《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter35 the return of the candidates, the first hierarch to the attack.
DisclaimerI don't own the characters just the ocs, plus the vertex oc is inspired byanother story.
-ryo castle-
"tch!They're losing and that brat betrayed us! I told them to erase his memory!"said Snow who was sitting on his throne.
Heand the other hierarchs have been watching the battles through holograms thatare projected in the center of the room.
"Itdoesn't matter if we did, they would lose anyway," said Ventus calmly.
"hm?Even with its limits released?"; Nereus raised an eyebrow.
"itis a matter of time before they come"; said the Hierarch of the West. "Itis clear that the reason why she was late was because they prepared, it isclear that they are stronger than the candidates," said Ventus.
"Hm?Is that so?" Snow raised an eyebrow.
"Yes,but we don't have to worry if they arrive, with us it will be enough to defeatthem", said Ventus calmly.
"Wellyou're right, but hey at least we had some training," Nereus said.
TheHierarchs continued to talk while Genesis, the Hierarch of the South, neverleft a specific hologram and that was where Noire was fighting.
"Iwill not go",
Change of scene.
Midoriwas not well.
Theyhad separated her from the vertex and the leanbox cpu from this dimension waswith him, and she couldn't go to help him since the leanbox cpu from theultradimension was preventing her.
"dammit!Get out of my way!" Midori yelled, attacking ultra-vert.
Butshe managed to dodge the western candidate's attacks, the logical virus hadweakened her enough plus it didn't help that vert was in her mega drive form.
"Windof emptiness!",
Midoriattacked Ultra-Vert with a powerful gale that Ultra-Green Heart was able tododge with ease.
Inthat cave attacked midori along with the two compa.
Butshe was able to dodge them both but in that the two if positioned themselvesbehind her.
Thetwo if fired a powerful sea of flames that went towards midori.
"cracksequence! Void Wind!"
Atornado would surround midori which would dissipate the flames coming towardsher.
Whenthe tornado left, a somewhat tired and upset midori can be seen.
"damn!";Midori growled.
"midoristop! It doesn't have to be like this!" ultra-vert said.
"Shutup!" the Western candidate yelled back.
"Itdoes not have to be this way! You and vertex can come with us! We don't have tofight each other!" Vert said.
"shut!I will not go with you and much less vertices! He suffered a lot because of oneof you!" Midori said.
"Whileit is true that it happened, we swear that it will not happen again, we promisethat we will be better with vertex," said vert in response.
"shut!You don't understand the state I was in when I was born! You fucking shatteredall their hopes and dreams!" Midori yelled.
"Doesit look like she didn't listen to us?" said hyper-compa.
"Soit seems," said ultra-if.
"Shehas a very big hatred for Lady Vert," said Ultra-Compa.
"It'strue, she looks like she'd be happy to see her and all leanbox burn," saidhyper-if.
"That'swhat I can see, whatever they did to the other candidate that botheredher," Cave said.
"midori!Stop this! No need to fight if you're worried about us hurting vertex, thatwon't happen!" ultra-Green heart yelled.
"Shutup I'll never leave that! I'll go vertex now!" Midori said.
"Wewon't let you do that!" hyper-if said guardedly.
"cracksequence! Logical virus!
"Whatis this?!",
"Ican not move!"
"Ifeel tired!",
"Let'slet our guard down!"
Ultra-vert,the two compa, the two if and cave felt their bodies heavy and their strengthdiminished, so much so that ultra-vert dropped his mega drive status.
"Takethis! Crack sequence! Devastating tornado!"
The6 watched as a powerful tornado headed towards them, and thanks to Midori'sprevious attack they were exhausted.
Butsuddenly two figures appeared in front of them.
"cracksequence! Gravity center!",
Itwas the cry of a boy who created a shield that absorbed the tornado making itdisappear.
The6 women, as well as Midori were shocked.
"Areyou alright?" was the voice of the hyper-vert who was standing next to a vertexin her HDD state.
"Ladyvert?" Cave asked still in a daze.
"Sorryfor the delay, but we're here," hyper-vert said.
"Yes,we are here," Vertex said.
"Isee you did it?" said ultra-vert looking at vertex.
"Yes!I present vertex my cute little brother!" said hyper-vert hugging vertex.
"Nee-chan!I can't breathe!"
"Ishe no longer our enemy?" asked hyper-compa.
"N-no,besides, I'm sorry", said Vertex, already free from her sister.
"Okay,if you don't want to kill us anymore, then that's fine with me," saidultra-if.
Beforethey could continue talking, Midori spoke.
"Youbitch! What did you do to Vertex?!" Midori yelled.
Theyall turned to look at her and saw that she was very, very pissed off.
