《vampire haven | tlb imagines • on hold》scars


David x Non binary! Reader


alking about the past was a hard subject for nearly everyone that has been through a painful experience. Trauma was no joke, neither was the anxiety, worry and PTSD that came along with it. Anyone could become paranoid with the little things, even from just small comments such as the word ‘ ugly ’ or ‘ stupid ’, leaving them to constantly think ‘ is it true? ’, ‘ am I really? ’, and anything along the lines of doubting yourself. It leaves the person to slowly crumble until they ashes of who they once were, are swept away by the wind of mental illness.

In a world with people who were cruel, arrogant, cocky, narcissistic, etcetera, it was hard to pass by with a sense of security - especially if you fall into the lgbt plus group. For many years, people who liked the same gender, who identified differently, and so on, have been shunned and hurt and swept aside as nothing more than a curled up dust bunny. It was disgusting, but the truth. No one really feels safe around one another anymore, some kids learning that there friends are homophobic while others face the wrath of transphobic parents. Not everyone had it good - shit, even the ones who do, do not.

Despite wearing a bright smile on their face everyday of the week and keeping their chin held high confidently, Y/N sadly was a victim of the absurd torture regarding gay rights. They fell into a caditory labeled ‘ out cast ’, not only for their gender identity, but because they liked anyone romantically, and were also one to dress differently - based on how they felt emotionally, if they felt more feminine, or even more masculine. Some days they'd throw an outfit of pink and black together, styled boy-ish and girly, all in one. Other days, it was more dark green, and once in a while, pastel purple. They were all over the place to put it lightly, and because of that, they got bullied severely.

Bullying was no joke, and it definitely was something Y/N didn't take lightly. It hurt, a lot, both emotionally and physically, and it formed Y/N into what they were ; an unstable wreck. They hid their inner turmoil most of the time, doing a great job at it, but a certain friend of there's knew the act all too well and picked up on when Y/N slipped up.

Little picks to the skin around their fingers, scratching their palm, biting the inside of their lip - they were all nervous habits that Y/N picked up over time. Everytime they lied, were nervous or very anxious, their tells would show. No one paid attention to it, no one said anything about - no one except their closest friend, of course.


“ David, what are you going on about? ” Y/N questioned the blonde male beside them, with a sigh, as their ( bright/dark ) orbs searched his stone hard features with a look of uncertainty. David questioned them just what had been bothering them the entire day, figuring it was bad since Y/N's ginger was bleeding from picking their skin again. It was an old habit they'd never fault of, it was way too comforting.

“ I know something is wrong. ” The blonde coolly spoke, keep his voice leveled, even though his irritation was starting to creep up into his mind. “ You were picking at your fingers, again. You only do that when you're extremely anxious. ” His light blue eyes narrowed slowly, lowering into slits. “ What's going on, Y/N? ”

The person swallowed heavily, very much impressed that David took in the detail of them when others did not, but also scared shirtless for the fact that he knew something was up. Although Y/N craved affection and attention, they much rather stay hidden. Not answering questions like this, was so much easier.

“ I... can't tell you. ” Their voice shook as they spoke, pretty quiet, and avoiding direct eye contact. Though, their eyes did keep glancing upwards. “ You'd hate me... and judge me. ”

The blonde vampire raised a brow at that, wondering what could possibly be so bad, that he'd hate them. He was a vampire - a killer, for fucks sake. Nothing could be worse than that.

“ Try me, ” David challenged, crossing one arm over the other, over his chest. “ I'd really like you to wow me, with whatever shit this is that's so bad. ”

Y/N was afraid - petrified even, to tell their best friend that they were practically just a human, not a she or he. What would Davis think? That they were a freak? That they needed actual cleansing from God? Sure, he didn't believe in religion, but that doesn't mean he was accepting of people like Y/N.

