《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - help (2)


My thoughts were interrupted by his voice...

"Why-" he again tried sitting up and inhaled sharply as the pain hit him since the pain killers weren't working yet. After a few moments, where he had tried not to look as he felt pain, he managed to sit up. "Why did you help me?" He asked looked in my (y/e/c) eyes. "I figured you needed it and I was there at there so yeah...I mean...why shouldn't I have helped?" I answered him not breaking the eye contact. "That was really kind of you...i'm not used to that anymore." He told me breaking the long eye contact with looking down at his hands.

"You don't have to tell me but uh whats your name? I forgot to ask" I questioned him. He took a moment till he spoke seeming like he was trying to remember his name or something. "Anakin" he then simply answered with a little but still charming smile. Wow That really is an unique name. "I have never heard that one before but I already like it." I told him smiling. "And yours? I also forgot to ask and I need to know the name of my mysterious lifesaver." He said now chuckling. I think the pain killers start working. "Y/n." I answered as shortly as he did. "Y/n...Thats such a wonderful name. I would like to get to say it more often so...do you live here? And is this your room or just any. I mean it's not the nicest planet of the galaxy." He asked me.

"At the moment sadly yes... my ship went down on here a year ago or so and I never got the chance to leave again. Now I'm working as a mechanic but maybe soon to be nurse here. There are rumors of some sith come and live here and with that more employees will come which causes more injuries which need to be taken care of by a nurse which would be me." I told him realizing I had again managed to talk way too much.

It was just nice having someone to talk to beside droids, my commanders (with who I only talk to when they need me) and Kalyaq Dwytri who is the lady serving food here. I like her the most by the way.

"You didn't talk too much at all." He told me. "Wait why-how do-did you how-" a confused look spread over my face till I realized that he was a Jedi which I forgot completely about.


"I'm no Jedi...not anymore..." he said as I saw his eyes turning into a yellow and reddish color for a moment. Wait a second...

"y-you are a sith, aren't you?" I asked now a bit nervous. "You don't need to be nervous or scared, y/n. I promise to not hurt you." He told you laying his robotic hand on top of yours since his other one is injured.

I relaxed a bit at his comment but also because if he wanted to kill me he had had many chances since I had met him and finished fixing his wounds and everything.

"So I figure you are the Sith Lord everyone is talking about. Who is going to live here." I said not questioning but also not fully knowing. "Yeah I mean I don't have no other choice anymore." He told me sadly and I got curious at his backstory and why it was his only choice.

"You don't have to answer but why? Why is this your only choice?" I asked and he was quiet was a while so I thought he didn't want to answer it. Which I was okay with. As I was attempting to speak and change the topic he spoke.

"I betrayed the Jedi Order... My friends... it wasn't because I wanted fame or anything like that...it was because I wanted answers which they couldn't give me...answers which I couldn't live without any longer but I didn't think that something like that would happen...I got betrayed too..."

he told me stopping shortly to look at me and I was already waiting for him to continue.

"I had a Padawan..her name was Ahsoka...she was like a sister to me sometimes even like a daughter...but one year ago she got captured by bounty hunters at least this is what the Jedi including me thought at first...then one month ago Palpatine told me that she got killed...I was broken...i still am...then he told me that the Jedi council had known for already half a year or so and left me searching for her every goddamn single day...pretending to be still worried... I never felt so much hate and sadness at ones...since a few years ago...but thats not the point right know...Palpatine convinced me into believing that the council didn't want me to be a part of them...that they were planing on getting rid of me which I stupidly believed..."


He again paused his story and my eyes teared up since that really was one of the saddest things I have ever heard. He then continued.

"I became his new student and told him everything he wanted. Short before he started the Order 66 I got told the truth bit it was already too late. It turned out Palpatine had set bounty hunters to capture Ahsoka and then kill her, that the Jedi never knew about Ahsokas death till like a day before I did and that they didn't plan on getting rid of me but granting me the rank of a Master... I absolutely hate myself for what I did but Palpatine or now Emperor has power over me and over everything I do..."

he let out a sigh and I saw tears forming in his eyes as he finished his speech.

"And one of the worst things is I lost Obi Wan...my old master who was like my brother...even like a Father...he was the one I was fighting against...I'm not even angry at him I deserved that..." he finished. A tear fell down his cheek and I gently brushed it away with my palm.

"Why don't you leave everything behind? Its never too late if you get the right a chance." I told him and he looked at me.

I had a secret backup plan which I was creating at the moment but I just wanted to help him. My parents taught me to put myself behind others when they need help even if it meant having a disadvantage.

"I am secretly working on a small ship out of the pieces of the one with which I crash-landed here... its nearly finished...you could take it and fly away...I have a close friend who lives on a isolated farm on Naboo far away from the city... I planned on going to her with the ship so wait don't you take it?" I asked him already thinking he'd say yes. "But then how are you leaving?" He wanted to know confused. "Not at all...i could try stealing pieces from in the new building...maybe I'll find something." I shrugged my shoulders knowing I'd never find everything I needed for to built a ship. "Thats not going go happen, y/n. You cant understand how grateful I am for your offer but if it means leaving you behind I'm not doing it. I'm not taking away your chance for a better life." He said and now fully sat up and moved next to me. "If that is so I could maybe try to create more space in the ship for another seat. A few things are not completely necessary. But it would take more time." I told him. "I could help you. I pretty good at fixing things and by the way a good pilot." He let me know and we both smiled at the thoughts of getting away from here. "Then lets start! Or rather I start and you can help as soon as you recovered a bit." I told him standing up already going grab the things I would need. He tried to argue with me to let him help already but I shut him up by saying I would give him something so that he would be asleep and I would carry him to the ship, set it on autopilot and let him fly away.

After like two days he could stand up again and could help me so we were finished after in total four days. We got great friends and I think I started to fall for him. He was just so kind, funny and caring that it would be impossible to not fall for him. He was just perfect inside and out.

Now we were sitting in the ship after being successful at escaping. We landed on Naboo and hid the ship before walking to my friends farm.

As we were walking without saying anything but feeling comfortable and safe I'd know that we would have a great future ahead of us. If it was together or not either way it would be just fine even if I hoped for the first option.

I think he read my mind again because he chuckled a bit and smiled down at me. "I also hope for the first option." That was the only things he said before gently grabbed my hand and held it all the way till we arrived at the farm.

Now I definitely hoped for a future together with him. He wasn't going to get rid of me anytime soon after his actions for sure.


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