《How Cale Henituse Changes His Future》Chapter 28: Acquiring New Power Sometimes is Quite Annoying


Cale was looking out the window, in the direction of a cave in the corner of Puzzle city. The cave was the location of the unfinished rock tower as well as the Vitality of Heart.

'They say that the person with Vitality of Heart lived until they were 150 years old... though the one with the power thought that the power is a curse, he died naturally of old age.'

• It's the Crybaby. The Ancient Power is likely the Crybaby.

'Hmm? Glutton? Crybaby? One of the friends you mentioned before?'

• Yes. Are you going to take him as well?

The sound of the Glutton priestess was a little hesitated but Cale could hear some eagerness to meet an old friend after so long.

'Yes, I need him to strengthen you. But it's good to know that you'll meet your friend again.'

Cale got up from his seat and walked out of his room. The kittens looked at Cale who seemed to be thinking about something.

'From what I know, he was trying to finish the rock tower in the Wind-Gathering cave. And he spent 100 years doing that.'

• He's an idiot.

'Yes. He destroyed the rock tower he built when it's about to finish. Maybe he couldn't gather enough courage for his wish. I wonder what his wish was, helping him with his wish is a good way to express my gratitude.'

• You're such a darling, Cale! I'm sure he'll follow anyway when he sense my power.

Cale saw Beacrox and Choi Han stood together talking about something. So he called them. "Let's go see the rock towers. Oh, here. I'm still weak, and they are getting healthier."

Cale said as he passed On and Hong to Choi Han and Beacrox. Cale didn't ask for their opinion at all, and dragged them with him. Cale casually chatted with Choi Han and Beacrox, while paying attention on some people.

"They are still here." Cale mumbled.

"Who?" Beacrox asked, hearing the mumbling.

Cale had hid his body behind Beacrox and Choi Han, he smiled at Beacrox's question. "My next target."

Beacrox rolled his eyes. "To save or to ruin?"

Choi Han then started to stealthily look at the two people that were leaving the area of the Ruins. A man in the wheelchair and a woman pushing the wheelchair.

"Hey, what was that supposed to mean?"

"Just as literally as it could be, young master."

"You're so mean. I never harmed good people." Cale finally left his hiding place and walked around again.

Choi Han smiled. 'So I am a good person in his eyes.'

Beacrox shook his head, and followed Cale in a fixed distance. He seemed to know the man in the wheelchair.

'Taylor Stan. From what father said, young master had ruined the chance for Venion Stan to be the patriarch already, so he wants to help this Taylor Stan to ruin Venion even more. What a vengeful guy.'


Back to the two people leaving the Ruins.

"Why did you want to come here suddenly?"

"I have a headache just thinking about it. The Lord just keeps relaying the same dream over and over again, telling me to come here. My dream said the Chosen One of the gods is here and he's going to be our benefactor.

I wasn't sure if it's just the normal nonsense, but he really insisted on this matter. However, he stated that he doesn't know how the benefactor will act, other than the fact that he's going to be here today."


"The Chosen One? And one that the Lord couldn't predict?"

"I know, right? I'm sure he's drunk or something, it's a complete nonsense. How could a person be chosen by multiple gods at the same time."

"But we could stay for a few more days, if he insisted on it, we should at least listen. It's not like we have anywhere to go now." Taylor Stan, the eldest son of the Marquis Stan, said as he looked at his legs.

"Fine, we'll stay and enjoy the food and drink here while we wait." Cage, the priestess of the God of Death, tried to cheer Taylor up.

"Cage, let drink some beers today."

"Oh, let paired it with smoked pork."

Taylor pointed forward with his finger.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go, it's my treat."

"Your treat? Haha, good, this priestess will do her best to escort you there."


Now, we're back to our lovely redhead.

After walking for a while, Cale was shocked at the appearance of rock towers in the Ruins. "They are.... Uglier than I expected."

The kittens was disappointed as well. However, there was someone who seemed very serious about it. Choi Han had his head down like other people who were praying. He seemed to be praying as well.

