《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - rescue


Word count : 700


You were a Jedi. A real good one. It was told you'd become one of the best ones ever existing. Till you were captured by the sith and now being on a abandoned planet for Two years. They got you on a mission you were sent which you later found out was a trap.

You have tried to break out many times but after the first year you were not strong enough to try anymore. You dont get much to eat and you arent allowed to go out of your cell when it's not necessary. Only once every month or so they let you walk around the place you were held but only with like 20 special trained droids, a general and one sith. Darth Maul or Ventress most of the time.

You lost hope. The hope of ever getting back to

your fiancé Anakin or your friends. You missed all of them terribly. You wondered if they would think about you too all the time.

Now you were sitting in the corner of your cell when you suddenly heard really loud alarm sounds from every side. You heard the steps of droids walking and blaster sound. What is happening? You thought to yourself. You wanted to stand up and look for the cause of the sudden stress but you were to weak.

Then it went silent outside you door and you heard footsteps of one single person running. You suspected Maul so you pressed yourself more in the corner you were sitting in.

You door opened and you pressed your eyes together turning your face to the wall to protect yourself from what was going to happen when you heard-

"Y/N? I-is this really you?" You thought you were dreaming but when you opened your eyes again you met eyes with your fiancé. Anakin. You started crying and he ran over to you and kneeled next to you giving you the tightest hug you have ever witnessed. He looked at you again and brought his hand up to your cheek and gave you a deep kiss full of love. His eyes also started to water up.


"Are you okay? Force! Why am I even asking?! Of course you arent okay. I'm talking too much again oh force I missed you so much y/n. I'm not letting you alone anymore. Never. There wasnt a day where i didnt think of you. Where i didnt miss you or lost hope in finding you. I love you so much." He spoke while having his hand still on your cheek. "Thank you Ani. Thank you so much. I missed you too. Every single day. I love you." You told him.

He tried to support you to stand up but you were still way too weak. When he realized that he picked you up in a bridal style and carried you outside of your cell.

Many destroyed droids were laying there and he had to be careful not to hurt you while walking around them.

After a few minutes of walking trough destroyed corridors you came to the hanger were a Medical Clone quickly rushed towards you.

Anakin laid you on some sort of medical bed and looked at you with a weak smile before going in obi-wans and Mace Windus direction to give them a report of what had happened. You fell asleep and it was the first time in two years were you didnt feared what the next day would bring. You were so overwhelmed to have such good friends which even after two years didnt stop believing in finding you ever again.


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