《Timeless Love》Chapter 58


Keyona POV (Wedding Day)

Today is the day I have been waiting for. Today is the day that I start a new life, with a new identity. Today is the day where I become not Keyona Martinez but Keyona De Luca. Today is the day where I marry the only man I have ever love and will continue to love.

We have been through a lot and I'm glad we did. Because I wouldn't be myself if we didn't. I wouldn't be able to learn how to be stronger than I was. I would of laughed in your face if you told me three years ago that I would be marrying a Mafia Leader and would be the happiest I have ever been.

Sitting here as Nova finished up zipping up my wedding dress. As I looked at myself, I couldn't recognize myself. My dress was a long, spaghetti-strap, ball gown wedding dressed. It lifted my boobs and tighten just above my waist. The layers of sheer hung down with a trail. I ran my hands over the bottom of my dress as I started to feel nervous.

I was really getting married. Was this too early? No, because I chose the day. It was New Years and I was stressed over a wedding that I wanted and I was happy to marry a man I loved, but why do I feel nervous.

"I don't think I can do this? What if he isn't there waiting? What if he thinks he making a big mistake?" I whispered and watched Nova smile, "Keyona calm down, It's just wedding jitters. Daunte is probably as nervous as you." She said and I started to feel my chest tighten. I started to feel like I couldn't breath. I felt the room closing in on me.

"Keyona, breath." She repeated this and I couldn't hear her. "Keyona. Hold on, I'm getting your dad." She said, I didn't even know she left because soon I was being hugged and I looked up and seen my father smiling at me.

"Papa." I hugged him and he held me tight as he rubbed my back. "Princess, what's wrong?" He asked, I pulled away and look at him, "I don't know. I'm nervous. What if we get married and he thinks he made a mistake? What if he wakes up one day and sees that this isn't what he wants? What if he leaves me because he doesn't love me anymore and meets someone new? I'm scared not only he will leave me but I won't be able to see y'all as much. I already don't and it's so hard." I kept going on and on about reasons for Daunte to leave me.

"Keyona, stop it." He said and I looked up at him as he hands me a tissue, "Your going to ruin your make-up, Princess. Now I'm going to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. Daunte loves you and only you. He puts you before anything. Let me you something, when he came and asked for my blessing, I didn't want to give it to him. I didn't want to give you away but I knew I couldn't shelter you from the world of men, even though I wanted to. But meeting Daunte and seeing how much he loves and cares for you, I knew he was the right person to give you away too. I knew it's scary because you will go off and be married and have your own baby's but that doesn't mean you won't still be my baby. You won't lose us and if you want us to move here to be closer, all you have to do is say that. Ryker and Aydin already don't want to leave you anymore. They love it here. But Keyona, you have to understand that we aren't going anywhere. Daunte is not going anywhere . That man loves you, even though I disliked him after what happened to you, but I moved on from that. I seen him protect you and Princess, that man begged me to marry you. I promise you, he ain't making no mistake." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "Now fix your make-up and smiled, because your future husband is already at the alter waiting for you and me, to give you to him."


"Thanks Papa." I kissed his cheek, stood up and went to fix my make-up. My mascara and eyeliner was running down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it off, fixed it and stood. A few minutes later after some more breathing, my father walked in. He smiled at me with tears in her eyes, "You look so beautiful, Princess."

"Thank you, Papa." I whispered. He ran his hand over his face as to try and wipe the tears away. He walked over to the mannequin that had my dress on it and grabbed my veil. I had my hair in pinned up curly bun with a few curly strands. He clipped my veil on and smiled at me.

Walking out the dressing room, nobody was present. Leo and Nova has just walked through the gate. Soon 'Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started to play. I took a deep breath, "Are you ready, Princess?" He asked and I nod. He pulls my veil over my face and smiles at me before I hook my arm in his as he nods at someone, "You look amazing, Mrs. De Luca." I look and realize it was Lee. "Thank You, Lee."

He opens the door and as I take a step in, everyone stands and looks at me. It's was a beautiful site. Daunte and I decided to have a White, Black and Gold wedding theme. It was New Years and I wanted to do something that you don't see often. The black pilers that sat at each end of the seating roll in the aisle, had white white hydrangeas and candles laying on the floor. Y'all thin branch trees with white Christmas lights. It was beautiful.

But what was more beautiful was the man standing at the alter waiting for me. He stood there in a white suit, black button up and a gold tie. His eyes were trained on me, and he had tears welding in his eyes as he tried to stop them from escaping.

My father father gripped my arm with him and we walked towards the alter. Every step was closer to me being a married woman and now that I see him here and the look in his eyes, I couldn't do anything besides take a glance at my father, thanking him a million more times.

We arrived and he handed me to Daunte before joining my mother in the front row. I looked around and see how beautiful the grooms men and bride makes looks. The men wore black suits, white shirts and gold handkerchiefs. While my girls wore gold long dresses and little Sammy stood next to his father wearing a black and white three piece suit and I couldn't stop myself from gushing his way.

Daunte moves my veil from over my face to the back of my head and smirked, "You look so beautiful, baby." He whispered, "You don't look to bad yourself, handsome." I smirked. I knew he wanted to say something smart but was cut off.

The preacher started speaking.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Daunte De Luca and Keyona Martinez in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and wife."

