《vinnie hacker imagines》its all in your head


you all are extremely beautiful!!

i love y'all!!


vinnie grew to think that y/n was fine.

whenever he would ask her how her day was or how she was in general. her response was always 'fine'

vinnie thought y/n was happy and that she thought happy things

y/n was not, she felt as if she wasn't good enough for vinnie and that he really didn't love her

everyday vinnie would tell y/n he loved her and y/n really did love vinnie but she had a thought that he didn't. he was just saying those 3 words


"vinnie you don't love me! you love the idea of me!" y/n yelled

y/n told vinnie she felt he didn't love her, vinnie did love y/n but he didn't know exactly how to show it sometimes

"no no no! y/n, i love you so much! i love everything about you! you're so fucking perfect, i have no idea where to begin with how perfect you are!" vinnie yelled back

y/n stayed silent, deep deep down inside of her she knew vinnie loved her she just needed to know why

the girl never told her boyfriend about her thoughts about not being good enough

"baby, what's going on? what's going on in that brain of yours?" vinnie asked sitting her down with him

"am i good enough? like do you think if i loose some weight do you think you would love me more? or if i change what i eat or-"the girl blurted out but got cut off

"you think you aren't good enough?" vinnie asked

y/n nodded slowly

"oh y/n, you are good enough. you're so SO beautiful. i don't care how much you weigh or what you eat, matter of fact i could care less. it's your body y/n it's not anyone else's. you are the most beautiful girl i have ever laid my eyes on."vinnie explained to his girlfriend


y/n laid her head on vinnies chest

"thank you vinnie, your very handsome yourself. and i love you too" y/n said cuddling into her boyfriend more

vinnie kissed the top of y/n's head "you deserve to know how much i love you and how beautiful you are.." he said

after he didn't get a response, he looked down to see y/n sleeping on his chest

vinnie knew y/n would get tired after fighting with anyone

he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, the 2 kids laid on the couch sleeping with the tv still playing


make sure to answer the question up top😜

that's was bad ngl😔👍

sorry it's so short i needed to write a "normal" imagine😡🤬

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