《Dirty Little Secret || KTH ✓》10



You had no idea. What was going and what's coming next. Heechan died and now everyone was suspecting you. They didn't tell you but their eyes told everything. The people inside the office was looking at you like people look at a murderer. You felt insecure under their gazes.

"Tae... You should go now" you spoke shortly trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why? Don't you dare to push me away. I know they all are thinking about you as a murderer and you know. I've told you already babe.... Fuck em"

"I can't... I do-don't even kn-know how we are gonna find the killer... Do I need to live my whole life with a murderer label?" Your voice cracked.

A moment of silence filled up between you two before he walked off.

"Where are you going?"

"To do some work" and then he slammed the door behind him.

You sigh heavily before you sat on a chair letting all the tears come out.


"Can I come in?"

"Yes" Namjoon laid his eyes from the laptop to the person in front of him. He smiled and signalled him to sit.

"How are you doing taehyung?"

"How am I supposed to be when everyone is accusing Y/N for something so cheap?" Taehyung slammed his fist on the table.

"Calm down gentleman. No one is accusing her. And I know she didn't do it. People will say what they want so ignore them" Namjoon sighs.

"Close this case"

"Excuse me?"

"Close this damn case right now!"

"Why? Are you afraid of something?" Namjoon eyed the man in front of him.

"Do you want me to cancel the biggest project for your company namjoon?" Taehyung smirked and namjoon had become pale.

"What has gotten into you? Maybe we are just business partners but I never saw you like this. Tell me the matter"


"Will you close this case for me? For your friend? You won't right? So I need to bring business in this" taehyung said resting his chin in his palm.

"I can't taehyung. Even if I have to cancel the project. What's the reason you're trying to close this case to begin with?"

"Y/N is suffering..."

"I promise she will not in future. Someone died taehyung. It's not a small issue"

"Fine. Make sure Y/N is outta of all this either I'll be forced to use my powers" taehyung stood up and walked away.

"What's gotten into him?" Namjoon rubbed his forehead in worry and frustration.


You walked to your home. Alone. You didn't want to stay at office but had to. If not it will be like you were running away from everything. You didn't want to be weak. When you're alone you don't have to be strong.

Maybe that's why so many people like to be alone.

But you didn't want to be alone, you wanted to be with taehyung. But you pushed him away earlier. So you can't go to him right now. You feel guilty to behave like that with him but you had no choice. You didn't want him to see your helpless side. yet here you are, missing him.

As you walked, thinking about him someone placed their hand on your shoulder.

Just like that day when Heechan placed his hand on your shoulder. The memories started to rush in your mind. All the blood, shooting and him laying on the floor lifelessly. You screamed and fell on the road trying to run away.

"Please don't touch me! I'm sorry!" You cried out before you heard his voice. whose you wanted to hear.

"Y/N? It's me taehyung... What happened baby?" He scooped you in his embrace and you couldn't control anymore. You broke down in his chest crying your heart out.


"I didn't kill him tae! I didn't! Believe me!"

"I know baby... Everybody has to repent their sins and maybe Heechan is also repenting them" he stroked your hair making you calm.

"Let's go home" he made you stand up, you avoided his gaze facing the floor. And then you felt his finger lifting your chin making you look at him. The tears in your eyes were flowing and slipping out.

"Don't look at me... I'm looking pathetic" You chuckled as you wiped off the tears.

"Come with me" he grabbed your hand and took you in his car driving off to who knows where.

"Where are you taking me?" He didn't answer you and you decided to shut your mouth.

after quite a while of car ride, you guys stopped in front of a lake. getting out of the car made your body chilly as the windy cold air hit your face, kind of calming your restless mind.

you inhaled and exhaled the fresh air while taehyung stared at you with a smile, watching you be carefree just like before.

You looked at him as he grabbed your hand and intertwined his hands with yours. Both of you walked to the bank of the lake and sat down on the grass. It was cold but so much relaxing.

"You know Y/N? This was the second home for me in my childhood. My dad used to scold me a lot when I was a kid. Everybody used to call me weird because I used to make weird faces and was weak at everything. My mom was okay with me and always supported me in everything but dad always used to scold me and tell me to become responsible...." He paused for a moment as you caress his hand with your other hand. After giving a smile he continued.

"My grandma was the best. She never told me to stop doing what I do. Actually she encouraged me to do what I like. I used to like planting trees and stay alone. My parents were really not happy me doing something so stupid. From their view actually... But grandma used to buy me a lot of plants and seeds. She used to say that I should do what I want and be a good man. Help every helpless persons..."

"But I couldn't be a good man as grandma wanted me to" he whispered and you didn't heard him and he continued.

"I used to come here every day. some day with my grandma and some day alone... One day I came here and sat down, crying alone. Grandma came to find me as she knew I would be here and sat beside me. I noticed her and tried to not cry and guess what she said?"


"She told me to cry" he smiled again. "She told me it's okay to cry because that makes us strong and after crying we look pretty" both of you burst out laughing.

"So don't ever stop crying and call yourself pathetic. This world is cruel enough and you're living and fighting for yourself. That's the thing that matters." He held your hands more tightly.

moments like these felt surreal to you. you felt like you were in heaven with him. he wasn't happy either but still wanted to comfort you. someone like him was an absolute blessing in your life.

tears blurred your vision as you began crying out loud, in his arms you cried your heart out.

after a while you stopped crying and looked into his eyes. They were so soft and pure. You leaned down and kissed him.

"What would have I done without you tae? Thanks... Thanks for everything" he smiled and hugged you tightly.

Admiring the moonlight falling on the calm flowing lake you both shared warmness.


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