《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - mission


TW: blood, injuries

You were on a mission with your secret boyfriend Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Thano.

You were fighting against some droids, slicing each one after one till no is left of the group you were fighting. You turned around seeing Ahsoka who also slicing the last one of the one that came to her.

You walked over to her.

"Do you know where Master Skywalker is?" She asked you and you shrugged your shoulders. "I'm not sure but i saw as He ran over in this direction." You said pointing to your right side which lead to a small forest in which the Rex and a few other clones were fighting. "Where do you think he went?" She asked you. "I dont know but I guess he went to support Rex. I heard how he called for An- Master Skywalker." You answered.

"Oh okay i guess we should also go there since we are finished with the droids her- Y/N LOOK OUT!" Ahsoka suddenly shouts. You quickly turned around seeing a sith you had never seen before. She ran towards me while you pulled your lightsaber out and right then he reached you and you began fighting. He was good. Even better than you which was not very common. Your blue lightsaber hits his red one multiple times. "Ahsoka stay back!" You said as you saw her coming near you. "I'll handle it myself!" You told her.

You could really need some support but you didnt want the sith infront of you to realize you were weaker than him. Although you thought he already did. But still. You looked over to ahsoka for a split second seing her shocked face. You then realised a red lightsaber blade cutting once over your stomach. It wasnt that deep but still huge. The cut began bleeding and you fell on your knees. You then heard Rex and a few more voices coming to your direction.


The sith ran to the opposite side of where the voices came from and disappeared.

You held both of your hands trying not to lose too much blood. Ahsoka ran over to you and kneeled beside you. "Holy force! Y/n you need to see the doctor. Oh shit. Its oh force! Why didnt i help you!?" She spoke so quickly you didnt quite catch everything since listening began to be hard for you. "Dont blame youself Ahsoka. Its alright. Just a small cut. Besides i told you to stay back. I'm just so glad that you're alright." I said breathing heavily.

I now saw Rex running out of the forrest followed by Anakin and a few others which i couldnt see.

"Ahsoka why are you kneeli- Y/N!" Anakin now sprinted towards you also now kneeling beside you two. "Oh no oh no oh no! Why didnt you got me to help you?! Why?! Oh no. I need to bring you to the medical care!" Anakin spoke worried. "Its not so bad Anakin." I winced in pain as more blood began running over my hands. "Are you kidding me? You dont have to act tuff now. I promise youll habe enough in the future." He now picked you up in bridal style running as fast as he could while carrying you. Ahsoka stayed with rex to help them.

Your eyes began growing heavier and you really struggled to not close them. "Okay i admit its bad...its really bad." I said slow and quietly. "Y/N dont give up we're nearly there." He said panicking. You reached the medical care tent and he layed you on one of the beds and kneeled next to it while doctors ran around grabbing things for you.

"Ani...if i dont make it...please continue your life and dont be sad for too long... i love you so much...you cant even imagine." You voice got weaker with every word. "Y/N dont talk like that! You'll make it! And i'll continue my life with you! We will get married and have beautiful kids and the house on Naboo we talked about!" Anakin said. "Ani...i love you..." you said and closed your eyes. "No y/n! You have to keep your eyes open! Please! I cant loose you! You're my life y/n! I'm nothing without you...please..." thats the last thing you hear before your mind goes black.



Just kidding.

You woke up with pain allover your body. Mostly your stomach which was now completely covered with bandages.

Anakins head rested on his hands and he seemed to be asleep. "Ani?" You whispered. His head shot up. "Oh thank force! I thought i had lost you. Please dont ever do that again to me. i love you so much! Oh thank you force." He said and kissed you passionated but still careful to not hurt you. "Ani. Someone could see us." You whispered. "I dont care. I dont care anymore. All i want is you. Nothing else." He said looking relieved. "Great because the same thing goes for me." You said smiling and he kissed you again.


Word count: 855

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