《Timeless Love》Chapter 34
I couldnt believe what I heard. She looked me dead in they eyes and told me she was pregnant with our daughter. That she lost our little Bella, she called her.
I couldnt sit there anymore. I got up and walked away. I went behind the bar, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and pour me a shot. I looked up after I placed the glass on the counter and seen Keyona walking and stubbling towards the bathroom.
I was angry. Why didnt she tell me? Did she know? Is that the real reason she was ignoring me? Was she in pain? How did she know it was a girl?
I went towards the bathroom and stood waiting for her to come out. We gonna talk and she dont got no choice.
She came out the bathroom and I snatched her up by the arm and slammed her into the wall. I didnt want to hurt her, but I knew we need to talk.
The moment I released her arm, she smacked me across the face. "Don't fucking touch me, Daunte. You have no right to fucking touch me." She yelled.
I pulled out my phone about to text Leo when I seen she was trying to walk away. I grabbed her quickly and threw her back to the call. I place my arm on the side of her to block her way. I quickly texted him saying that I was taking Keyona and to tell Oliver and the others that she left with Lee and he told her to take her to a hotel or something. I put the phone into my pocket, not even waiting for a reply. She tried to smack me again but I grabbed her wrist, just in time. I wasnt going to let her land another. She gots a heavy hand for her to be tiny. I had enough of her trying to hit me so I lift her up and threw her over my shoulder and walked out the back exit behind the club. When I stepped outside, she started punching me in the back and kicking her feet.
I had a car parked in the back, just in case we had issues with Rodriguez and I needed a quick escape. I walked towards the car and placed her on her feet and opened the door.
"Get your fucking ass in the car Keyona!" I yelled at her and of course she tried to swing at me again but I caught it, which just made her even more mad and I didnt give a fuck.
"Let go of me right now Daunte!" She yelled at me.
"I'm not going to say it again! Get your fucking ass in the car before I throw you in there myself!" I said calmly with my teeth clenched. I was angry and I can tell she didn't give a fuck.
"I'm not your blonde Barbie girlfriend. You can't speak to me like that!" She kicked me in the shen and was about to run for it until I grabbed her waist and pulled her back to my body.
"You are pissing me off!" I picked her up and threw her into the car. She tried to jump out but I just grabbed her arm and threw her back into the seat next to me.
"We have to talk so sit your fucking ass down until we get back to my penthouse!" She started kicking her feet at me. "Im not going anywhere with you, especially to you and that's bitches house!"
I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes because im getting real fucking tired of her mentioning that bitch Briana.
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" I asked her and she just stopped kicking and sat in te seat. I can tell she didnt want to talk about it the moment she crossed her arms. She turned and looked out the window, ignoring my question.
"Please just take me home or to a hotel room. I don't want to go to your penthouse." She said but we were goint to my penthouse and I didnt cae what she thought. We were talking about this.
We arrived and I got out the car. She sat there and just looked at the building, not moving an inch.
"Get out the car Keyona." I said but she just sat there.
"I will carry you in this building and embarrass you in front of all these people." She still sat there and I was getting irritated. So I reached for her and she yelled.
"FINE! Just dont fucking touch me!" She got out and walked through the doors adn straight to the elevators. I tried to touch her but she moved away.
Did she hate me this much that she wont even let me touch her? We get into the elevator and I push the button. I turn and face her and I see her eyes welled up, like she wanted to cry. I knew I shouldnt have came here but it was closer to the club and we needed to talk.
The elevator door opens and she steps out and walks towards the door and stands there. With her arm crossed and eyes to the floor. I put the pin in and it unlocks, I open the door and stand to wait for her to go in. She takes a deep breath and walks inside. She stands there and I shut the door.
"You want some coffee, tea or water?" I asked her.
"No, I dont want anything from you." She says in a whisper and I felt this pain in my chest.
"Fine, lets talk then." I started walking towards the living room and she followed.
"Does your girlfriend know Im here?" She says adn I take a deep breath to try and not lose mt temper.
"Thats not my girlfriend, Keyona. She is just a friend and she doesnt live here. So stop saying that." I said as I sat down.
"Look, I really dont give a fuck who she is to you. Now lets talk. What do you want to know?" She said.
"Why didnt you tell me?" I asked
"I didnt know. What else?"
I took a deep breath. "How far along were you?"
"16 weeks and 3 days. What else?"
I was getting irritated now. "Why were you ignoring my calls?"
She looked up at me and I could see your eyes watering. "Because we had nothing to talk about. She is dead."
"You keep saying she. How did you know it was a girl?" I asked.
"They did a untrasound and tests to determine the sex of the baby. When they did the ultrasound they seen that she didnt have a heartbeat so I had to get a surgery to get her removed. When I woke up, the doctor explained how i had the miscarriage and everything else. He gave me the printout of the gender and an untrasound picture." She explained while the tears fell down her eyes.
"I lost her because I was under a lot of stress and wasnt taking care of myself. I take full responsibility due to the fact that with everything happening, I end up not caring for myself."
"Its not your fault. I caused you pain that led to this. So its my fault. I hurt you and she-" She held her hand up.
"I dont want to fucking hear it, Daute. I dont want to hear a sorry, I dont want to hear anything from you." She said.
"Keyona, can you just listen to me for a second!" I said, raising my voice a little, which I didnt mean to.
"I dont want to hear anymore lies, Daunte!" She stood up and start walking towards the door. I hurry and got up and grabbed her arm, twisting her to face me.
"Dont walk away from me, please. I miss you, Keyona!" She turned around and swung her hand and it landed roughly to my right cheek.
