《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - enemies to lovers


(You both are around 20)

Word count: 1087


"Lets go Shitwalker! Hurry up! We dont have all day to reach the hidden base. Why do you have to be so damn slow?" I complained as he just kept looking around instead of fastening his speed.

"If you don't shut the fuck up, you pain in the ass, I'm gonna throw you off the ship when we go into hyperspace!" He yelled into your direction that you could hear him since the both of you were on a speeders.

"At least I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore! But don't complain when you wont get your shit together" I yelled back at him.

"Thats fine with me." He told me.

"Fine then do it!" I yelled.

"Fine!" He yelled.

"Fine!" I also yelled.

"Fine!" He again yelled.

"FINE!" We both yelled at the same time and after that we got quiet till we arrived at the place we were supposed to go to.

We hid our speeders behind a tree and walked to the small door on the ground. We tried to open it but it wasn't working. We even tried to slice it open with our lightsabers but it was some weird material which seemed to be lightsaber prove.

"Perfect! Now we have to go back to the cruiser and tell them to get some mechanic" I yelled sarcastic into nowhere.

Anakin didn't say anything so I was a little confused. Normally he would say something sarcastic too or at least swear or insult something I did.

I turned around to see if he was like dead or something. You never know. He wasn't. I just saw him kneeling with his back turned towards me looking at something on the ground. What was it?


That didn't seem like the normal Anakin. And I must know as I knew him since we were Padawan.

I walked towards him wondering what was wrong with him. I touched his shoulder to turn him to look at me. Wow his shoulder is strong i thought and why the fuck did I think that? I don't like him! He's the most annoying, selfish and bitchy person I know. But also the most funny, kind and Handsome person. What the fuck is happening?!

He the suddenly turned around standing up. He looked me into my eyes. "Have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen?" He told me and my eyes widened and I didn't know what to say. "You are also the most funny, selfless and kindhearted one I could ever imagine. Even if you are annoying as a three year old child who swears like a 16year old." Anakin said and chuckled a bit.

What the fuck? I cant repeat it enough. That has to be a dream. Or a nightmare? No a dream. "Shi- Skyw- Anakin...you don't mean that... what kind of joke is that?" I asked him not understanding anything.

"Its not a joke. I would never lie about something like that. I have loved you since the day you ran over me on Coruscant when we were 15. I swear to force! I thought making you hate me would help it go away and turn also into hate but it never helped...it never did...it only made me love you more." He confessed and I still didn't understand what was happening.

I looked around and saw something on the ground where he had kneeled only minutes ago. I have never seen this kind of flower before. What is that? It was yellowish with a bit of blue and green in it. I kneeled down and smelled the most heavenly scent ever. Anakins scent. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them again my mind felt clear and the feelings I tried to lock away when I was 15 returned ten times harder. No...


I stud up again looking into his eyes. Seconds later Anakin cupped my face and slowly leaned in and kissed me passionated. I melt into the kiss my 15 year old self had dreamed of. The kiss grew more and more lustful but at the same time loving. There were so many emotions and feelings in it. We then pulled apart and smiled like crazy at each other.

"That was even better than I had imagined it before." I let him know and he smirked. "You imagined kissing me?" He said playful and I hit his chest. "Don't you dare or there wont be a second." I told him. "There is a chance for a second?" He asked chuckling and thats when I smashed my lips onto his again. This one was shorter but still full of feelings.

"Is there also a chance for a third?" Anakin asked and I laughed walking back to the speeder. "C'mon I'm not that bad of a kisser." He said laughing. "We will see." I told him and when we were In front of our speeders I looked at him again.

"You know what? I love you Shitwalker." I told him. "I love you way more, you pain in the ass" he said. He kissed my nose quickly and jumped onto his speeder.

"Do you think we should tell anyone about the flower?" I asked him. I mean it was like a love-revealing-spell flower so it would maybe be interesting for someone. "And ruin the chances for others to reveal their love they tried to hide? Never." He laughed and started his speeder. I also laughed at his comment. It was fate. I knew that.

"What are we gonna do now? With us?" He asked. "I dunno but I'm fully in for a third kiss." I told him and we both had to smile at that. "Then we continue this?" He asked again. "If you are still in for it even without the flower." I told him. "Of course plus its not like anyone would expect us two dating." He said chuckling. "So i am dating Shitwalker. I would have never expect that coming." I grinned at him while I also started my speeder.


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