《Timeless Love》Chapter 57


Dauntes POV (2 Years Later)

Today is Keyonas and I three year anniversary. We decided to count back to the day I first made her mine. We decided to do a party on my yatch. Something simple and small, with only our friends and family.

Her family flew down a week ago and been here on vacation until our party. The girls left this morning for a spa day since we not meeting at the yatch until 8pm.

These last two years has been crazy. We decided to try and have another baby but we end up finding out last year that there was only a fifteen percent chance that Keyona can get pregnant. The doctor said that Keyonas body went through alot with her miscarriage and the surgery didnt help, it only made things worse. Keyona was torn about it so we have talked about adoption or surrogates. It was a tough decision but we end up both agreeing that we could try and adopt in a few years, that we should cherish the time we have now together.

Im currently in the middle of a stupid ass drug deal and all I want to do is be with Keyona. "So a $100,000 today and every three months for the next year. If things go well and yall dont fuck me over, which yall wont be able to cause I see everything, we can talk about monthly payments and deals." I said deeply and sternly. "Of course, Mr. De Luca. As long as you dont cross me with the drugs, I wont cross you with your money." I nodded at him, "You wont have that problem with me. Once I receive my $100,000, Ill send one of my most trusted men to the hotel your staying at. He will be armed because I dont fully trust you." I told him because I would never send my men anywhere without armed to a delivery. "Thats fine, Ill sort out the payment in the next hour." He stood up and reached his hand out for me t shake, "Nice doing business with you." I stand and shake his hand, "Yeah, you too." He starts to walk out with his two minions following behind him.

I sit down and gets back to doing paperworks. I dont know what time it was but the next thing I know is my office door is opening. Leo walks in with his two year old son on his hip. Samuel Daunte De Luca, yeah thats right, Leo gave him my name for his middle name. He is the most goofiest little boy ever. "Tayyyy" He screams the moment he sees me, wiggling out of his fathers arm. The moment his father put him down, he runs towards me with a little blue bag in his hand. "Hey Sammy!" I lifted him up over my head and tossed him up in the air before sitting him in my lap. He just giggles and smiles at me, with a couple teeths showing. "What you got there?" I asks and point at the bag, he hands me the bag, "Its present!" He screams, making me laugh. "Is it for me?" I joked and he shook his head, "Its godmoms!" He glared and I laughed at him.


He was wearing a little black suit with suspenders. His dirty blond curly hair messy on the top of his head. His dark green eyes exactly like his fathers. He was truly his fathers son. Leo stood there in a matching outfit as I looked at him confused. "Why yall dressed so early?" I asked and Leo shook his head, "Daunte, its not early. Its already 6:30. We are supposet be leaving here in thirty minutes and you arent even ready." He shook his head at me again, "6:30?" I asked, looking at the clock, "FUCK!" I groaned. "Bad word, no no!" Sam said and I gave him a sad smile before laughing a little, "Sorry bud, goddad bad!" I said as I slapped my hand.

"You better hurry up and get ready before Keyona gets both our balls for being late to your own party and I would honestly love to keep my balls." Leo said, "BALLS!" Sammy said and I laughed, looing at Leo, before I got up with my godson in my arms and handed him off to Leo. I went to my room, took a quick shower and got dressed in a white suit. I was so nervous about tonight, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

We hurried to the car, and was happy that Lee had put Sammys carseat in the SUV already. Leo buckled him in and we continued on out way to the yatch. We arrived exactly at 8:00 and Keyona was standing there in a long white and red maxi dress. It opened in the back that showed the smoothness of her tone tan skin. Her hair was in light curls, half up and half down. She wastruly a greek god.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "You look so beautiful, baby." I said and she turned around to completely face me and wrapped her arms around my neck before pulling me doe to her level. "You look handson, my love." We shared a kissed before we broke away, hearing a little squeal. "YONAAAA!" We see Sammy running down the dock, with Leo following right behind to make sure he doesnt fall. Keyona bent down and sammy ran straight to her. "Oh my sammy baby!" she picked him up, placed him on her hip and se eskimo kissed him. "Sammy, I told you not to run down the docks like that." His father scroweled him, making the little boys lip tremble and eyes start to water, which earned a glare from me and Keyona. "Sorry, daddy." He cried softly and buried his face into the cook of Keyonas neck, "Oh baby, its okay. Daddy just want to make sure your safe." Keyona says as she calms the little boy. It didnt take long before he fell asleep in her arms.

