《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - Dad


Word count: about 400

"When is dad coming home?" my son asked me in an excited voice. "I don't know, honey, but I'm sure he will be here in the next hour." I told him and bent down to lift him up and carry him to our garden. I set him on the ground and he immediately began to run around acting like he had a lightsaber duell with someone. "I'm stronger than you will ever be pssssheww psssshewww" he yelled at the invisible enemy.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and knew that it was my husbands. I turned around happily and hugged him tightly. As we separated he gave me a kiss which was then interrupted by our son. "Eww Mum and dad are kissing." He laughed.

Anakin began to smirk and jokily said "is it also eww if I give you a kiss?" And with that he grabbed Luke and gave him kisses all over his face. He also began tickling him which caused Luke to laugh even more. Luke then managed to escape and Anakin chased him while laughing.

After a few rounds around our garden Anakin got him. He lifted Luke up onto his shoulders and Luke acted like he was flying.

"Look mummy! I'm a pilot" he shouted happily while Anakin chuckled at his reaction. "Yeah, honey, i see. You seem to be very talented." I told Luke and his smile grew even bigger.

After a few more minutes Luke had to yawn and his eyes were already closed. Anakin still had him in his arms. "I think we should put him in his bed. He must be exhausted from all the flying and fighting the dark side." i whispered and let out a really small giggle and Anakin slightly nodded chuckling at the last thing i said.


He carried him in his room and as soon as he layed in bed he was completely fallen asleep. We still stood in the doorframe for another short moment to make sure of that. Then i looked up into Anakins wonderful blue eyes and then ones again to our son before I silently closed the door.


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