《Star Wars {ONESHOTS AND SMUTS}》Anakin Skywalker


1225 words


Anakin walked through the Jedi Temples hallway, looking for Jedi to kill.

I was Anakins, wife, so he wasn't going to kill me, but I had to stop him from killing anyone else.

I walked into the younglings room.

"Master L/n, there's too many of them, what are we going to do?"

"We are going to sneak into my ship and get out of here." I said to them.

"Get your robes and lightsaber, just in case we run into anyone."

The younglings did as I said.

"Now stay close to me, and be silent." I said, cautiously opening the door and walking them towards my ship.

Once at my ship I ushered them all in.

"Get in, quickly." I said.

I noticed a injured Jedi near me.

I picked them up and carried them inside my ship as well.

I shut the door to my ship and got in the pilots seat.

I saw Anakin outside of my ship.

"Go hide." I told everyone before I opened the room and stepped towards my husband.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked, his voice laced with venom.

"I'm leaving." I said with a glare.

"Leaving..?" He questioned.

"Yes, what does it look like?" I sarcastically asked.

Anakin stepped towards me, I stepped back.

"If you really want to talk, meet me at Mustafar." I glared, getting back on my ship.

I looked at the injured Jedis face and recognized him as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Master Kenobi, glad to see you're alright." I said.

"Thank you for saving me." He said.

"You're welcome, do you think you could fly."


"Alright, I'm going to be meeting Anakin on Mustafar, if anything happens to me, take off and protect the younglings." I said, setting course for Mustafar.


"But Y/n-"

"No buts. It's my choice." I said.

After an hour to so of flying, we arrived.

I landed the ship and grabbed my lightsaber.

"You know what to do." I said to Obi-Wan."

"I do, May the force be with you."

I flashed him a smile before stepping off the ship.

I saw Anakin standing, his back facing towards me.

"Y/n, join me, we could rule the galaxy!" He said, turning around and smiling at me.

His blue eyes faded into the past as yellow ones replaced them.

"Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic, TO DEMOCRACY!" I yelled.

"If you're not with me, you're my enemy."

My eyes widened at his words.

"Only a sith deals in absolutes... I will do what I must." I said as I held my lightsaber.

"I can sense the sadness in you, just join me, we can be happy together!"

"That isn't happiness."

"You cannot betray me like this!" He yelled, pointing his lightsaber at me.

"Anakin, you are the one betraying." I said as tears fell from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and blocked Anakins attacks.

He was acting quite aggressively with his attacks, but he seemed to keep his stamina.

I was growing tired from blocking.

We ended up inside of a building somehow, Anakin was gaining the upper hand.

But he turned his lightsaber off and grabbed me, holding me close and pressing his lips against mine. My lightsaber was nearing his head as the conflict in me grew. He seemed worried that I would kill him and end this all, but I melted into the kiss and deactivated my lightsaber.

Because of my actions, the conflict inside him was rising.

When we pulled away his eyes faded from yellow to blue.


The conflict was resolved.

"Y/n I... I dont know what came over me..." he mumbled.

"It's alright... but I think we need a break... from the Jedi... from the force... from everything."

"That is a good idea.... But where would we go?"

"How about Naboo? Padme would surely let us."

"We could try." He said, smiling at me.

"Meet me at Naboo."

I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left the room, walking towards my ship.

Obi-Wan sighed in relief when he saw I was alright.

"Thank the force you're alright." He said.

"Yeah... now we just need to figure out what to do with the younglings." I mumbled.

"I'll train them, I have a summer house on Tatooine that we can stay at." He said.

"Perfect. I'll drop you all off."

"You're not joining us?" He questioned.

"I'm afraid I cannot join you on Tatooine. I have to go to Naboo for personal business."

"Will you be visiting?" He asked.

"Possibly, I'll figure that out once I assess my thoughts. There is a chance I may leave the order."

"Alright, I respect your decision. I hope it bring you joy." He said with a smile.

I got in the pilots seat and flew us towards Tatooine. I made sure everyone was secure before jumping into hyperspace.

I watched as the stars flew by the glass, painting a beautiful scene.

I hopped out of hyperspace once we were close to Tatooine.

I carefully landed us in the direction Obi-Wan said his house was in.

The younglings filed out of my ship as I stood up.

"I wish you luck in training them, Master Obi-Wan." I smiled.

"Thank you, Master Y/n."

"If you need help with them, feel free to comm me. I'll be happy to help." I said, giving him a hug.

"I'll be sure to." He said as he began to exit my ship.

"Master Kenobi!" I exclaimed, making him turn his head back at me.

"May the force be with you." I smiled.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment and left.

I waited till they were a safe distance, then I took off and flew towards Naboo.

I made a holocall to Padme before arriving.

She answered with a smile.

"Hello Y/n! How can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I was wondering if Ani and I could stay somewhere with you for a while, a lot just happened and we need to find somewhere peaceful."

"Of course, it's been a while since we've met in person, it'll be good to see you again! Oh, Anakin just arrived."

"Thank you so much Padme."

"Of course! Anything for a friend, I'll see you soon." She smiled, ending the holocall.

Soon enough, I landed on the beautiful planet called Naboo.

As I walked away from my ship, I saw it explode.

My eyes widened.

Was that a assassination attempt? I asked myself.

I walked pretty quickly into the palace.

"Are you alright Y/n? I sensed your worry before you entered the building." Anakin said, rushing to me.

"My ship exploded once I stepped off it." I mumbled.

"Padme!" He called out.

"Yes Ani?" She questioned.

"Could we stay at the lakeside Villa again? It's the safest place." He said.

"Yes, we can, you left some clothing there last time, and Y/n and borrow mine." She smiled at us.

"We're probably going to be on the run for the rest of our lives." I sighed.

"It's alright, we'll survive." He said, kissing my forehead.

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