《How Cale Henituse Changes His Future》Chapter 29: Hope Needs to be Shared


Tsuki: don't be surprised that the content of this chapter is quite familiar.


Later at night, Cale requested the Dragon to create a short message with magic and asked the kittens to deliver it to Taylor.

The magic made it so that it was impossible to determine the handwriting of the writer.

Cale had prepared a tool for that, but a Dragon's magic is more powerful.

"Be careful. Make sure they don't see you." Cale told the kittens.


In the outskirts of Puzzle city, there was a small two-story house. The only light in the area was the light on the first floor of this small house.

Marquis Stan's eldest son and the owner of the house, Taylor Stan started to frown. "What is going on?"

"Damn it. Ugh. Hold on, Taylor. Don't talk to me right now." Cage, the priestess of the God of Death, was clenching her head in pain.

Clang. The beer cup in her hand fell to the ground.

Taylor and three of his people approached her quickly. Taylor looked at her with concern. "Is the Lord saying anything to you again?"

He knew that the God of Death spoke to Cage from time to time. This had suddenly happened one day and would sporadically appear like this.

Cage had hidden this fact from the church, and only Taylor and his three subordinates knew about it.

"Ah, so annoying! I'll go, you pestering god"

After struggling for a while, Cage jumped up and headed to the back door of the house. She was moving pretty quickly. She was still clenching her head and staggering a bit, but her gaze remained focused on the back door.

Taylor told his subordinates to stay back as he pushed his wheelchair and followed behind her. 'Did someone break in?'

They may be in a small house, but there were magic alarms set up everywhere. Taylor was too paranoid about his younger brother to sleep without these alarms.

After having both of his knees destroyed by a hitman in his own room at the Marquis's estate, there was nowhere that Taylor considered to be safe anymore.

"Cage. What is going on?"

"Hold on." Cage slammed the back door open.

Taylor could only see a peaceful backyard. It was calm and tranquil, as always. There were a couple of lamps lighting the garden up, making it the most lit area in the property.

Cage started to rush into the backyard and Taylor followed behind her. Cage walked all the way to the fence at the boundary of the property and let out a gasp. "Ha!"

This was the location right outside of the range of the alarm. On top of that fence was a small rock tower made of five small rocks.


It was just large enough for the single knight staying at this house to find when he went on his patrol later.

"... Crazy shit. It was real." Some rough words came out of Cage's mouth.

Taylor arrived next to Cage in his wheelchair and started to look at the rock tower on top of the fence with confusion "What is this?"

At Taylor's question, Cage read the message that was written in chalk next to it. "'Break this if you want your wish to be granted.' That's what it says."

Confusion and curiosity both filled Taylor's face simultaneously.

Cage let out a sigh after looking at him and pressed her temples with her finger. "I vote that you break it. No, it sounds crazy, but the Lord says to break it."

"...What?" Taylor was now even more curious.

"This is the first time the Lord has not said some bullshit. Why is he talking so much these days? He usually speaks to me maybe once a year." Cage massaged her forehead. "Maybe the 'Chosen One' bits is true."

"What does this rock tower have to do with it?"

Cage turned to make eye contact with Taylor. "The turning point of our lives. That is what he said."

The God of Death only came to Cage when she was sleeping. Sleep was similar to death. That was why sleep was a path of sorts for the God of Death.

However, this time, she had heard her lord while she was drinking. Cage thought that the God of Death was angry at her for drinking too much beer. That was why she had welcomed it. She wanted this god to stop paying attention to her.

However, the God of Death had a different message for her. "'The decision is yours to make. However, don't break it if you want to live a peaceful life.' That's what he said."

She looked toward the rock tower. There was something underneath. "There is a letter underneath the rock tower. I think they piled this rock tower up for the letter."

She turned back to look at her best friend, Taylor. He had to look up from the wheelchair, so, although he could see the rock tower, he could not see the letter underneath it.

"I don't feel any strange powers surrounding the rock tower."

Although she was not as sensitive as real mages, using divine powers allowed Cage to be pretty sensitive and perceptive toward her surroundings. She would be able to feel if there were any curses or negative energy surrounding an item or a place.

