《Steven Universe: The Return [FanFiction English]》38- We Know Everything


(Connie puts the communicator on the speaker.)

: You're... you're Bluebird, aren't you?

Oh, I'm so honored! I don't know you, but you're fortunate enough to know my name.

This communicator belongs to Peridot 9XL! Why do you got it?!

The poor thing felt very lonely, so we came to keep her company.

Wh-what do you mean?

The stupid Gem thought she could hack into the Homeworld's cameras without any of us noticing.

What the-?! That's impossible! How did you find out?!

It was very easy, actually. Her limb enhancers left a signal that led us to her.

Tsk! *thinks to herself* She's right, I didn't think there was a chance of that happening. *out loud* What did you do to her?!

That's enough! I want to talk to your master.

Excuse me? My what?

Don't play dumb with me, you lackey - You know damn well I'm talking about Steven Universe.

He's not my-

Put him on, I want to talk to him! I'm pretty sure he's behind all this!

Ugh, fine. *to Steven* You heard her, here you go.

(Connie hands the communicator to Steven.)

Bluebird, listen to me real good! Woe betide you if you–

If I what, huh!?! Is that a threat!?


I didn't want to believe it, but it seems that the information was correct! You're here, Steven Universe!

What information are you talking about?

This Little Gem at first didn't wanna tell us anything, but after a little torture by two Topaz-who are standing next to me right now-she began to sing like a canary. *chuckles in mockery*

*enraged* You dared such a thing!?!

No worries, as I said, it was just a "little" torture! After all, we didn't want to shatter her without getting information out of her first. Otherwise, none of this would have made any sense. *chuckles* Or am I wrong, Topaz?


Of course not, ma'am. *makes her mace disappear*

Exactly. *makes her mace disappear too*

[ These two Topazes are the same ones who in the past accompanied Aquamarine on the mission to capture humans.]

Come on, don't be quiet. Tell Steven how well we're taking care of you. *kicks Peridot 9XL, who is lying on the ground, badly and visibly beaten*

*in tears of anguish and pain* I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't want to, they made me.

Don't worry about it, I'll save you! I'll save everyone!

*laughs* How, may I ask? We already know everything you had planned to do! And to top it off, we've already tracked down all the Gems you brought to Homeworld.

I'll find a way, I have to!

Good luck with that! *laughs* I highly doubt you'll make it though.

You'll see I'll make it!

Face it! You can't do anything against us anymore, Steven! I always found it strange that so many Gems joined us willingly. I hope it's clear to you that that little trick won't work twice, you won't fool us again! *chuckles* You're a dead man! *laughs*

*enraged* You won't get away with this! I'll stop you!!

I'd like to see you try. Well, if you can. *laughs*


(A door behind Bluebird suddenly opens.)

Um? *turns to te door*

(Lapis then walks in the room accompanied by many Gems whom she drags in by force with her water chains around their necks and limbs)

I've finally finished what you asked me to do. These are all of Steven Universe's Gems who were infiltrating the palace.

My, my, look what we got here! *to Steven* Did you hear that? MY Lapis just brought me YOUR Gems.


By the way, Lazuli, why are there so few of them?

Some Gems put up a fight, so I had no choice but to destroy their physical forms; there were others who weren't so lucky, though. I shattered more than one or two, in fact.

*sadly* Lapis.

I see you followed my instructions to the letter. *chuckles* You did an excellent job, Lazuli.

*bows* Thank you very much, ma'am.

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