'He wanted to go back to Earth where his family is, right? After all, Choi Han grew up in a happy family environment. Even though the Earth now is not that peaceful.' Cale silently stared at Choi Han until he raised his head and made eye contact with him.

"Cale-nim, I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Cale-nim, are you not going to make a wish?"

Cale looked around and casually answered. "I don't do thing like making wishes."

"Why not?" Choi Han was now curious.

"It makes you have high expectations. It's easier to live without expectations." Cale shrugged. "Anyway, I like to take actions to get what I want rather than making a wish then do nothing. Only by working hard to get what you want with your strength, could you live without regrets."

Beacrox couldn't help feeling that Cale really had matured to speak of such words. He was sure his father would be proud.


The next day, Cale was ready to head to the cave. Naturally he had to do it alone to get the Ancient Power. However, it's not that easy getting rid of the overprotective people and kittens around him.

"Since Choi Han is the strongest here, it's okay to just take him alone."

"Choi Han is a good choice, but you're not leaving without me, young master." Ron informed.

"You follow from behind anyway. Then only Choi Han and Ron. No one else."

The vice captain frowned a little for not being able to do his job properly. After the rebuke from deputy butler Hans, he wanted to do something for the young master, but it seemed he was still too weak.

All he could do was to gather everyone to train harder. Well, the miserable faces of the knights and soldiers wasn't taken into consideration at all.


"Are we doing something again?" Choi Han asked with a little anticipation

"Again? Someone will get the wrong idea if they heard you."

"Then where are we heading to, young master?"

"I need to get something from the mountain over there. You guys just wait here at the entrance."

Cale emphasized. "Be good and don't fight while you wait, and don't follow me."


Choi Han nodded his head, and Ron just smiled benignly.

Cale was standing in front of the cave just off the mountain path. The cave entrance was covered in vines. It was quite difficult to see if you didn't look carefully.

"Damn it. Do I have to crawl? Sigh." Cale let out a sigh, before crawling into the cave.

The ground by the entrance of the cave had now a trace of Cale's crawling. Along with that, there was a small reptile footprints on the same spot a moment later.

After crawling for about 5 minutes, Cale finally arrived at a wider cave. He couldn't help thinking about Taylor. "Just how desperate was Taylor at that time. I shouldn't complain much."

Cale finally could stand up with it was wide enough. The further he went, the clearer the sound of the wind. Cale could see some clothes and a pillar that was probably a hut a long time ago. Cale walked faster to head toward the center, until he was forced to stop.


A large underground area appeared before Cale, at the same time, a vicious wind tornado which illogically spinning at the center.

The rocks on the cave walls were slowly crumbling because of the tornado. There were quite a bit of rocks on the ground that let Cale knows that the area was consistently getting larger.

Cale looked back and forth between the underground area and the path that he traveled to get here. He felt like he would be pushed back by the wind if he went inside.

Well, not just pushed back, but smashed against the wall, which would probably seriously injure him. That was how strong the wind was.

"Mm." Of course, the center of that tornado will be calm, as it is the eye of the storm.

'I guess it would have been impossible for Taylor without Cage's help.' He now understood why the novel said the two of them had struggled for a whole week.

However, Cale started to smile. It was now going to be a battle against time, and he had the Indestructible Shield.

Cale stepped into the underground area, into the vicious tornado, without any hesitation. Cale's red hair started to flutter along with his clothes.

At the same time...

"N-No! You will get hurt! You are extremely weak!" The Dragon appeared at the back of the path and shouted urgently, wanting to approach Cale. But he stopped as soon he saw a large silver shield surrounding Cale. "Huh?"

The shield was keeping Cale safe.

• The little Dragon is cute. Don't worry, little guy, I'll protect Cale.

"Aww you show yourself... for me?" Cale grinned as he turned to look at the Dragon.

"I-I am not!" The Dragon stood still, and turned his head away. "I was just passing by."

Cale chuckled. "Okay. But make sure you stand there, very still. I can not accept any help."

Cale couldn't pay attention to the little Dragon as he remembered the information about the cave.

