《How Cale Henituse Changes His Future》Chapter 30: Helping Those in Needs


The next morning, Cale was seen wearing a fancier clothes than his usual simple ones. This was the result of him getting his clothes dirty yesterday.

Cale crossed his arms with a frown as he remembered what happened yesterday after he got back to the inn.

"Young master, how could you dirty your clothes to this extent? Even if I wasn't with you, how could you go rolling around in the mountain?" Hans complained

'That was just a sarcasm I told Choi han, for goodness sake!' Cale facepalmed.

He ignored Hans's whining and walked faster to his room. He saw from the corner of his eyes, how the vice captain looked like a pitiful puppy.

'Why is he looking at me like that?' Cale sighed.

"Young master, since you brought me with you and still managed to ruin your attire like this, you won't reject how I'll dress you up tomorrow, will you?" Ron spoke out with a warm smile once they got to Cale's room

Cale shivered. "Please just don't overdressed me."

"Of course, I'll make sure you look good."

This wasn't the reason Cale frowned, though.

They were standing in front of the inn. Cale was standing there with his arms crossed and looking at Choi Han. "You're going to go like that?"

Choi Han had a small bag and his sword with him. "Yes."

There was no special feast or farewell party for the leaving Choi Han. Neither Cale nor Choi Han wanted something like that. That was why this farewell was pretty small as well.

Cale, the kittens, Hans, Ron, Beacrox, and the Vice Captain. That was it. The fact that the Vice Captain was there was a bit odd, but he was standing there with a frown like Cale as he said his goodbye.

"Sigh." Cale sighed before taking a small bag out of his pocket and throwing it toward Choi Han.

Choi Han easily caught the bag. Choi Han recognized the bag. It was the same size as the bag that Cale had given to the Black Dragon.

Choi Han opened the bag to find potions and other types of useful items inside. Choi Han lifted his head from the bag and looked toward Cale.

Cale just bluntly spoke when they made eye contact. "What? Didn't I told you to look after yourself? You have to come back safely."

Choi Han just smiled.

"Take care." Cale said that with a stoic face and turned around. He hated saying goodbye.

"Yes, Cale-nim. I will be back soon."

Choi Han's response, that seemed to contain a bit of joy, gave Cale the warmth, but he did not look back. Choi Han felt that it was very much like Cale not to look back. His gaze then turned toward the rest of the group.

"See you at the capital!"

"Ahem. I will be training myself so that I will be able to protect the young master when we are at the capital. Don't worry."

Deputy butler Hans cheerfully said his goodbye, while the Vice Captain responded in a very determined voice.

"I will keep my blade sharpened."

"See you later."

Beacrox and Ron said goodbye as well. Of course, the kittens patted Choi Han's leg with their paws to say goodbye.

Finally, the Black Dragon, that had been using invisibility magic to stay by Cale's side, sent some invisible mana to Choi Han.


"I've already received so much, but I seem to keep being on the receiving end." Choi Han put the magic bag in his pocket before starting to smile.

Cale could not see it because his back was turned, but this was the first time the rest of them saw Choi Han with such a bright smile.

"I will see you all at the capital." Choi Han respectfully said goodbye before heading out of the inn.

Someone like him, who had spent tens of years in solitude that felt even worse than death, now had somewhere to return to. He also had people he needed to protect at all cost.

'I need to make sure to properly complete this task and return to my home.'

Choi Han walked away from Cale and the rest, and headed out of Puzzle City.


The next morning, Cale's group got on the carriage and prepared to leave Puzzle City as well.

"Young master, we are ready to go."


Cale nodded his head at Ron's words, and Ron quickly closed the window and got the carriage to start moving. They were starting back on their journey.

After a day's worth of travel, they were now getting ready to make camp.

"Excuse me, if it is okay, may we share a part of your campsite?"

A carriage arrived by Cale's campsite area, and the person that seemed to be the driver got off and approached the Vice Captain.

"May I ask who you are?" The Vice Captain asked, even though he already knew the answer after seeing the red snake on the driver's armor.

The driver bowed to the Vice Captain and Cale behind him and introduced himself. "My name is Tom, and I am a part of Marquis Stan's estate."

'Oh he's here.' Cale smiled as he looked at the shabby looking carriage without a crest.

The window opened and Cale could see the face of Taylor Stan. "My name is Taylor Stan. I saw Count Henituse's crest, and am asking for help, even though I'm sure it is not ideal."

If it is the strong Count Henituse's campsite, Taylor thought he would be safe for the night. 'But it might not be so good in the young master Cale's eyes.'

Taylor could recognize Cale from his red hair, it's a unique red color. And the only Henituse with redhead is Cale Henituse.

Cale had now met Marquis Stan's eldest son Taylor and the crazy priestess Cage officially.

He thought about the little Dragon that would be hunting a boar or deer for him right now and started to frown.

'Dragon needs to be kept a secret, he could be in danger if someone knew about him and the news leaked to someone from the secret organization.'

"Sigh" Cale could not help but let out a sigh. He felt like he had to many things to be careful about.

He dropped his head before lifting it back up again. Once he did, he could see that it had become much quieter. Cale thought the silence was odd, and looked toward Hans.

Hans smiled awkwardly, before stealthily gesturing toward the driver, Tom, and Taylor, who was looking out of the carriage window.

Taylor had a bitter smile on his face as he started to speak. "If it is inconvenient for your party, we will leave."