"Dont fucking say you miss me when you been shacked up with that bitch! You brung me to a house where she lives. Where yall sleep together. You were going to fuck me in a bed where you fuck her!"
"Fucking stop! We were never together! I dont even know why she was here! I havent touched her or anybody else since I met you! Since the moment we kissed!" I yelled at her.
She looked at me like I was stupid. "If thats true, then why was she here Daunte! Why would you have me come here when you knew she lives here!" She pushed me away from her.
"She doesnt live here and I wouldnt have brung you here if I knew she was here, Keyona!" I said with my hands in my hair. I was getting frusturated now.
"So your saying, if you knew she was here, you wouldnt have let me come here so you wouldnt get caught." She said and I lost it.
"You know what the fuck I meant Keyona! Briana was just a girl I had sex with before I met you. We use to be friends before we started fucking. She used my penthouse to stay in when she was visiting. She lived in London and is a model adn comes out here to Sicily when she isnt booked for a shoot or whatever. You really dont get it do you!" I yell at her and she looks taken aback. "I care about you only. I only want you. I have never felt this way about anybody and to know you were going to be the mother of my child just made me fall for yuo even more. I like you Keyona, I want to be with you. I want to try us out and I know you feel the same way."
She just stood there and looked at me. Seconds turned into minutes until she finally spoke.
"So your telling me, you care about me? You have no feelings for this bitch. None at all?" I just shook my head, because it was true, I didnt give a fuck about Briana. I didnt want anything to do with her. I know shes pregnant with my child but I knew i couldnt tell Keyona that. Not after she just explained how she lost our child. I cant hurt her and tell her Im having another child with someone else. With someone she doesnt like. Ill let her eventually but I couldnt tell her right this second.
Im cut out my thoughts when I feel lips press against mine. I quickly reacted because I had this pull in my chest that was cold as ice. I didnt want to le to her but I didnt want this moment to end either. I lifted her body and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I led us upstairs and into my room. I sat down and she straddled me. I wanted her but I knew it wasnt a good moment and it wasnt the right moment, we were both drunk. More her and than me though.
I pulled away and I heard her whine a little. "We cant. We are both drunk and emotional. How about we take a shower, get some tea and maybe order some food. We could cuddle and talk or watch a movie." She looked at me for a second and I seen her face turn sad before she fixed it and just nodded.
"I want you, I really do but I want to take my time." I said and gave her a chaste kiss before I got up and walked into the bathroom. I sat her on the sink before I went and ran the bath water. I put some bubbles in it and we stood there in silence and watched it fill it.
I was going to walk out until she stopped me. "Can you take a bath with me?" I looked at her for a second and nodded. We both got undressed an I got in first and leaned my back against the tub. As I watched her get in, I couldnt believe how believe how perfect her body is. She sat in the water and I pulled her so her back was to my chest.
She relaxed after awhile. I wanted to ask her how it was.
"Can I ask you something?" She nodded while she was messing with the bubbles.
"How did you feel when you found out?" She froze and I felt her tense up. "You dont have to answer it. Im sorry." I said while I rubbed her shoulders and pour some waters on her body.
A couple minutes passed before she took a deep breath and said "Empty." I froze. "What?" I asked her.
"When the doctor told me I had a miscarriage, I felt empty. I felt sad and heartache. I felt like I was drowning and lonely. I wanted to call you but I just didnt know how. How am I suppose to call you and tell you I just lost our daughter. I thought you would be mad or maybe happy that I lost her. I thought you would of said you didnt want kids. I thought you wouldnt care so I chose not to even mention it. I didnt know what to do so I shut myself out. I stopped talking and eating." She paused for a second.
"How do you love a person who never got to be or try to envision a face. I thought she would of had your beautiful eyes and my curly hair. If she would of been tall or short like me when she grew up. But then reality hits me, how do you mourn the death of a child who never was born. I felt this emptiness and thats why I blamed myslef. If I would of known, I would of took better care of myself."
I wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her head. "Things like these are out of our control. It shows us that we werent ment to be parents that Bella was showing us back to each other. It showed us to watch and be careful next time. It-"
"Next time?" She said in a whisper and I smile. "Of course. I dont think I can ever let you go or lose you again. I was talking to Leslie and she made me realize that life is to short." I sat there and was thinking about my next words, after a few minutes I finally said "She made me realize that I love being with you. I love our moments. I loved holding you and kissing you. I dont want you to leave me. But you have to understand that Im a mafia leader and I know thats scary but I want you know that I would never hurt you." I said slowly. She doesnt say anything, and after a few minutes I couldnt take it.
"Do you understand?" I asked and she said nothing. "Keyona?" I moved to the side so I can see her face and when I do, I seen her eyes close. She fell asleep.
I shook my head and smiled. I wrapped my arm around her waist and got out the bath. she woke up for a second so I wrapped a towel over her body and took her to bed. I laid her down and went to my closet and grabbed her a pair of my boxers and a big t-shirt. Then I grabbed me boxers as well and some sweats. I went back to the bed and got her dressed and then myself.
I went into the bathroom and grabbed a cup and some pain killers and sat them on the nightstand for her when she wakes. I climbed in the bed and brung her to my chest and she wrapped her arm around me.
She was mumbling something and I couldnt hear her until she said "I love you Daunte." I froze for a second because she was sleep and drunk. I didnt know if she meant it or not but I knew what I felt.
"I love you too, Keyona." I said in just a whisper, before I turned off my light and fell asleep with her in my arms.
- End156 Chapters
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