《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - falling onto you


Word count: 1189


I was on my way to go and grab some dinner, so as I closed the front door of my apartment on coruscant. It wasn't the Biggest one and rather small but I still felt really comfortable.

I got into my speeder which was placed on a platform infront of my apartment. I turned up some Music and started flying. The traffic was a real mess and most of the time I hated it but at the same time I was in love with it.

The many people. All seeming so small. Everyone of them having their own life. Own stories. Own problems. Own happiness. It sometimes felt like my brain would explode thinking about all this stuff but I liked it.

I was flying to Dex diner. One of my favorite ones on Coruscant. He just made the best stuff. I thought about what I was going to order and it was real hard.

As I was thinking I suddenly felt something or better said someone falling on my speeder. I let out a short scream as I didn't expect it. It was a man. A good looking man if I may add.

"Yoo uhh are you alright?" I asked the man, internally slapping myself for it. The man fell of god knows what height.

He crawled from the back of my speeder to the passenger seat. Okay what is going on?

He let out a small wimmer, telling me he was in pain. "I'm sorry for crashing onto your speeder. Didn't plan to." He told me. "Oh its alright. Uh happens all the time." I said calmly and he raised his eyebrow. "You had a someone falling onto your speeder before?" He asked not believing me. "Yeah plenty people. Plenty." I told him letting out a small laugh. He chuckled "you're making fun of me!" He realized. "Me? What? I would never!" I now fully laughed. How could I not? How did he even believe it?


I looked over to him and saw him bleeding. He held his hand onto his stomach. So no dinner for me today. I couldn't not help him so I took a turn with my speeder flying back to my apartment.

Normally I wouldn't do that but he seemed like a nice guy who just fell of some speeder for some reason. I would definitely ask him bout that later.

After a few minutes we arrived at my apartment and I landed the speeder.

"Where are we?" He wanted to know.

"I live here don't be afraid I won't kidnap you. Promise." I let him know and he chuckled. It was such a cute laugh he had. I must admit.

I helped him climb out and walk into my bathroom down the hallway. I sat him on a little chair I had in there and grabbed some towels.

I noticed it was a shot wound and I at first was a bit shocked. What did he do to get that? Why would someone do that? Okay last question was unnecessarily since we there were many really weird and bad people here.

I decided I would ask him later not while I was stopping him from bleeding out.

I got everything I needed and cleaned his wound. He winced a few times but didn't say anything. When I finished I looked at him, letting him know he was ready.

"Thank you and may I know the name of my rescuer?" He asked me. "Y/N. Yours?" I shortly answered. "Anakin." He shortly said. Anakin. It was a nice name.

After a few seconds of silence he spoke up again. "Where did you learn that?" He questioned. "My mum. She's a nurse." I told him and smiled.

I know noticed him having a little braid which I have seen somewhere before. I couldn't remember exactly when.


"Where did you fall of by the way?" I asked him. "Oh yeah sorry that I didn't tell you before. I was chased after someone who then shot me. Its a bad day for me." He told me and I let out a silent laugh at the end part. "Yeah I noticed that" I said to it.

"Why were you chasing the person in the first place?" I asked. "Don't know if im allowed to say since I know I already said more than I should but I think I own you something for bringing so much problems to you and bleeding over your speeder and apartment." Anakin said and chuckled. "The person tried to kill someone I was told to protect. I wont say names because I'm sure you wouldn't know them anyway. I'm no bad guy though just wanted to let you know." He told me.

Now I know where I knew the braid from. After I put two and two together I felt pretty dumb for not knowing before. He was a Jedi. A Padawan.

"You're a Jedi?" I wanted to make sure though. "Yeah didn't you know?" He asked as if it was the most obvious thing ever. It probably even was but of course not for me.

I didn't answer feeling slightly embarrassed, covering my face with my hands while laughing. Anakin also started laughing.

I then brought him to my livingroom and told him he could stay the night. I also dragged him to show me some of the weird magic tricks the Jedi were known for.

Now it was late at night and I was walking out of the livingroom as Anakin said my name. "Y/N! I-i wanted to ask if we could maybe do something like this again?" He shyly asked me and I turned around facing him. "Of course. I would love too." I admitted. He smiled at me and I did the same as I turned around walking towards my bedroom.

As I was laying in my bed I thought about all the weird rules they had to follow. One really bothering me. It had to be the I fall for some dude who wasn't allowed to love me back. How ironic about the fall thing.

I felt like he kind of liked me too though.

I didn't noticed falling asleep but then I already woke up again. The sun shining in my face. I got up and was going to the livingroom feeling nervous about seeing Anakin again.

When I got to the living room there was no sight of him. No where. I looked for him everywhere till I noticed a small note on my kitchen table.

Dear y/n,

I'm so sorry that I didn't say goodbye but I'm sure we'll see each other agin soon. My master called me and told me to come to the temple since there are news about the mission I told you about. I hope you understand! See you soon!



I smiled at the note. See you soon!


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