"Is there anybody who believe they should not unite, speak now or forever hold your peace?" I looked around to see if someone would say anything or any of Dauntes ex will pop up. But when I heard nothing, I smiled. "Great, lets continue?"


"Daunte do you have vows and would you like to go first?" He nods is head. He then grabs my hands in both of his.

"Keyona, when we first met, I knew you were different. The way you didn't fall at me feet. We have went through a lot in the last four years and I have royally fucked up but I fought for your forgiveness and now that I have you back, you are now mine and ain't never leaving me. I use to tell you this every day but what better day to repeat it than today. You are the love of my life. You are my best friend, no offence Leo." Everyone laughs, "You're my love, you're my inspiration. You make every day better and you make me better. I promise to love you unconditionally through thick and thin and sickness and health. I promise to accomplish one of the greatest streaks any human could ever wish to pursue- to tell you I love every single day for the rest of our lives (which by my calculations should be around 36,500 more consecutive days if we live to be 130 years old.)" Everyone laughs again, including me but I got tears in my eyes. "I promise that as we adventure through the rest of our lives together, Ill always be by your side loving you, pushing you and celebrating with you. I will always put you first and give you my absolute best for the rest of my days. I love you so much."

Everyone was in tears. His vows were beautiful.

"That was amazing Daunte. Now Keyona, Would you like to say your?" I nod and look at Daunte..

"Well I dont know how im going to top yours. But here I go. When I left you, it broke my heart. I was confused, I was lost when we lost our daughter. We said and did some unspeakable things to each other, but we pushed through it all together and I chose to suck it up and fight for something I knew I wanted. That something was you Daunte, I choose you. I choose you to be no other than yourself, loving what i know of you, and trusting who you will become. I will respect you and honor you always and in all ways. With you I pledge to repair any damage cause then and in the future. I take you as my spouse, lover and bestfriend (Sorry Girls). I take you to have and to hold in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward. In this world and the next. Every love story is beautiful but our is my favorite. I love you Daunte."

Once I finished I looked in Dauntes eyes and saw so much love. He couldnt help himself, he smashed his lips onto mine. The preacher cleared his throat. Leo pulled Daunte off me. "Not just yet y'all too." The preacher said. "Im sorry, I couldnt help it." Daunte said and everyone laughed.

"Daunte, do you take Keyona, to be your wife? Do you pledge to share your like openly with her and to speak the truth to her in love?"

"I DO."

"Will you comfort her, honor her and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, so long as you both shall live?"


"Keyona, do you take Daunte, to be your husband? Do you pledge to share your like openly with him and to speak the truth to him in love?"

"I do."

"Will you comfort him, honor him and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, so long as you both shall live?"

"I will."

"As god is our witness, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss your bride, AGAIN." The preacher said. Daunte grabbed and dipped me, kissing me so hard. He got up and looked at all the guest and screamed "IM A MARRIED MAN NOW!" Everyone started clapping and jumping. I just shook my head. Yeah, thats Daunte for you.

We went to the reception and danced and partied with out family's. Daunte and I had our first dance, then my father and I. Daunte had his son and mother dance with my mom and it warmed everyone's heart, including mine because Daunte was shocked when my mother asked him to dance with her during the mother and son dance.

Nova did her made of honor toast and it of course consisted of embarrassing childhood stories. Leo's goal was to embarrass Daunte and man he sure did. Daunte wanted to pound him and probably would of if I didn't stop him. But everyone, including myself was loving it.

When everyone finished, I stood up and grabbed my glass of wine. Clicking it and giving everyone's attention.

"Hey everyone, I have something to say and then we can finish having a blast." Everyone clapped and then it went silence. "So if anybody who heard my vows, know that three years ago, we lost our daughter due to a miscarriage. I was broken and fell into depression. I didn't talk for anybody and I didn't speak to anybody. I pushed everyone away and for that I'm so sorry. Almost two years ago, Daunte and I found out that there was only a fifteen through twenty-five percent change that we would be able to conceive so we decided to go with adoption or a surrogate. It was really hard for us but last week..." I trailed off and looked towards Daunte, who had a confusing look on his face. "Last week, I felt sick and decided to go to the doctors for a check up... It turned out that we are not a family of two anymore but three."

He sat there confused a little more before he completely understood when he started hearing everyone gasp. "What did you say?" He asked quietly as he stood up and gripped my waist softly. "I said we are pregnant."

I don't know what happened next but all I knew was that I was tossed up in his arms and his lips where pressed against mine. "Are you serious?!" He asked as he sat me down on my feet. I nodded and reached under my plate where I put the new ultrasound of our new baby before heading to the dressing rooms to get ready. I handed it to him and he gripped it and started at it.

"We're really having a baby again." He whispered with a smile on his face and I nodded.

He turned around to everyone and yelled, "IM GOING TO BE A DAD!!!" Everyone stood up and started screaming and clapping. It was a sweet moment and for the rest of the reception, everyone congratulated us. Everyone in the family was so happy and in tears, Dauntes father. He was excited to be a grandpa for the first time. He gets to make up the time he left with Daunte. He hugged me, "Thanks you, Keyona. Thank you for taking care of my son and blessing me with a grandchild."

He walked off and Dauntes came up behind me and turned me around,

"I love you, Mrs. De Luca." He leaned down.

"I love you, Mr. De Luca." I said as I connected our lips. This was it, I was now a Mafias Leaders Wife.

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