"Answer,what have you done to him?" Midori repeated.
"Ihave done nothing, except get your forgiveness."
"that'sa lie! He would never forgive someone like you!"
"waitmidori-onee-chan! It is true! Excuse Vert-onee-chan!" It was Vertex who spoke.
"that'sa lie! He must have done something and I intend to make him pay!" Midori said.
"stop!This can not go on like this! As a vertex you can also come with us!",
"That'sright sister! No need to fight anymore! So please stop!" It was Vertex whospoke.
"No!Vertex why are you doing this! Soon lord ryo will be victorious and this worldwill be gone!" said midori. "Soon there will be no one to reject you, anew world where you will be accepted will be born!"
"No!That can't happen sister!" Vertex said.
"UnderstandVertex, we are seconds away from the reign of the Hierarchs and Lord Ryobeginning," Midori said.
"Idon't want that world!" Vertex said.
"Idon't care, I won't change my mind! I'm sorry vertex, but you forced me intothis, don't worry, I'll just leave you out of this and then I'll kill thesecpu", said midori taking flight while preparing her scepter.
Vertexlowered his gaze and then raised it.
"Asyou like!" Vertex said with his spear in hand.
Change of scene.
Thingsat Lowee had escalated, ever since the twins shiro and shirou went into theirmega drive forms, making their battle more difficult.
Butluckily hyper-blanc, as well as ultra blanc also entered their mega driveforms.
-MegaWhite heart appearance.
The two had white gauntlets reaching tothe elbows with red or blue claws in case of hyper-blanc, they wore whitetech-looking boots with red and blue lines, on part of their chest they gaineda chest of armor with a blue gem. in the center and on his head he had atiara-shaped helmet where in the center was a gem with Lowee's symbol, on theback he had four large and two small squares that functioned as his yellowflight processors, In his hands appeared a hammer/axe, as one side was flatlike a hammer, while the other side was sharp like an axe.
Thedifference was that hyper-blanc had white and blue colors, while ultra-blanchad red and white colors.
Thanksto being in their mega drive form, that helped them a lot since with rom andram they equaled me and they surpassed the twins.
"Shit,these CPUs aren't like the others," Shiro said.
"Thenbelieve it, doll!" said ram, sticking out his tongue at shiro.
"You'reone to talk since you're a dwarf too!" ram yelled back.
"ram,please don't fight", said rom looking at her twin who was sticking her tongueout at shiro.
Shiro,what do we do? if we continue to drag this out, our forces will drop and wewill be defeated"; Shirou said in a whisper.
"Iknow, the 4 have proven to be stronger than expected, if even nepgeo and nicwere here, they would be of help", said shiro.
"Butthey're busy too!" Shirou said.
"You'reright, we'll have to separate them, maybe if we fight two of them, we might beable to win," Shiro said.
"Ihave a plan," Shiro said smiling.
"Whatare they up to?" hyper-blanc raised an eyebrow.
"Idon't know, but whatever it is, their plans are not good at all and even moreso if they use them against their enemies," said ultra-blanc.
Shiroand shirou nodded to each other and charged at Lowee's cpu and candidates.
Romand Ram jumped or flew dodging the ice attacks that Shirou created, separatingthem a bit from ultra-blanc and hyper-blanc.
Shiroappeared in front of ultra-blanc and hit her, but luckily she was able to blockit with her hammer/axe but even if she was pushed back.
Inthat hyper-blanc would try to attack him, but shiro backed away.
Inthat shiro and shirou positioned themselves next to each other.
"stormof shadows!";
Thetwins combined their two attacks creating a single one, which crashed into theground, creating a large cloud of smoke that mowed down the 4 cpu.
"waitthat wasn't rom's attack when she was evil?" ram asked in amazement at shirou'sattack.
"Howdid you learn it?" Rom asked in surprise.
Onthe other side of the cloud of smoke were the two white women who couldn't seeanything because of the cloud of smoke.
"Whatare they up to?" hyper-blanc questioned.
"Idon't know, they attacked the ground on purpose", ultra-blanc told usknowing why shiro and shirou made that attack.
"weintend this",
Itwas Shiro who appeared in front of the two blancs surprising them.
"cracksequence, battlefield sequence!",
Romand ram watched as in a part of the cloud of smoke there was a very big glow.
"Whathappened?" Rom asked.
"Idon't know" ram said
Suddenlythe cloud of smoke began to dissipate only to reveal that they were next toshirou who was in front of them.
"shiro!";yell ram.
"What'sgoing on?" Rom wondered.
Thetwo saw shirou who gained red tribal markings on his face as well as parts ofhis body, but they weren't visible thanks to his clothes.
"Whathappened to him?" Ram asked worriedly.
