《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - help (1)



I hate it here so much. How could I be so stupid to take this job? I can be happy to live to the next day and not be killed besides I don't even get much money. But it was my only option.

I just walk around the area a few times a day to check if anything is broken or not the way it should be. Then I have to report it and do the same thing over and over again. Everyday. Everyday till now...

Today I was just normally walking the paths like I normally do checking wires and so. I then saw some droids hurrying towards to the destroyed looking castle.

I also heard, from a co-worker of mine, that they, but i don't know who that should be, are gonna fix it or even built a new one for I also really don't know who but I heard rumors about a new sith lord named Darth Vader or something today. I mean, who would like to be in a place like that besides a sith lord? I shrugged my shoulders continuing my walk noticing some broken metal covering which I instantly reported through my communicator.

Then suddenly I saw a light from the corner of my eye. Which I normally wouldn't even care for since this a damn lava planet and you see light sparks all the time but this time it was different. It wasn't red, yellow or something I was used to here. It was blue. I turned around seeing two blue light bars swinging and hitting against another.

I was fascinated by the quickness but suddenly they were gone behind one of the hills. It was maybe like a half mile away from me if you'd look from above.

I thought about what that could have been when it came to my mind... Jedi! But why would they be here? Why would they fight against each other? I never knew much of them just that they titel themselves as peace keepers which I can't really agree with.


Not like I was a Separatist but a the same time I was't Republican either. I was looking at both sides pretty neutral. But when one of my Commanders ask me: i'm the separatistest separatist the separatists have ever seen of course.

Back to were i was. Why are they fighting? I knew that I shouldn't go there. It was dangerous but with every moment that passed I began to grow even more curious and started walking in the direction since it was pretty distant from where I was right now. After a while of walking, quick walking, jogging and running I came to where I had last seen them.

I looked around searching for them when I heard screams. Terribly screams full of sadness, betrayal and hate.

I figured that it must come from these Jedi I had seen and slowly walked into that direction.

"I HATE YOU!" One of them screamed at the top of there lungs. I was hiding behind a Rock as I looked around it to see from where the screams came.

"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you..." the other one said turning around. His eyes seemed to be full of hurt as he turned around and walked away.

The other one was laying on the ground near the lava. He seemed to be massively injured. From what I could see he had a few burns from a lightsaber and a pretty deep wounds on both of his legs which prevented him from being able to stand up on his own. He had one metal arms with which he was trying his best to drag himself away from the the lava see behind him. His other hand seemed to be injured to but I couldn't exactly see what was wrong.

I couldn't bare looking at him any longer waiting for him to magically get away from the lava.


I ran over to him as he looked at me. I bent down offering him my hand. "I want to help you". He eyes were still fixed on me. He then took my offering and grabbed my hand with his metal one.

I firstly pulled him a bit away from the see behind him and then bent down again to take his arm, laying it around my shoulders and laid my arm around his back to stabilize him and help him stand up. I realized that he wasn't able to stand on his own so I stayed in that position and began walking to were my room was. It wasn't too far away from here since it wasn't in the central building. He held his stomach with his other hand and I tried not to hurt him anymore. Neither on of us talked till we reached my room.

I quickly typed my password in to unlock my door. Then I carefully laid him on my bed as he winced in pain. "I'll get my medical aid stuff. Just wait here." I told him and he slightly nodded. I quickly went into my bathroom to get everything I needed.

Before I was employed here I used to be kind of a nurse in small hospital on my even smaller home planet Ywaken-Udiro, which most people haven't even heard of. Since the war started almost everyone flew from that planet leaving me jobless. I originally wanted to go to another hospital on any other planet but my ship went down here on Mustafar. Now I'm here. Employed as a Mechanic and soon to be a nurse when more people start to come here.

I grabbed everything to be able to help this Jedi man. I got back to the room to catch the man crying but as soon a I came he acted like that didn't happen. I sat down next to him and he wanted to sit up too.

I slightly pushed him down again. "Stay like that." I said and began to unpack all of the stuff I brought. Firstly I had to sterilize the wounds. "This is going to hurt." I warned him and he slightly chuckled. "I think not as much as when I got these." He said. At least he has humor.

As he said that I began to spray the disinfection spray on his arm and on the wounds on his legs. He inhaled sharply once but nothing more.

After a few more things I did and taking care of everything I put bandages around everything and gave him some pain killers.

He looked at me the whole time and I didn't mind. When I was finished I also looked at him and realized that he was really handsome. Like really. I think I hadn't noticed as I firstly just wanted to help him but now I could. He was really a dream of a man.

He had wonderful curly dark blond hair but what I hadn't realized was that he had these extremely yellow/red eyes. I thought only sith had these?

My thoughts were interrupted by his voice...

To be continued...


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