《One Shots/ imagines》Anakin - teaching younglings


"Soo is everybody here?" I asked the younglings infront of me. "No, master y/l/n, Kavis wasn't feeling too well so he's in the medicalroom." I nodded and started to teach them with a few Standard things. I was going to teach them about emotions and feelings today. Master yoda had told me to talk about that. Little did he know that i wasnt such a good example for that since i'm married and ignored the strict "no attachment" rule of the Jedi order.

"So younglings. Today I want to teach you about how to feel other peoples emotions. I will start with telling and describing a bit about the best and most efficient ways to learn it. Later I will give you time to practice and after that I will chose one of you to come to the front and to try reading the feelings in this room. Is everything clear?" I told them and they nodded.

I started and told them everything they should know and then gave them time to practice. While that I sat on a chair on the side of the room. Shortly after the door opened revealing Ahsoka, my husbands Padawan.

"Oh hi Ahsoka. I didnt know you wanted to visit us today." I said walking up to her. "Sorry that i didnt told you but it was kinda spontaneous since Anakin said i get the day free because he had a meeting with Obi Wan he forgot about." She laughed at the last part. Thats my Anakin. Always forgetting things.

"So do you want to watch for a bit?" I asked her. "If its okay I would really like to." She answered. "Of course its okay Ahsoka." I told her with a smile.

I walked to the front of the younglings and clapped my hands to get their attentions again.

"Practice time is over, younglings. Like I said earlier I'm going to chose one of you to read the feelings in this room and for that we have another one in the audience. Padawan Ahsoka Thano." I said and Ahsoka shortly said hello to them.

Ahsoka stood next to me as I looked around the room of youngslings trying to chose one of them. Little did they know that I was reading their feelings but only the part of if they want to present what they learned or not. I came to a girl named Nyla Kandori. A very talented girl. I felt that she really wanted to be the one to stand in the front and show them what she was able to do.


"Nyla. Would you mind coming next to me and Padawan Tano and show us what you've learned?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Of course not Master y/l/n." She said smiling getting up to walk up next to me.

"Whenever you are ready just close your eyes and do what I taught you." I said in a calm voice. With that she already closed her eyes. I looked over to Ahsoka who was looking at Nyla. All of the other younglings were also focused on her.

" Just focus and when you are ready start telling us what you feel in this room." I told her. After a few more seconds she spoke up.

"I feel nervousness from Kaiya and excitement from Tash. I feel confusion from Zekk and Terek. Nydo is very tired and nearly asleep. Nayru is focused on what I'm doing. I dont know what uh... i feel strong feelings... feelings to another person... to Master Skywalker...it feels like an emotional split... it comes from you Master Y/l/n i also fee-" I interrupted her. "Thats enough Nyla. Thank you and please go back to your seat." All the younglings looked at me confused and I could see the shocked expression from Ahsoka which she quickly covered up again. I knew Nyla was good but i didnt know that she was so good. I only taught them to feel the basics like happiness, confusion and such things not to read all my emotions i kept hidden.

"Attachment is forbidden Master Y/l/n" Tash spoke up. "We should report you to the council." He added. I panicked but didnt let them feel it. Now i was more focused then before. "Theres no need to Tash. My emotions are only caused by a strong friendship. I know Master Skywalker since we were younglings and we've been by each others side since then. Of course i care for him. Those feelings arent forbidden its normal and by the way There isnt an emotional split i have to add. But thats it and i don't want anyone to talk about these feelings of mine in any other way than a friendship. Now i end this topic and todays lesson is over. You can go." I told them and they all quickly went to the cafeteria since it was already evening."

I looked over to Ahsoka who had now again her shocked look on her face. "Y/n... i- i didnt know that..." she stuttered trying to find the right words. Now that she knew there was no point in hiding anymore. "Ahsoka...please don't tell anyone... i already could punch myself because i was so stupid to not focus enough and letting Nyla so easily in my mind." I told her placing a hand on her shoulder.


"I wouldnt even think of telling anyone y/n. You know you are really my bestest friend beside Anakin and Rex of course! OH FORCE did you tell Anakin?! I swear i thought I ones felt something when he talked to you. I couldnt quite tell what." She talked fast and excited.

I chuckled. "Would you mind going to my room? I can tell you everything there. I dont want anyone to hear something." I kindly asked her. "Oh right i'm so sorry y/n. Lets go!"

I walked with her trough the corridors but instead of going in one of the privat room corridors we went outside and to my Airspeeder. I could again see the confusion on her face. She got in on the passenger seat and we started flying in the Coruscant Air traffic which I hated by the way. Its so crowded always. I love flying but the traffic here is shit.

After a few minutes we came to a huge building which was not too far away from the temple to always be in time when the Jedi need me or Anakin but far away enough to have privacy without having to worry that someone of the Jedi walked in on us.

"Y/n where are we?" Ahsoka wanted to know. "Thats my apartment. I go here when i want to have privacy." I told her getting off of my speeder walking to the front door of the building. I knew Anakin wasnt home yet to i could talk to Ahsoka and tell her about Anakins and my realationship since she only knew i liked him but not that we were married.

We got into the Elevator and got to the 279 floor. Which wasnt even the top but Anakin and I didnt want to have too much attention from anyone. And if you ask how we could afford it lets say that the owner of this building is a friend of us and we saved him from bounty hunters lots of times so he wanted to make it up to us.

When we got out of the elevator and walked in my apartment ahsoka looked around adoring everything. "Wow y/n its Beautiful how could you affo-" ahsoka was interrupted by Anakin coming out of the kitchen walking up to me and kissing me. "I missed you so much." He leaned his forehead against mine and I already slapped myself for thinking nothing would go wrong. "Anakin! i didnt know you were already back." I whispered and he chuckled. "Since when is that an issue?" He asked confused and i looked up to him and then to Ahsoka. He did the same and nearly jumped.

"OH HOLY FORCE! AHSOKA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He panicked. I dont overstate when i say that her jaw hit the floor.

Anakin looked at me. "Why is she here?" He asked. "She found out. Well only about my feelings and i wanted to talk to her about that here since i thought you were still kn the meeting with Obi Wan." He sighed and kissed the top of my head and then walking up to Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka ple-" she started but got cut of by ahsoka. "Please dont tell anyone yeah i know i know. I wont but please tell me whats going on and why you didnt tell me?!" She asked a bit mad but only at the fact that we didnt tell her.

"It was too risky to let anyone know. We didnt tell anyone. Not Obi Wan. Not Rex. Not Padmé. Not anyone. You're the first and hopefully the last at least at the momen." Anakin told her rubbing the back of his neck mervously.

We sat down on our couch and agreed on answering every question she had as good as we could.

"Since when?" She asked. I looked over to Anakin. "5 years together and 4 of them married." He told her and her jaw dropped again. "5 years and Married?!? That means you guys have been married before i even became your padawan! Oh force." Thats right Anakin and I got together at 18 and 19. We got married at 19 and 20 and are now 23 and 24.

"We are sorry we didnt tell you earlier but we didnt want to risk anything. Not that we dont trust you but the others." I told her looking to my feet and then up to her again.

"I understand. I think i wouldnt have done it too." She said smiling a bit. She went up to us and hugged both of us at the same time.

"So when am I gonna be an aunt?" She asked us and both Anakins and my eyes widened and she just laughed. "Just joking." She said still laughing but i think she didnt fully meant it.


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