《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - he gets Jealous


"It feels like its been ages since we last talked like this." Clovis said in a low voice.

"Must have been at least 7 years." I said trying my best to sound like I liked the long time not seeing him.

"We were so close y/n... and i'd really like that to return to that...maybe even closer." He whispered while leaning towards my face and i backed away acting like I wanted to grab my drink which stud on the table in front of us.

He acted like nothing happened.

A few minutes later we were standing infront of the huge glass window of mine and anakins apartment.

"The view is truly amazing" he spoke but looking at me. I cringed inside and it now took everything from me to held a neutral face.

He then turned me to face him and tried to kiss me...again. I tried to push him away but his grip was to tight. "No. please stop, Clovis." I said but he didnt.

Luckily in this exact moment Anakin came thru the door and looked Clovis dead in the eyes. "If a woman asks you to stop you should do that." He told Clovis.

"Thats none of your business, Jedi."Clovis spoke clearly annoyed.

Anakin went Closer to Clovis and was now standing directly infront of him pushing me a little bit behind himself.

"Anak- General Skywalker, its okay i'll handle it myself." I said grabbing his arm to get his attention.

"Whatever you like, senator Y/L/N. But could i have a word with you. Alone." He said sending Clovis another death stare.

"Of course. Follow me." I said leading him out of the room.

"I dont like that he treats you like that and you dont let me do something." Anakin complained.

"I know Ani... but I have to handle it myself. At least let me try." I asked him with a look on my face i knew he coulnt resist.

"You know I hate it when you do that. Okay fine..." he said, giving me a kiss.


I went to the living room again leaving anakin in the other room.

"Its because of the Jedi." Clovis spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You dont want to be with me because of him."

"An- General Skywalker? No. We're just good friends." I said trying not to sound suspicious.

"Friends dont talk the way I heard you two talk." He said. Oh wow i really didnt thoight about whispering.

"No really. We only know each other for a good while and are close friends. Nothing more." I told him hoping to satisfy him with that.

"Then you cant stop me from doing this." He said and gapped my waist pulling me towards him and giving me a kiss. Thank god I was able to turn my head that he only kissed my cheek.

"How often do I have to tell you to keep your fucking hands away from her!" I heard the angry voice of anakin.

He came near us and I had to hold him that he doesnt try to kill Clovis.

"It hurts to realise that shes never going to love you, right? I swear to you that someday she will be mine." Clovis spoke.

I saw anakins mood turning from annoyed to extremely angry.

"Anakin dont. Hes not worth it. Please." I told him.

"I cant let him treat you like an object y/n." He said sounding really mad.

"Oh so you do have feelings for her." He said sounding happy to have such an information.

"Yeah and you know why? Because she is my wife." He yelled at Clovis and I thought I didnt hear right. My head immediately turned to look at Clovis for what his reaction would be.

"In your dreams you goddamn Jedi." Clovis said like he was daring Anakin or something. Clovis now directly looked at me trying to searching for the answer.

I shortly looked at Anakin and then back at Clovis smiling awkwardly. "We arent married. He just wants to uhm protect me?" I told Clovis. Anakin signed loudly and walked towards me. He locked eyes with me as if he just wanted my approval to tell Clovis everything just to see the shocked expression of him. I also would like to the that face but I had to remember that I'm on a mission which was not unimportant.


I slightly shock my head and Anakin seemed like he overlooked it and again stared at Clovis.

"We can go the nice and friendly way which is that you don't bother her ever again when it's not for work reasons OR we can go the unfriendly and hard way. What do you prefer?"

Anakin spoke attempting to sound a little more nicely compared to what he said before.

"I don't give a shit Jedi. I do what I want to do and you should do what you are told. Go the fuck away. She will be mine! If she wants it or not." He still spoke in his daring voice which sounded extremely disgusting. So he chose the unfriendly way. Bad option.

Anakin walked up to Clovis and hit him in his stomach. "If you don't stop you wish you would never have been born." Anakin told him and another punch hit Clovis but now in his face. Clovis started to hit back but I knew he had no chance set by side with Anakin.

I really would have liked to see Clovis getting beat up but what would I tell the council? He magically was hit by a ghost? Some bantas spawned in my living room ON Clovis? If i liked that or not Anakin had had his fun and i had to stop him.

"General Skywalker! Stop! I said stop!" He was so focused on that rather onesided fight that he didnt hear me. "Anakin I said stop!" I demanded and this time more loudly. Anakin stopped and stood over Clovis with the win written over his face. He turned around to look at me and I gave him a smile. I only wanted him to stop because I didn't know what I should have told the Senat not that I cared for Clovis.

Anakin want over to me. "I'm so sorry Y/N i should have stopped when you asked me to." He said leaning his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes. "Its okay Ani. You know, i also wanted to see that but I would have to tell the senat about it and I couldnt think of a proper excuse." I told him and he chuckled.

Anakin straightened up again and walked over to clovis again. He pulled him up on his shoulders so that Clovis stood again. He held his arm with his other hand and in his face were some blood stains.

"Get the fuck out of here" anakin told Clovis and He this time started walking but stopped infront of me which let Anakin sign heavily again.

"You should get a new protector. He is crazy! I should have known that you would never be dating someone like him." Clovis said giving Anakin a stare. I dont give a shit about taht piece of shit anymore. I want to see his face when he finds out about Anakin and I more than anything else.

"Yeah you are so right Clovis. He is indeed crazy but you know what? I am crazy too." I said while I felt Anakins arm laying on my waist. Anakin gave me a kiss on my head and Clovis eyes widened. "You are dating HIM?" Clovis sounded confused. "No of course not. I am married to him duh." I announced and Clovis fainted with the silliest face I have ever seen and the best thing is that when he waked up he'll think that all of that was just a bad dream.

I turned to look at Anakin and he leaned down to give me a kiss. "Honestly, that was fun" he said and chuckled a bit.


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