《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - you get Jealous


(If anyone is interested the age gap is about 5 years. (So you would be 18 and he would be 23). You can imagine it how you like just keep in kind that he originally is her Master and so obviously is at least a bit older.)

I was walking around the temple chatting with a few of my fellow Padawans. After the most of them had to go to their masters or just simply had to train only I and two others were left.

The Two of them being my best friends. Rena

Ferral and Dasha Delos. We were friends since we were younglings and since then no one could ever separate us. Except if we had to go to missions of course. But that doesn't count.

We told each other everything. Everything except one little detail of my life. My relationship with Anakin. Anakin Skywalker. My Master. I trusted them with my life but it wasn't just mine in this situation it was my boyfriends too. He didn't even tell his oldest and bestest friend Master Kenobi.

As we walked around we talked about random things. Our last missions and probably next missions. About a fancy new store not far away from the temple in which we could never go anyways. About our Masters. And Master Skywalker's new friend. Wait what?

"Wait a second, Rena... what do you mean with his new friend?" I asked confused as we stopped walking. "I thought he was your Master not mine, y/n. But anyways. You noticed he was gone for a week, right?" She asked sarcastic. How could I not notice. Every day without him hurt like a blaster shot right through my stomach. Thats also probably the reason why attachment is forbidden. Now it was too late either way.

"How should I not? I had a whole week off of training, though." I said crossing my arms. "Okay chill a bit. So I heard from Lindsay that she heard from Verena that she heard from Kyle that he heard from Squint that he heard from his Master who us friends with Master Windu that Master Skywalker had a Mission to rescue the Princess of Montoya and bring her here to Coruscant. Then I heard from Kyle that they arrived like two hours ago. He said that the Princess was all over Master Skywalker." She told me and I swear to force that my heartbeat was now faster than it was before. Why didn't he tell me?


"I can't believe you didn't catch this gossip, though. Normally you are the one I hear something like that from." Rena joked around but I wasn't feeling like that right now. "Yeah pretty funny. Sorry but I am uh not feeling so well so I will go to my room now. See you at dinner." I told them already heading of to all of the rooms where he could be with the princess.

"See you y/n" Rena shouted after me. "Dont be late and if you need anything you know where to find us!" Dasha yelled shortly after Rena.

I started searching for them.

First I went to the training rooms. Nothing

To the Cafeteria. Nothing.

To the meeting rooms. Nothing.

To the spare time quaters for each Younglings, Padawans and Jedi. Nothing.

At last I went To his room or better said apartment as he got a new one a few moths ago. The only one I hoped to not find them. But as I opened the door I was met with laughter.

"You're so funny." The princess giggled while playfully punching against his chest. "How can someone be so funny and Handsome at the same time?" She asked him also while giggling like a freaking 2 year old who cant do anything beside that. Which probably was the matter of fact with her too.

"I don't know." Anakin said smiling. That was enough. He didn't tell her off. He didn't tell her anything or at least that he wasn't comfortable.

As she now also reached out to stroke his shoulder I cleared my throat.

Both of their heads shot up looking at me.

"Could I have a few words with you, Master?" I asked him overly friendly. "Is this your Padawan? Oh my crown she is so cute!" Her high pitched voice was heard.

Damn it she should really need a license for that. It would be a strong weapon in the torture industry that is for sure.

I gave her a friendly smile while looking over her shoulder directly in Anakin's eyes.


"I'll be right back, Princess." He told her and even if I did know he just called her that because she was in fact a Princess but it still felt like a shot though my heart.

As we were out of earshot. I punched him in his chest. He stumbled back shortly and then before I could punch him again he reached out for my arms grabbing them. "Why are you doing that?" I wanted to know from him. "What do you mean?" He asked as if he had no idea. "She is flirting with you don't you see? And you do nothing like really nothing to change that. If you want to act dumb then do and go back to your princess." I told him in a hurt voice.

"my princess? You cant be serious right now." He told me as if I told him a funny joke.

I just glared at him. "You're jealous." He said while releasing my arms slightly.

"No I mean yes I mean No..." i told him lying to him and myself. "Dont lie to me, y/n. Its just a mission i have to complete. What do you expect? I need informations so I cant just tell her -oh wait you are a total dougebag so please go anywhere but near me-. Please just tell me the truth. I know it anyways I just want to hear it from you." He told me.

"okay fine yes I am jealous but what about it? Even if it's just a mission...You seem all comfortable with her and besides she is a princess and more beautiful than me even if her voice is a pain in the ass." I told him looking down embarrassed at my own actions now that I replayed everything in my head.

"You got point. I understand that yet Its our duty y/n. We both were willing to stay focused and do what we must do and if this relationship should work out you should trust me. We can't take the risk of our love taking over our actions right now. What if the council found our?." He told me in a low voice. "A-are you breaking up with me?" I asked shocked almost not bringing out the words. "What?! Never. Just try to stay focused and keep in mind that I love you. Only you. I only ever have and only ever will love you. No one else." He said while slightly caressing my cheek with his hand.

"I'm sorry for my actions. It won't happen again." I told him. He leaned his forehead against mine. "It not bad to have those feelings. You just have to keep them down to a level where others don't notice. If you ver feel this way tell me like you did. Just maybe a bit different but I think you know that." He told me.

He leaned back to look in my eyes and then kiss me deeply.

"Are you okay again?" He wanted to know after we broke our kiss. "Yes. Thank you for being so understanding." I said and he hugged me tightly. "Now complete you Mission, Skywalker." I demanded. "Will do. See you tonight!" He said while walking back to his apartment to talk with the princess.

I was okay with it now. I really was. I guess I really just needed that conversation.

I now realized that it was already dinner time and so headed off to the dinner hall to meet my friends Rena and Dasha.


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