《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》It will never happen // Anakin Skywalker


Now I know Padme does love Anakin but for this imagine only she doesn't love him, so I have changed it up a little. Just to suit the emotion and the plot idea.

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Anakin was in love with Padme but he felt that she didn't return the feelings. Anakin knew the Jedi Law and that was to not fall in love or grow attachments, but he wanted Padme Anakin had to find a way to show his love for her. He tried endlessly and he received no return from the love. Anakin felt his feelings deepen each passing day, but he didn't give up on Padme. "Padme!" he smiled brightly and caught up to her she smiled back and smiled "Anakin what are you doing?" she gasped in curiosity and he shook his head "Nothing just hoping I would catch you and ask for a walk?" he gestured and she nodded "Sure it's a beautiful day" they strolled through the gardens and laughed about little jokes that Anakin told. Coming their way was a young man with a huge smile "Carian!" Padme exclaimed and he picked her up and spun her around they laughed and Anakin stood awkwardly "Oh Anakin I'm sorry this is my fiancé Carian Tacker. Prince of Adriri a close ally of Naboo. We are to be married in a months time isn't it exciting" she jumped in excitement and Anakin nodded with a smile "Yes it is I am happy for you both" Anakin bowed lightly and Carian looked at Anakin "Who is this again darling?" he asked Padme and Anakin looked up "Anakin Skywalker, your highness Jedi Knight Master Kenobi's Padawan" he presented himself and the Prince's eyes widened "Oh yes the famous Skywalker I have heard many positive things about you. I appreciate keeping Padme safe while I have not been around. You and Master Kenobi both." he smiled and Anakin nodded "Yes well that's what the Jedi do we protect those who need protecting. Padme is a target to many enemies she is always the Jedi's first priority" Anakin explained and he bowed "Excuse me I will have to find my master we have matters to discuss" he walked away and to find Obi-Wan.


* A month later *

Anakin heard the trumpets and drums playing in sync as Padme walked down the aisle to Prince Carian. Anakin's heart felt heavy, his eyes were dull they were no longer as bright as they used to be. Obi-Wan stood next to his Padawan and he frowned "This is a happy time Anakin, not to funeral" he says and Anakin nodded "I know Master but I can't help how I feel" he spoke sadly and Obi-Wan sighed "You cannot have attachments Anakin, besides we are only here to protect her as the council has ordered. The Prince can provide her extra security and protection, and they do love each other Anakin. You can't force her to love her and you can't force her to not follow her duties as a Senator. She is doing what is best for her people and not for you. Your selfish actions will get you in trouble Anakin remember that" he noted and his Padawan nodded solemnly and he looked back to Padme. Her white dress and her lace veil covered her hair as she walked with a bright smile, her brown eyes glittering with happiness. She looked at Anakin and kept that same smile and Anakin smiled softly back the smile he loved most was not meant for him. It will be for him, he will never see that smile again. He will never experience holding her, laughing with her, having a family with her. Anakin felt his heart drop when the couple held hands and announced their vows and kissed. They were married cheers erupted and Obi-Wan clapped and smiled as the couple faced them. Prince Carian mouthed to Anakin and Obi-Wan 'Thank you' and they nodded in response with a bow. Anakin's heart skipped one beat when Padme smiled at him, the same smile she had when they met. Anakin's eyes sparkled for a split second and he smiled. But no matter how much he thinks of the little things she does when she looks at him, shares a smile, a laugh or a glance. He knows it will never mean anything more than friendship. Anakin watched the married couple walk down the aisle. "She will never be mine. No matter how much we share, our laughs, our things we have in common. Because what she has with another man will never happen with me. I am just a Jedi protector to her, that's what I have always been. And that's all I will be. Forever." his words held so much sorrow, Obi-Wan noticed and held his padawan's shoulder and smiled "Just think Anakin the safety you provide for her is keeping her alive. And that my friend is the best thing you can do. And I know she appreciates everything you do for her. Anakin it's okay, come we must speak to the Jedi Council" he says and they both walk away Anakin's last picture was Padme standing to wave to her people before he closed his eyes and let a tear escape and run down his cheek.

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