《Timeless Love》Epilogue


Keyona POV

10 Years Later

"MOM!!! Aiden hid my lip gloss!" I hear my daughter Annabelle scream from the top of the stairs. "So what!!! Your too young to wear that!!! Dad would agree!!" I hear my son Aiden yell back. I ignore them as I finish icing up the birthday cake for today, hoping they won't come bother me. But of course I never get what I want.

"Mom! Did you know she had that?" My son asked, looking at me with his eyebrow raised like his father. His bright blue eyes like his father staring me down. "I did, because I bought it for her." I told him, turning my eyes back to what I was doing. "But she is only ten!" He looked at me confused as I nod and laugh, "So are you? But I'm not stopping you from going shooting with your father, am I?" I questioned and he rolled his eyes, "No ma'am." I chuckle, "Exactly, now give it back to her." I said and he nods and pulling it out his back pocket and handing it to his twin sister.

That's right, I gave birth to twin seven months after our wedding. Annabelle Nova De Luca and Aiden Leonardo De Luca, born on the Fourth of July. When we found out we were really excited and careful. Daunte made sure I didn't do any heavy lifting or stood on my feet to long. He made my baths and made sure I was relaxed by the end of every night throughout my pregnancy. It was cute to see him worry about the little things.

"Don't let dad see you with it?" Aiden says and smirks. "Don't let me see what?" I heard a dark and husky voice coming into the kitchen, holding out birthday boy who is turning one today, in one hand and our other daughter who is five in the other.

"Her lipgloss." I said as I finish up icing the cake. Smiling at how cute it was. We decided to do a safari theme since he is obsessed with wildlife. "Lip gloss? She is too young, Keyona." He groans which makes me roll me eyes at him, "Daunte, she is ten years old. I seen girls wear eye shadow and color lipstick her age. I ain't letting her do that and it's only lip gloss. It's not that big of a deal."

"But Keyona, she is just-" Daunte tried to say something again which earned a glare from me. "Fine, just not to much, Belle." He said looking at our daughter with sad eyes. He constantly complains how I let her do things her age. I see her as who she is, a ten year old girl and Daunte sees her as his little girl, even though we have a five year old daughter as well.


Neveah Kaleah De Luca, five years old and is the quietist little thing you will ever meet. Her dark curly hair and blue eyes like her fathers. She was just adorable. She laid her hair on her fathers shoulder as she looked at Luca Oliver De Luca, our youngest baby boy, who is turning one today. He was in Dauntes other arm, placing his his fathers collar, trying to put it in his mouth since he is teething.

I walked over to Daunte and gave him a quick peck and as soon as I was near Neveah, she automatically jumped out her fathers arm and into mine. She was defiantly a mommas baby, along with Giovanni who is out seven year old child.

"Thinking of Gio, where is he?" I asked, looking at my husband of ten years. "In his room, you know him. He is busy reading quietly. He said when everyone arrives, he will come down." I nodded at my husband. I should of known, Giovanni is one smart kid. When he was boy, him and Dauntes father Antonio, becomes really close. Antonio use to read to him all different types of books and now at the age of only seven, my bright son can read Happy Potter books.

I hear the door bell ring and as I put Neveah down, "That might be your nana." I tell her and she runs towards the door and I follow close behind her. She tries to open it but it's a heavy door so she was having some trouble. So I helped her and once it opened and revealed my parents and brothers, Ryker and Aydin, she ran towards my parents and my dad picked her up.

"Hey 'Veah!" My father smiles and hugs her. "Hey papa!" She looks towards my mom, "Hey nana!" The she looks towards Ryker and waves but when she sees Aydin, she jumps into his arm and he twirls her. "Hey Squirt!" He smiled down, as he kissed her cheek. "Your favorite uncle is here!" He said quietly but loud enough for Ryker to hear, just to make him jealous, "Whatever." He rolls his eyes and that makes Aydin and my daughter laugh.

"Well come on it, you guys!" I tell them and they follow me in. "Where the birthday boy?!" My mom asks and I was about to answer when I hear Daunte, "Right here." He smirks and as I look at Luca, I see he is covered in frosting and I glare at Daunte who looks away innocently.