The eldest son of the Marquis family, and the son who was pushed out of the family. After his legs became paralyzed, Taylor's life turned 180 degrees overnight, from one of luxury and power, to one where his family gave him just the minimal amount of support needed to survive.

Those nobles, who knew that anyone other than the successor to the Marquis title in the Stan family would die immediately, started to avoid Taylor, finding him to be an annoyance. They even purposefully ignored him in front of Venion or the other siblings to try to curry their favor as well.

The current Taylor's situation was even worse than that of a bastard son of a baron's family.

Taylor knew about Cale, the trash of the Henituse family. Even someone like Count Henituse, who did not join a faction, could find it uncomfortable to associate with someone like him.

They were all like that after his body became paralyzed. Taylor had remembered the reality of the situation after hearing Cale's sigh.

But at that moment.

"Why would you leave?" Cale walked toward Taylor's carriage with a stoic expression he tried to keep on his face. "This isn't my property. I wouldn't do something so childish when we are both fellow travelers."

Cale and Taylor made eye contact with each other.

Cale then quickly peeked inside Taylor's carriage. 'Oh, that's Cage. Did the God of Death told her anything about me? I wonder.'

Cale had also read about how her curses were really scary. Some people even said her curses were at the level of a necromancer, the cursed profession.

Cale turned his gaze away from Cage and reached his hand out. "I am Cale Henituse of the Henituse family."

Taylor gazed at the hand reaching out to him from outside the carriage. He then looked back at Cale's stoic expression.

Click. Taylor opened the carriage door. Proper etiquette indicated that he should step out of the carriage to return the greeting.

"It is difficult for me to step out because of my legs."

"I am aware. Isn't that why I come to you?"

Taylor looked once more toward Cale, who was considerate that he did not care about the proper etiquette, and shook his hand. It was just a short handshake.

"Thank you for your consideration, young master Cale. This is my companion, priestess Cage-nim. She is a follower of the God of Eternal Rest."

"Nice to meet you, young master Taylor, priestess Cage-nim."

Cage gracefully greeted him like a proper priestess. "Nice to meet you, young master Cale. My name is Cage. May the peace of the night always be with you."

'Peace of the night.' That was the general greeting those who served the God of Death gave to the public.

'She's acting all nice and innocent, even though she finds that to be so annoying. That is the number one reason she wants to be excommunicated.' Cale cracked a smile and threw her a statement. "I do not believe in god."

Cage's gaze became curious. Her gaze seemed to be asking what kind of crazy thing Cale was saying to a priestess, but Cale welcomed it. Cale just wanted her to keep thinking that he was a trash.

"You are an interesting person."

"I guess you're right." Cale just casually responded to her statement and looked around the carriage.

It was extremely shabby for the eldest son of a Marquis. Just one knight, a subordinate, who also served as the driver, and the two of them, Cage and Taylor.

'I'm sure he's out of money as well. Hmm, I should prepare a portion for him too, I guess.'

Taylor probably spent a lot of money putting magic tools around the Puzzle City residence. Since he was not getting much help from the Marquis, he wouldn't really have any emergency funds to use. He was probably doing everything he could to reduce his expenses.

Taylor closed his eyes to hold back the shame while watching Cale looked through his carriage.


"At your service, young master."

Cale vaguely gave an order to the approaching Hans. "Help them out. Set up a separate meal for them and set up a campsite next to our as well."

"Yes, sir" Hans smiled happily.

"And don't look for me. You take care of everything." Cale made sure they wouldn't feel awkward getting help from him. 'Taylor must feel ashamed to get help from a trash like me. The least I could do is get out of his sight.'

"Yes, sir. I will serve them like I am serving you, young master."

"Whatever. Go bring me some alcohol." Cale then slightly bowed toward Taylor as he said goodbye. "Then I will go back to my carriage, young master Taylor."

"Thank you for your benevolence, young master Cale."

"It was nothing." Cale turned away from Taylor, who had a curious look on his face. He then immediately headed back to his carriage without looking anywhere else.

Of course, he gave an order to the Vice Captain who was walking by his side. "Looks like they only have one knight. Vice Captain, you take care of their guard duty as well."

"Yes, young master."

Cale verified what the Vice Captain had said to Taylor's knight before getting back on the carriage. It was regarding guard duty at night.

Cale verified the knight's expression turning bright before he got back onto the carriage.

The door closed with a loud click. This made everyone turn their gaze toward the closed door of the carriage with the golden turtle crest, before returning to do their duties.

Only Taylor and Cage, who didn't really have anything to do right now, just continued to stare at the closed door.

Cale was smiling right now. 'It's good to act like a trash once in a while.'

"Cale, I've just remembered something."

"Those two said something that night."

The kittens, who had been watching everything through the window, slowly approached Cale and sat down next to him before telling Cale the things Taylor and Cage talked about the night they got the message.

"The Chosen One? That damn bastard of a god. What's with the cheesy nickname?" Cale frowned.

"So they were really talking about you." On said. She was curious but Cale seemed to hate being call the chosen one.

"What's the Chosen One?" Hong asked the question curiously.

"Ugh. Just ignore it. It's nonsense from someone." Cale groaned. "Yes, let us forget about all of that."

The last sentence was more likely said to convince himself rather than to the kittens.

On shook her head and nudged Hong a little. "Let's do as Cale said and stop asking him."

"Okay, Noona."


Tsuki: I've tried. Enjoy.

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