《Steven Universe: The Return [FanFiction English]》95- Good Progress


(Steven stands in front of a cell with a Gem in it.)

Hey! *knocks on the wall beside the cell*

*surprised* Huh? *turns around* S-Steven?!

Hi, Holly.

My, my, to what do I owe the honor?

I was near here, so I thought I'd stop by and see you.


So... what's up? Have you thought about why you're here?

Well, I have always been obsessed with order, authority, and control. After all, that was my main and sole purpose.


That's why I hated this new era, it seemed to me a great disaster where everyone did what they wanted without any kind of control or order, but finally you and the Diamonds realized that terrible mistake.


Just look at all this, now you have a great authoritarian regime!

I don't know if "regime" is the correct way to put it.

Whatever! Even if it's not like it used to be, it's something. Now I think that this new era does make sense of being, even the classes in this silly school seem a little entertaining to me.

Glad to hear that.

Hey, by the way, do you know what happened with the zoomans? I remember a while back we crashed the zoo into a planet with them in it.

You got nothing to worry about, we found them, they only had a few minor injuries, nothing serious. Mind you, the zoo ship was unusable after the crash, but that planet turned out to be a beautiful place to live. There are no rare viruses or any other kind of danger, so they decided to stay and form their own civilization there.

I see.

You know something? I'm glad you're trying to change, you even showed concern for zoomans.


You still need to stop being so controlling, though. I think it's okay to be a little controlling, but don't overdo it either. I hope someday you can reconsider.


Yeah, sure.

It was nice to see you. *waves goodbye* See ya! *leaves*

(Steven heads to another cell nearby.)

Hey! *knocks on the wall beside the cell*


What's up, Bluebird?

(Steven is now standing in front of Bluebird's cell.)

You came to make fun of me, didn't you?


Come on! Make fun of me all you want, I don't care anyway!

I didn't come here to make fun of you, Bluebird, I would never do such a thing.

Then what are you doing here?

I just wanted to see how you've been.

And how do you think I've been? I'm still the same as I've always been.

Really? I heard you made some progress.

What are you talking about?

Y'know, starting with the fact that we gave Eyeball and Aquamarine the option of being in separate cells, but they chose to stay together in the same cell.

Oh, I see... Well, at first I thought my whole existence was due solely to Ruby and Aquamarine's hatred of you, but as time went on I realized it was due to something else. I wouldn't know how to describe it, but I got to the point where I never wanted to be defused again. I didn't know why, I was too focused on hating you, so I thought that was why. Being locked up in this prison gave me a lot of time to get to know myself, though.

*with a smile on his face* Oh yeah?

I also started thinking about why I hate you, and I realized that it all started with what you did to Ruby and Aquamarine, you took everything from them; however, thanks to that those two met, and I exist. Maybe that's why I no longer feel the same hatred towards you, it has diminished.



Now that I know myself better, the only thing that matters to me is to be a fusion. I don't wanna be separated for a second! You know, Emerald always told me that I was two gems, but I didn't even equal one. In a way she was right. After all, I am not two gems, and I am not one gem.

*thinking to himself* You're the best, Garnet!

In a nutshell, I don't think I hate you anymore, at least not like I used to.

Hmm, if I remember correctly, Aquamarine once said that "fusions sooner or later become sentimental"! Is that the case with you, Bluebird?

*blushes* You idiot!!

Whoa, don't be mad!

You know what?! I take back everything I just said! I hate you!! *shouts furiously* WE really hate you, Steven Universe!!!

I'm Sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! I'm honestly very happy for you, Bluebird.

Whatever, just get the hell out of here.

Okay. Hope you've learned from your mistakes and don't make any more mischief so you can get out of prison as soon as possible. Until then, I'll be visiting you from time to time. Well, if you want to, of course. If you need anything, just ask, ok? *waves goodbye* See ya!! *leaves*

(Steven walks down the hallways, heading towards another cell.)

*narrating* It's very comforting to know that there are Gems willing to change and improve for their loved ones, for themselves, or for anything else; however, there are also Gems who are not.

(Steven gets to the last cell.)


Go to hell!

Oh, come on! Let's just talk a little bit.

You and I have absolutely nothing to talk about, Steven.

Oh boy, here we go...

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