"Itlooks a bit like what happened to Mr. Nepgeo," Rom said.
Butbefore they could continue wondering, Shirou launched at high speed taking romby the head and crashing it into several buildings destroying them in theprocess.
"Rom!"White Sister Ram yelled as Shirou dropped an injured Rom.
Thecandidate from the north glanced at ram, and in a quick movement he appeared infront of her, giving her a kick that sent her towards a wall. But she was ableto protect herself with her arms so she didn't take as much damage.
Inthat shirou rushed towards her and tried to hit her but ram was able to dodgethem all, until shirou managed to grab her by the neck and squeeze her makingher have difficulty breathing.
"Shi....shirou!I-I'm......I...r-ram! Don't you remember me?" ram tried to speak and touch shirou.
"r-ram",shirou muttered under his breath, but ram heard him.
"Y-yes,I-I'm-....... ram your best........ friend", ram tried to speak.
Inthat some images would come to Shirou's head. Of some memories that apparentlywere erased from the mind, but not from the heart.
"Areyou sure it's okay to do this?" Shirou said as he drew on a book.
"Yes,don't worry the other blanc-onee-chan won't be mad that we take these books,she has many so we don't have to worry", ram said smiling.
"Okay,but I still don't know how he'll react," Shirou said under his breath.
"don'tworry, if he gets mad then we'll run", ram said.
Shirou just shook his head and tried to attackram, but then rom lunged at shirou.
"ice impact!",
But to the astonishment of both, shiroustopped the attack with his hands but still managed to remove it from ram.
In that shirou began to fight against rom,being the candidate of the north who dominated the battle in seconds, givingseveral blows to a rom who could barely defend himself.
"shirou stop! Don't hurt rom!" ram shouted,but it was useless as shirou ignored him.
She watched as Rom was thrown towards somebuildings.
"this is bad! If it continues like thisrom could.....?! What I do?! I don't want him to hurt rom, but I don't want himto hurt shirou either!" ram was in a dilemma. If this continued, Rom was indanger of dying.
In that she would remember blanc's words.
"ram youhave to fight! Since shirou won't listen to us! If you really want to save him,you have to fight to achieve it!
"Fight to save him?" he repeated Blanc'swords.
In that I watch as shirou jumped through theair preparing his great mallet that was about to crush rom.
"no!" ram jumped in front of rom.
Shirou and rom widened their eyes as ramstopped shirou's hammer with his hands.
"Back up!" Ram would push Shirou who wouldtake a distance.
"r-ram!",white sister rom She looked at her twin.
"I'm sorry rom, but back off, I willfight this battle", said rom looking at his twin.
"uncomplainingly! I know I haven't beengiving much since this started! But I can't let you risk it!" ram said. "I willsave shirou and protect you too!
"So I will fight to protect both of you!"
With no more ram he lunged at shirou who didthe same.
Both would collide their weapons, but thistime with Ram being able to withstand Shirou's blows.
"shirou! I know you are there! I can tell!"
Shirou would jump to dodge a ram punch.
"So remember us! Remember all your friends! Toonee-chan! To me!",
In themeantime.
In a void that seemed to be space, Shiro wasfighting against the two whites.
Shiro was sending several balls of firetowards Lowee's two CPUs.
"Damn give up already!" Shiro said creating ashield to block a strike from ultra-blanc.
"No! Why!? Why do you have to live likethat?! Did you forget the sacrifice of your first sister!" said ultra-whiteheart.
"Shut up!" Shiro sent out a powerful flame offire.
"Where is your promise to fight to protectyour home! Perhaps you will let what happened in gamarket happen again!"; saidhyper-white heart attacking.
"shut! Shut! Are lies!",
"Perhaps everything you lived with us was alie!"; said ultra-white. "You don't remember those happy times you lived withme and everyone else! Are you planning to let that be destroyed again?!"shouted ultra-blanc.
"All of us are fighting to stop thisnightmare, but it's also to save all of you!" hyper-blanc said.
"shut! Coffin of fire!";
"I won't do it! It's still not too latefor you!" said hyper-blanc.
"It is true! I'm not going to give up andlet you guys continue to have this life!" ultra-blanc said, "I don't want to bethe worst sister knowing I couldn't rescue you!"
"Shut up!", Shiro lunged at the twoblancs clashing their weapons at high speed.
"that never!";
Ultra-blanc and shiro collided their weaponscreating an explosion from the energy contained in them.
Changeof scene.
In leanbox, hyper-vert along with vertex werefighting against midori who ruthlessly attacked both of them, but hyper-vertmore.
"Here!" Vertex lunged at Midori but she wasgone in a flash.
