《One Shots/ imagines》Hayden - Behind the scenes


Word count: 831


"CUT!" Yelled George and after thatI jumped off a green cube like thing infront of a big green screen where I had to stand on for this scene. Later it would get edited and would be one of these areas in the senate building. "That was great, Y/N!" He said and I smiled appreciating his compliment. "Thank you George." I told him and he returned my smile.

"That was your last scene for now. You can have a break and return in uh how about two hours?" He told me and I nodded. "Yeah works for me. See you then!" I said and walked off to my trailer.

I also had a hotel room for the time filming here but for less than two hours it wasn't worth the effort.

As I walked I heard George tell someone to go and get Hayden as it was now his turn.

Hayden was really one of the best actors I ever saw and I don't say that just because he's my boyfriend but because I really mean it.

I knew him way before we even started filming for star wars. We went to the same Highschool and even lived in the same apartment as the rent was otherwise to much for each of us alone. Before that we lived in the same neighborhood and were like best friends till our feelings took part in the story. Now we were dating for about 2 years and at the same time as we got together we auditioned for the roles of Anakin and Padmé in Star Wars not knowing we would get the parts.

I walked through the door of my trailer and immediately jumped onto my bed. Still in my costume I decided to sleep a bit. I grabbed my phone and set a timer for one and an half hours so I would be back in set in time.


Then I almost directly blanked out and slept though the entire time till my timer rang and I got up again. I fixed my costume a bit and walked back.

There I saw a very funny sight infront of me. Hayden seemed to be very bored and tired. I had his leg on one of the railings and looked like he would give a gymnastics space course any second from now. I slightly chuckled at that. He didn't notice. I walked up to him and also swung my leg onto the railing and looked at him.

"Is that right, Mr.Space gymnastic coach?" I asked him playfully and his mood seemed to light up again. "Na I don't think so. Looks like you need a lot more practice from my talented self." He told me also with a sarcastic voice. He slightly pushed me back and I immediately lost my balance stumbling back a bit. After I stood straight again I tried to do the same to him without any success. "I guess I do need practice." I admitted laughing and he did the same.

Hayden now also stood straight up again and we just talked normally about the scenes we shot today.

After a short while George came over to us. "Ah perfect! I don't have to search for any of you now that you both are already here." He said clapping his hands together.

"Okay. We are now gonna shoot the scene where you Hayden, Anakin, wake up from a nightmare and walk out of your bedroom to the livingroom. Then, like we spoke about earlier, you Y/N, Padmé, notice that your husband is gone and follow him. Then you say your lines worriedly and he tries to calm you down a bit. Understood?" George let us know and Hayden and me nodded letting him know that we understood.


George walked away again and Hayden turned towards me. He leaned forwards and whispered. "I like the sound of husband when George talks about us even if its just in the movies." "Me too Hayden. Me too. Sometimes it will be like that so don't you worry." I said and we both chuckled. God I loved this man so much. His laugh is everything to me. He then gave me a quick kiss on my lips and we went to the positions we were supposed to be in.

"everyone ready? Okay then 3, 2, 1, ACTION!" George yelled again and we began with our work like we always did.


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