She was, after all, a servant of the God of Death. She was waiting for Taylor's response.


Taylor looked up at the night sky, before slowly turning to look at Cage. "Destroy it."

Cage immediately punched the rock tower in front of her. The rocks on top of the fence all fell down. Taylor just blankly watched it happen.

'Don't break it if I want to live peacefully?'

Taylor had never lived peacefully. He also had no desire to live peacefully. He was going to find a way to get his legs fixed and continue to push forward. And then-

'I will overturn this damned family of mine.'

Taylor reached his hand out and Cage handed him the envelope. Taylor immediately opened the envelope and found that letter was written using magic to prevent people from recognizing the sender's handwriting. Nobles frequently used this item.

Taylor opened the letter without any hesitation. The first two lines of the letter, that were visible through the lamps in the yard, immediately caught his attention.

[The crown prince is in possession of an ancient power. It is called the 'Star of Healing,' and is useless to him. It is a one-time use power that can heal any type of injury.]

[He is looking to trade it for a method to hold the second prince and third prince in check.]

Taylor's hands started to shake.

"What is going on?" Cage stiffened up after seeing Taylor's expression and his shaking hands. However, she soon relaxed.

"Haha!" Taylor started to laugh. He then handed her the letter. "It will definitely be a turning point in our lives."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Cage took the letter from Taylor and started to read.

She stopped for a moment after reading about the ancient power and the crown Prince, but then continued to read the rest. She then jerked her head up after reading the bottom part of the letter.

[Your legs might not move, but your head, arms, eyes, and mouth can. The rest of you is still very much alive.]

[This message was to apologize for taking what you had come here to get.]

[However, the decision is still yours to make, Taylor Stan, eldest son of Marquis Stan.]

Taylor looked toward the darkness at the corner of the yard and started to speak. "Cage."

"Yeah?" Cage smiled when she saw Taylor's eyes is now more lively with hope.

"Let's leave this place to the butler, and head to the capital for now."

"Okay." She decided to go along with the decision of the still alive Taylor.

She was someone who had experienced death many more times than anybody else because she was a priestess of the God of Death, thus causing her to be very clear about the value of life.

"I'm sure the intelligent Taylor will take care of everything. You're pretty good at that." Cage was trusting Taylor's mind and abilities.

"You're right. I used to be pretty good."

'Used to be.' Cage gazed toward Taylor after hearing him use past tense.

"I should have known how to take care of myself." Unfortunately, Taylor injured his legs because he did not take good care of himself by letting himself get caught off guard.

Taylor lifted his head to look at the small two story house. He had been frustrated enough being here for the last few months following a lead he didn't even know was real or not.

Rather than just continuing this futile effort, it might be better to leave for a bit. He was thankful to whoever sending this message.

'Even though this person said he took what I came here for, he didn't have to do this at all. But he did, he gave me hope that is far greater than the uncertainty I felt here.' Taylor was very curious as to who this person was.

At least the God of Death did not lie. Taylor was in need of a turning point. He started to speak. "If it is the Crown Prince, we need to match the timing for the royal event. We need to hurry."

"Alright. Let's hurry."

"Will it be okay? We will run into a lot of the people from the temple if we go to the capital."

"What can they do? Excommunicate me? That'd be great. I'm just worried about you."

"Thank you."

"No need. That's what friends are for."

They smiled at each other and spoke at the same time, as Cage lifted up the letter.


"Such a great person. No wonder he's the Chosen One." Cage couldn't help saying that.

Taylor nodded his head at that. "Yes"

Two pairs of eyes, that were clear and without any traces of drinking just a few moments ago, quietly looked at the letter. It was the gaze of people who had found their turning point.

The red kitten that was watching all of this from the roof of another house nearby whispered to his sister, On. "Noona, did they just said Cale is the Chosen One? What is the Chosen One mean?"

"I don't know. Let's ask Cale later."


The two kittens jumped from roof to roof as they returned to the residence. However, the matter in their mind was forgotten as soon as their rewards was given, the first dinner with their new dongsaeng.


Tsuki: done with Taylor and Cage...

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