《friends with benefits? Vinnie hacker》25


y/n just fell asleep in my arms, she looked so cute! i wasn't tired tho so i decided to go on my phone a bit.


y/n phone went, i simply ignored it since that's rude to check but it went off again.

i sighed and grabbed her phone only to see ethan texted her which made me pissed off, what the fuck does her want? i typed in her password and looked at the message.

: hey sexy

my face grew even more angry as i read that word "sexy" what a dick. i texted him back telling him to stop texting y/n, he no shortly replied.


or what bro?


don't call me bro man

just stop texting y/n

she's currently asleep in

my arm and i'm pretty

sure she'll never fall asleep

in yours so call it a quit

and stop texting her.


yeah okay sure i'll

stop texting her but

i'll text her again when

your not with her, she

deserves to be with me

where o can treat her right

and not play with her

emotions just like you



i didn't play with her

emotions man! it was a

miss understanding and

she knows that and is

letting me try again

now i'm going to block

you so bye.

i put her phone down and went back on mine, everyone was shipping me and y/n which made me blush a little bit. i want the world to know y/n mine, she looks so pretty sleeping in my arms, i just wanna be with her forever.

i put my phone next to hers and get a bit comfy, i do most thinking at night away from social media. it was currently 2 am and i should probably get to sleep.

i wake up to see a dead looking vinnie next to me, i laugh a bit and sit up, i grab my phone and see that ethan texted me which made my heart skip a beat. i look through the message that vinnie and ethan had which made me smile hoe vinnie wad protecting me, i put my phone back down on my nightstand and decided to get dressed since it was 11am.



you put some food in jacks bowl since he was asleep and went downstairs, you decided to get some fresh air and go on a walk so you went out the front door and walked down the street.

few fans came to take photos, nothing to crazy. you started to walk back to the house when you felt a sharp pain at the back off your head, your vision went blurry then everything went dark.

i woke up in a dark room, no windows, no light just dark. i was tied to a chair which was in the middle off the room, i tried to wriggle out of the rope but it wouldn't budge, i started crying and sobbing.

"i'm going to die" i cried

"you won't die"

and voice said behind me, i whipped my head around to see a dark shadow standing behind me.

: who are you? why am i here?

you'll find out

: let me go!!

not quite yet kitten, you'll be here for a very long time

: please let me go!

not a chance

the shadow figure came closer to you and closer, they turned on a lamp which only lit half the room, you still couldn't see what the person looked like.

: what do you look like

they stepped into the light revealing what they looked like which made your eyes widen.

: n-no not you!

oh yes did you miss me?

ooohhhh shhhiiiittttt

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