The cave's wind had a cycle of 3 hours of strong wind and 3 hours of weak wind. This was the moment that the wind started to get weaker. Of course, it would still become stronger the closer he got to the center.

In the middle of the tornado was a half-stacked rock tower. It looked like there were no winds over there. Next to the half-stacked rock tower were numerous other rocks.

'I need to stack all of those rocks up.'

The issue was getting to the tower. Stacking the rocks would not be a problem. Cale looked over the shield surrounding him, before taking a step forward.

Tang. Tang. The rough wind clashed against the shield. Even though the silver shield was transparent, it sounded like the wind was hitting a real metal shield.

That noise made the Black Dragon that was looking away slowly turn around to look at Cale. "...But you are weak..."

The Cale that the Dragon could see was having a difficult time, even though the shield were protecting him. The wind that could not be blocked by the shield was making his clothes flutter.

The wind that seeped through the bottom of the shield made him stop moving every so often as well. However, Cale continued to step forward one step at a time.

Then the Dragon saw it. Cale was smiling. This human, that was nothing compared to that strong tornado, the same human that was weaker than even the kittens he was traveling with, the human that was the weakest out of everybody he was traveling with, was smiling while pushing through this wind.

'He's worrying about me. It's not in vain saving him.' Calm hummed softly, though the sound was buried by the wind.

The Dragon had never seen such a silver shield before. He was very curious as to what the power might be. However, he was focused on Cale's expression instead of the shield.

'The shield is protecting me. The Dragon is worrying about me. This is so good. Everything else is doable. It's just a breeze.'

There were no physical or mental strain endured when using the Indestructible Shield. There would be a short strain if it was to break, but it was not in any danger of breaking right now.

'It just gets pushed back.'

The shield just got pushed back if the wind was strong. Honestly speaking, Cale had expected to be pushed back multiple times. That was why he had originally lowered the strength of the shield and enlarged it as much as possible.

He had been planning on slowly shrinking the size of the shield whenever he got pushed back. However, the Glutton was working hard to protect Cale.

That made Cale feel thankful to her but when he had reached about the halfway mark to the center of the tornado, he had to get rid of all side thoughts.

Then he heard the voice of an old man.

• I regret it.

It's a sound of a sad old man.

• To the one that has a power that I am familiar with, I am hoping that you do not get this power.

Cale sighed and step even closer. "Glutton is right. You are an idiot. You really don't want to meet her again?"

• How would I dare to? I'm pretty much betrayed my comrades. I was a terrible person. Ahem. I stayed alive on my own and grew old. How shameless is that!?

"How annoying. No wonder they called you Crybaby. Why are you whining when you survived? Your friend wouldn't blame you for being alive." Cale couldn't hear the Glutton right now, but from his talk with her before, she seemed fond of this guy.

• I was always hoping for everyone to come back to life. However, my wish was something that could not be achieved. I could only lament and cry! That was why I could not finish my rock tower.

"Haa... he didn't even listen now." Cale centered his body after being slightly pushed back, and put some strength into his legs.

He could hear the voice once again after taking another step.

• This restoration strength is useless. It is only capable of protecting myself. It is not helpful in any other way. I am a trash!

"What a coincidence, I'm a trash too. To be able to protect yourself so your friend and family won't need to worry about you is good deal."

Boom. Boom. Boom. The sound of the wind that was clashing became stronger. It seemed like it might bright the shield if it continued.

• I did not die even when the wind cut me like sharp blade.

Cale gave up trying to talk to this old man. Cale immediately curled up and decreased the size of the shield.

Boom Boom. The shield was now smaller, but in return, it was much stronger. It was able to push back an even stronger force of wind.

Cale reached out toward the transparent shield and clenched the transparent handle on the inside of the shield as he continued to move forward.

One step.

• Restoration is a cursed power.

Two steps.

• My heart was always beating. But I could not move on.

Three steps.

• It was because I was afraid of death.

Four steps.

• I was afraid of pain because I had always been injured, and I was even more afraid of death, the end of that pain.