"I never thought you would attack me?!" Midorisaid, looking at Vertex. "Have you already forgotten everything we wentthrough?! Did you forget all the pain that cpu gave you? Accept it, vertex, youwill go through the same thing again",
Midori would attack with several energyspheres that went towards the vertex.
"crack sequence! Data Shield!"
Hyper-vert appeared in front of Vertexprotecting him.
"That will not happen! I'll be a bettersister to vertex than my other self was!" said hyper-vert looking at midori.
"Shut up!" Midori attacked Vert, but Vertexappeared in front of her.
"Not onee-chan! I know you want the best forme! But that world that the hierarchs and ryo seek so much is not the one Iwant!" Vertex said crashing into midori.
Midori would back away and click her tongue,she would be in front of the reactor since their battle had pushed them there.
"crack sequence! Logic virus!";
Suddenly a magic circle appeared below vertexand hyper-vert which caused lightning to hit them.
"damn! It's that attack!" he saidhyper-if seeing that midori used the same attack.
"This is bad!" said ultra-compa.
"Vertex stand still while I finish off theseCPUs! I suggest you relax and rest, the new dimensional order will arrivesoon", said midori.
"N-NO! I will not allow that!" Vertex saidentering his mega drive form.
"but how?!";
"But how did he do it?!" Cave said insurprise.
"This power! This power is that of a cpuwhen it fights for what it loves the most?!"; said ultra-vert.
"vertex! Why don't you understand?! Willyou betray me after all I've done for you?" Midori yelled.
"No! I know you have done many things forme! You have taken care of me! You have given me that love that I miss so much!But I still remember that I had people who supported me when I was alone!Chika! Dig! 5PB! They were also when I was alone! All those who are gone aftermy home collapsed! I remember that they supported me like you! But I knowsomething! They would not have wanted this life for me! If you appreciate metoo then you wouldn't do this! You would look for it to be okay!" Vertexyelled.
"That's why I do this! I want you to be okay!"Midori said in response.
"I'm sorry but that's not what I want! I havebeen given another chance to be happy! Sister I am willing to protect thisworld! My new home and I won't let it go down like the old one! That is myfinal decision!"; vertex said with determination looking at midori. "Pleasegive up!
"I won't do it! I won't let you keepthese CPUs!" Midori said.
"sister! I won't let them destroy thisworld and many more! So please let's protect it!";
"Never! Crack sequence! Divine tornado!";
Midori would shoot a powerful tornado thatwent towards Vertex and the others.
"Sister," Vertex muttered, then looked up,"cracking sequence! Furious Fang..............! Of white wolf!";
The vertex attack would collide with midori'sattack overcoming it and going towards midori who was surprised but the attackwould collide with her and the reactor destroying it in the process.
"Did I make it?!" hyper-if said in surprise.
"yay! He won!" said hyper-compa happily.
"At least we already have the firstreactor out," said ultra-if.
"Yes, but how are the others?" askedultra-compa.
"We don't know, but we hope they arefine"; Cave said.
"yes, but for the moment we already havethe first victory"; said ultra-vert smiling.
Meanwhile hyper-vert and vertex approached thewreckage of the destroyed reactor only to not see midori nearby.
"She escaped", Vertex said, not seeing hersister and lowering her head when she saw that she escaped.
"Don't worry vertex, I'm sure we'll seeher again, and this time we won't fail", said hyper-vert putting a hand onhis little brother's head.
"Yes! I'm sure we'll make it!" Vertexsaid smiling.
While he still couldn't get Midori to jointhem, the battle against her wasn't over yet, he knew Midori well and knew thatshe would return.
"So I'd be ready"
In that the others would approach hyper vertand vertex.
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He is an example of Ethereal beauty.His teary eyes, plump lip, brown straight long hair, slim figure, white procelain skin. There is no flaw in his beauty. His personality is so soft and kind.Every girls and women were feel offended by his beauty.This kind of beauty were born once in a hundred years.A story of a young beautiful innocent boy and a lonely feral werewolf who was cursed by the Moon goddess. And they happens to meet by fate.( very bad at descriptions 😅)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Historical AUWarning:*Agegap*Mature content ( put warning on each chapter)*Forced sex (only one chapter)*mpreg*violence*sexual harassment*triggering scenes*Supernatural act.I do not romanticized any of the content above. DISCLAIMERPictures to the rightful owner but the cover is made by me. Hats off to the owner who made this beautiful edit of Jimin in traditional dress.And english is not my language,I apologised for the grammatical error.Don't try to plagiarize,I'll hunt you!No translation allowed.Highest ranking#1- Alpha Jungkook (for a week)#4- bottomjimin#6- topjungkook#10- jikook#6- joseon#3- pups
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