"He did it!" He quickly points to our ten year old son, who glares at his father, "Dont be lying on me! Moms scary when she looks like that!" He says, making everyone laugh. "Go clean him up, Daunte!" I groan as I roll my eyes. "I'll do it." My mom offers and hurries to take him out of Dauntes arms and kiss his frosted cover chubby cheeks.


The bell rings again and as I open it, it reveals Kevion and Santiago, with their two kids. They got married five years ago and adopted two siblings. A little boy, Daniel Kai De Luca and two year old Aaliyah May De Luca.

"Hi Aunty Key!" Daniels lets go of Santiago hand and squeals as he runs to hug me. "Where's Veah?!" He asked and I point to the backyard, "She is out there with your Papa, Uncle Ryker and Aydin." I told him and he kissed my cheek real quick before running off to find his bestfriend Veah. Those two are going to be so close as they grow up. I look over and Kevion gives me a a side hug since he has his daughter in his arms sleep. "You can put her in Lucas room if you want." I tell him and he nods before going up the stairs. "Hey sis!" Santi said and give me a hug before handing me a huge gift. I roll my eyes and walk out to the back to place it with the others.

I start to fix some of the decorations when I heard someone shout, "The party's here!" I turn and roll my eyes as Nova walks in with her round belly and Leo scowling her for walking to fast. Sammy who is now twelve, not paying attention to his parent as he continues to play with his Nintendo. I always thought Sammy looked like Leo but their six year old daughter Ava, is defiantly her fathers twin, from looks to personality. It's crazy.

Sammy continues to ignore them but once my son Aiden shows up, they run off to do who knows what.

"You shouldn't be walking fast down the stairs like that, you could of gotten hurt, Nova." Leo tells her as I walk up to them. "I'm fine, calm down." She rolls her eyes and I shake my head at her, "He's right Nova, you are literally due next week. It's not safe and you need to be careful." I agreed which only received an eye roll, "Yes, mom and dad." She mocked and went to sick down. I couldn't do anything but laugh as she wobbled over to the tables. I have to make sure Leo don't get her pregnant again, because she is defiantly a mean lady while pregnant.

I start to talk into the house when I bump into Josie and Oliver, who got married two years after me and Daunte. It was so cute because he asked her on our trip to Hawaii that we all took as a family vacation, which also led us to tell us she was a couple weeks pregnant and Oliver was shock. Now married with two daughters, Summer Martinez who is seven years old and Talia Martinez who is three years old. The perfect red hair and green eye babies. They have my brothers eyes and their mothers hair. I always thought Josie had burgundy brown hair but apparent she died it and is a natural red, which she wears proudly now.

Talia snuggled into her fathers arms as summer walks off to play with her cousin. Soon Giovanni comes down and runs off but not before walking over to hug me. He sees his grandpa Antonio and runs off to him, probably to talk about a new book he was reading.

I hear a squeal standing behind me as I turn to see Daunte standing there with Luca in his arms. He was an amazing man and husband. These last ten years, he has kept to his vows and made sure he loves me and made sure I m ew it every single day. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"You did amazing at this party. I'm glad you decided to go for Party Interior Designer, like I suggested after the baby shower you threw for Nova." I smiled and nodded. That's right, after our wedding, I decided I wanted to take classes to get a designer bachelor and I did. It was tough and I had to do online classes for awhile since I was pregnant and had twins. Daunte helped as much as he could, when he wasnt busy with the Mafia business. Oliver, Santi and Kevion still works with him.

I got my bachelors and opened my own business and been opened for five years and I'm one of the top three best party planners in Italy and American. Josie as my partner and Nova as my assistant. I'm proud of myself at what I achieved with the help of my family, but mostly my husband.

"Yeah I'm glad too." I say as I turn and look at my family. They all laughing and talking, as the kids ru l. Around playing tag together. We all may not be blood but we are all one. I never would I have thought that I would of been married to a Mafia Leader, with five kids. If you would of asked me this fifteen years ago, I would of laughed and called you crazy, but I'm blessed. I'm truly blessed.

"I can't wait til our kids get older so I can tell them our crazy love story." I said as I stand on my tippy toe and look at Daunte.

"You mean our TIMELESS LOVE, Mrs. De Luca."

Placing his lips on mine, "Yes, our TIMELESS LOVE, Mr. De Luca."


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