you that... For me you got accuse today. For me you are stuck in this situation. For me you are hurt, everything is my damn fault" You said as you looked inside the mug not able to control the guilt.

"Why are you sorry? Was it your fault That guy tried to rape you? Was it your fault he was killed? Was it your fault that killer has a damn black fucking car? Was it your fault that Jungkook assumed it to be my car? Why you have to blame yourself when you are the one who's suffering?!" He says as he clenched the mug in his hand and his vein popped up. His face and neck going tint red and his eyes raging with fire.

He looked angry.

"I know... But why you should be accuse of something like that? I'm sorry tae... I'm sorry" you almost sobbed, so much drama was overwhelming at this point. It was fine until it was about you only, but now taehyung is involved which pains you in whole so much.

who else could you blame for dragging him in this mess?

"Y/N, I can handle anything for you and what you have to do is just stay strong and not blame yourself for every fucking thing" he let out as he placed the mug with a loud thud on the table. It starlet you but made you happier than ever. He was being like this for you.

He was fighting for you.

"What would I do without you tae?" You sighed as you hugged him and cried out.

"No one can hurt you. NOT ANYMORE" He hugged you back and stroked your hair softly. After a while when you were at ease you looked at him with sparkly eyes.

"Let's cuddle tae" you said to him and he smirked.

"I'm in mood for something more"

"Yaaah I'm tired now. It was only last night so calm your raging hormones" you hit his chest lightly and he giggled.

"Okay okay" he ruffled your hair and scooped you in his lap and with that you both cuddled like puppies and kittens.

It was midnight when Taehyung's eyes opened. He yawned and saw you sleeping on his chest peacefully. He smiled to himself as he kissed your forehead and carefully scooped you in his embrace and took you to his bedroom. After placing you on his bed he looked at you. He couldn't take his eyes off you and stared at you like you was the most precious thing to him.

And then his jaw clenched recalling how you cried, how helpless you looked. It wasn't your fault still you had to deal with all this.

"I guess I need to talk with this Jungkook guy now" he thought to himself and a grin appeared on his lips.


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