We got on the yatch, mingled for a bit. We all sat down and had dinner. It was a nice night and it was gettign closer to the time to do what I have been planning for months. I took my glass and tapped it, standing up and getting everyones eyes land on me. "Hey everyone, I want to thank everyone for coming to this anniversary with us. It feel good to spend time with our family and friends. I hope you are enjoing the food and free wine." Everyone clapped and laughed, "Well we are here to celebrate three years of the most amazing life this woman has ever given me. So Keyona, can you stand up and follow me?" She looked a little confused before she stood up and followed me away from the tables. I stopped in front of her and grabbed her hands.


Everyone started to circle us and as Keyona was trying to figure out whats going on, my eyes stayed focused on her and her alone. "Keyona, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are beautiful, intelligent, strong willed, loving, thoughtful, brave and of course stubborn." She smacks me in the arms as everyone laughs. "But I wouldnt trade that for the world. The moment I met you, I knew I needed you to be mine. When you wore that tight red dress, damn you looked amazing. But you had this innocence to you and you drawned me to you by one simple look. I know Ive dont some fucked up things in the past and I will continue to make it up, even if she tell me you forgive me all the time. Your everything to me and right here, infront of our family and friends, I want to ask you something." I got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box, before I opened it and looked at her crying face. "Keyona, will you do me the honors and continue to make me the happiest man alive. But instead of my girlfriend, as my wife. Will you marry me?"

She sobbed and looked around, "Daunte, dont play with me! This isnt funny!" She cried and I smiled at her, "Im not joking, but this yatch ground, isnt that comfortable my love." I said as she looked at me confused for a second before realizing that I was still on one knee. "Oh, baby! Im sorry! Of course, Ill marry you! Yes!" I smiled as she grabbed my face and brung her lips down to mine. I stood up slowly without breaking our kiss as everyone clapped and cheered around us.

I pulled away and opened the box ans placed the ring I got her on her finger, which fit perfectly. She hugged me again, kissing me once again before turning towards her parents, her mother in joyful tears and her father with a sad look on his. "Did you know?" She asked and her mother shook her head, "I had no idea." She looked at her father, "Did you?" He pulled her into a hug and nodded, "He asked for my blessing and I gave it to him." She pulled away and looked towards her father and smiled at him, "He did?" He nodded, "Yes, and I gave him my blessing. He has proved to me that he can take care of you and give you that special love a man can give you. Your not a little girl anymore. You have built a whole life out here. I would never take anything away from you that makes you this happy. I love you Keyona, and you will always be my princess, dont forget that."

"I would never!" She gasped as she cried and kissed her father. I stood infront of him, "I will continue to take care and love her. You have nothing to worry about." I told him as I held my hand out to him, "Thank you for your blessing, sir." He stood there before he shook my head, pulling me into a fatherly hug. "You can call me Kai son, we are family now." He said before pulling away and releasing my hand.

Everyone started to come up and congratulate us. Including my father and uncle. It was amazing to have my whole family here. The only person missing this beauitful moment was my mother, but I knew se was watching this, holding out beautiful daughter in her arms.

Three years ago, not only did I make the right decisions of chosing Keyona, but I made the right decisions today of asking her to become my wife. I stood here looking out at the ocean as everyone crouded Keyona to get a look at the ring I got her. A couple minutes of silence, I felt arms wrap around my torso. I turned aound and looked down at the most beautiful hazel green eyes.

"Hello, Mr. De Luca."

"Hello, future Mrs. De Luca." I said and she smiled, "I like the sound of that." She whispered and I kissed her again, I like it too. I cant wait to take of the future and make it just Mrs. De Luca." I sighed as I held her closer to me. "I wish I could marry you tomorrow but you deserve a beautiful wedding and Im going to make sure you have one." I kissed her lips.

"In six months." She said as I kissed her which made me froze and look at her confused. "Six months what, baby?" I asked and she smiled, "Make me, Mrs. De Luca in six month. I was to have a new years wedding." I thought for a second and I started to see the nervous look in her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her passionately, "Six months it is."

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