“ I'm... not a ( boy/girl ). ” Y/N confessed, looking anywhere but at David. “ I'm non binary. I don't identify as a certain gender... I know you're confused, probably disgusted.. ” Choking on their words as they spoke, they squeezed their eyes shut and took a shaky inhale of breath. “ I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. ”

David was quiet for a whole minute, taking in the information he had just received. Not identifying as the sex you were born as wasn't odd to him.. In fact, he could care less. But what struck him as odd, is that Y/N actually thought he'd hate them as a result to the confession. Why would he? Why does it matter what they wanna be? In the end, you were nothing more than someone who was living, just like everyone else.


“ Why would I hate you? ” David unfolded his arms slowly, while quirking a brow at the other beside him. “ I'm not an asshole.. not to you - I won't judge you based on that. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. ”

Blinking slowly, Y/N dragged their eyes upwards to look at David, surprise clouding their ( blue/green/brown/etc ) orbs, furthermore pushing David to become slightly more irritated with the fact that they, didn't trust him, of all people. “ .. You seriously mean that? ”

“ Of course I mean it, Y/N. ” David sighed, eyeing the person carefully ; an emotion of some sorts flickering in his unlit eyes. Something told him to calm himself, for he shouldn't be getting worked up at them over this - not when it was bothering them. So, tapping a hand against his thigh, he leaned back into the beat up sofa they sat upon and stared at the ( brunette/blonde/ravenette/etc ) with a more softer expression. “ I'm not an idiot. I know those fucking mouth breathers give you shit, it's not hard to put two and two together, ”

pausing, David slid the hand that he had over the back of the couch, down to meet Y/N's own, that were seated in their lap. He took one in his grip and, looking down at said hand, ran a gloved finger over delicately over soft knuckles. “ and I may give you shit, but that's just who I am. ” He couldn't believe he was actually saying this out loud, but for once, he didn't mind it. It was Y/N he was speaking to, after all. “ I'm not a monster, I won't toss you to the side just because you feel different about who you are. ”

Y/N was at a loss for words, really. The pounding that had began in their chest when David first started speaking, only began to grow more and more with each word that came out of his mouth. They were pretty sure he heard, but they didn't seem to care. They saw how David's eyes sparkled when both of them talked, or the way his eyes would dance over their features every time they sat together to soak in the detail, as if he'd be losing them at any point in time. It just never registered in Y/N's brain until now, and now that they've noticed, they couldn't help but think ‘ God, I love him ’.

David heard the humans thoughts, though. If he still had a besting heart, he probably would've blushed - if he were soft. Instead, like the cocky fucker he was, his lips twitched into a knowing smirk. “ C'mere.. ” He mumbled, tightening his grip on Y/N's hand, only to pull his arm back and yank the person onto his lap.

Y/N gasped out, not having expected that. Although they didn't mind, they were completely speechless once they were left straddling David ; face fully red, and eyes of ( light/dark) staring into crystal blue, with nothing but embarrassment flashing through them. In David's eyes, anyone could point out the amusement - but the love is what Y/N saw, and that's all they had to, for them to boldly lean forward and capture the bleach blonde in a kiss.

Although David hadn't expected the kiss, he made no comment on it, not showing the least bit he was taken back - he, instead, returned the kiss ; pushing his lips gently up against theirs. For someone who was a dick most of the time, he sure had a soft side.

Only for Y/N, though.

“ Thank you.. ” Y/N mumbled against cold lips, slowly parting to set their foreheads together. They smiled softly while sliding their hands down, to lightly press up against the vampire's chest. “ Thank you, for being you, David. ”

Just what had they meant by that? He didn't know. Everyone saw him as a big, scary asshole who liked to mess with others for the simple fun of it. He was cruel and cunning, in his own way. That's why no one ever trusted him, never got to know him... but Y/N was different. They actually made him FEEL something, other than hunger and anger and... that - insecurity.

They made him feel like he belonged.

“ I love you... ” The vampire mumbled, never taking his light blue orbs off of Y/N's. He wanted to relish in this moment forever.

“ I love you, too. ”

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