And finally, Cale took the final fifth step.

• I chose to throw everything else away so that I could continue to live.

'I'm so tired talking with this old man.' Cale ignored everything the old man said.

Cale clicked his tongue and returned the shield back to his heart. The silver light surrounding him instantly disappeared.

He headed toward the half completed rock tower and crouched down in front of it. It was a normal rock tower that you could find at the top of a mountain.

However, all of these rocks were black. Just like the man-eating tree, these rocks that have existed since ancient times were different from normal rocks. Just like the wind surrounding this area.

Cale started to stack the rest of the unfinished rock tower.

Clack clack clack... The tower was built one rock at a time.

Cale picked up the last rock. And put it at the top of his tower.

It was at that moment.

Flash! The black rock slowly turned white, at the same time, the wind died down.

"Huh?" The Dragon was confused.

But Cale still didn't pay attention him. He still needed to deal with a crybaby old man.

• I tried to fight with them. However, I did not know that I was so weak against pain. They were not people who served the Lord. I only realized that after we all went our separate ways and I ended up alone.

'The Lord? The god from the story Hans talked about? Or is it someone else?'

Then he remembered what the Glutton said to him. "The people of the Forest of Darkness claimed to be servant of god but they only give me tasteless things."

• I piled the rocks. I piled them up hoping that I could turn back time, hoping that I could be happy. But then I destroyed it.

• I hated my selfish self for thinking about my own happiness after betraying my comrades and running away.

"Sigh." Cale sighed in annoyance. "You're way more talkative than Glutton."

The Dragon who couldn't hear the voice of the old man, protested. "I didn't talk!"

The Dragon stared at Cale who was just standing there, talking alone.

"Isn't it human nature to be selfish? So stop whining like a spoiled brat." Cale was so frustrated.

The Dragon was now hesitated, the human didn't seem to talk to him, as he was still having his back toward him.

• Ahem. You sound like my Noona. She was a really wonderful older sister. She was more reliable than anybody else. Ah, my Noona. Sob!

"Oh for goodness sake!"

• You, the one with the familiar power. That rude personality of yours makes me think of my Hyung. I am very envious of how rude you are.

'Who is he talking about now? Another one of their friends?'

• Break it. Then you will 'overcome' your limits.

'Finally!' Cale kicked the tower that he built without hesitation.

The rock flew and hit the wall, causing the Dragon to flinch a little. He wondered if this human finally gone crazy.

However the following scene made the Dragon forget about it. "Wow."

The broken rock tower. A white light floated up from underneath the rock tower.

Ooooooooong. The gentle vibration that pulsated throughout the cave could be felt under Cale's feet.

At that moment, the light rushed toward Cale. Cale reached his hand out to grab the light. The moment he grabbed it, the light shot toward Cale's heart like an arrow. The light arrow pierced through Cale's heart before flashing and disappearing.

"Huuuuu." Cale let out a deep breath. He then lowered his head to look under his shirt. The fancy shield tattoo that was over his heart had disappeared and had been replaced by a red heart.

Cale could immediately feel the new vigor inside of his body. This vigor from the 'Vitality of the Heart' would make the shield even stronger. He would also recover at a much faster speed than normal people, even when he got injured.

Cale brought forth the shield again.

"Just as I expected." Cale started to smile.

The pattern on the shield had changed to a heart. The only difference from the tattoo on his chest was that it was silver and not red.

He then returned the shield, before immediately starting to walk. He crouched down before the dragon.

"I'm sorry for all the crazy actions you saw here. You may have figured it out that I'm not talking or angry with you, right? So..."

Cale looked earnestly at the dragon. "Do you want to come with me?"

"I only stay because you're weak and need protection. Hmph. I still hate human." The dragon left the words and turned invisible.

"Thank you very much in advanced for your protection, Dragon-nim." Cale looked around the cave, which no longer had any wind storms raging about.

• Cale, the big sister he talked about before is likely talking about me... I'm sorry for having a little brother like him.

'I'm not angry with you, as long as the old man not crying.'

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