《Star Wars {ONESHOTS AND SMUTS}》The Mandolorian


1369 words


A shaky breath escaped my mouth as I realized I was stuck. I was shoved into a pit in Hoth by some stormtroopers who snuck up on me. My

Lightsaber and the force were useless when frostbite was just around the corner.

I looked up and saw the beautiful night sky. I grabbed a some sharp rocks and managed to scale up the wall. I went into the abandoned rebel base that was close by.

It was the same temperature inside as it was outside, but there would be a higher chance of my body being found indoors.

My legs stiffened up and I sat down.

It was clear i'd never leave this room, it ends as it began, full of fear and hope.

I felt the frostbite eating me away.

My eyes closed and a smile graced my lips before I let my eyes close.

I carried the child as he was pointing at a base.

I wasn't sure why he wanted me to go there, but it made sense when I saw what seemed to be a Jedi, fully unconscious and freezing to death.

I quickly picked the female up and carried her over my shoulder, while holding the child at the same time.

I walked us over to the Razor Crest, I set the child in his pod and laid the girl on my bed.

I grabbed many blankets and covered her with them, also turning the heater on.

The child went towards the girl and held her finger, he seemed worried. The girl stirred around before her eyes opened.

I didn't know what I felt, it felt like a extremely painful pins and needles on my entire body. I tried to sit up, but physically couldn't.

I looked around in shock.

Someone saved my life... I thought to myself.

Then I heard a voice through the force, a voice I hadn't heard since I was a youngling.

I turned to my left and saw Grogu.

"Grogu! Thank the maker you survived!" I said, hugging him.


"You're awake." A modulated voice said.

My eyes went to the body the voice came from.

A Mandolorian stood beside the bed, leaning against the wall.

My first thought was that he was going to turn me in for credits, but he handed me a soup.

"Are you trying to poison me for my bounty? Because you could've left me to die by frostbite and it would've done the job easier." I said.

He simply shook his head.

"The kid seemed to like you, and I don't want to upset the kid." He said, picking up my friend.

"The kid?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I don't really know his name."

"His name is Grogu. We trained together before order 66." I said, a grimace on my face as I remember the event

All of us younglings were hiding behind the chairs as we had been instructed. Then the door opened.

I peeked slightly to see Anakin Skywalker. But there was a yellow hint in his eyes. I stayed hidden and didn't get out from behind the chairs like all the other younglings.

"Master Skywalker, there's too many of them, what are we going to do?"

I heard a lightsaber activate. The screams of my friends filled the room.

Anakin noticed me behind the chair and picked me up by the collar of my shirt.

I didn't struggle against his grasp, there was no use. He would easily kill me if I even tried to defend myself.

Anakin chuckled darkly at my thoughts and set me down, right next to my best friend, she was dead... sliced in half.

Tears slipped down my eyes.

I sensed conflict in him, he was determining whether he should kill me or not. For some reason, he decided not to. He left me surrounded by my dead friends.

Master Obi-Wan entered the room shortly after.

I was sitting in the corner, sobbing into my knees. He gently lifted me up and carried me out of the room.

He told Master Yoda of his discoveries and looked down at me.


"I'll take this little one with me."

From that day I've been known as Y/n Kenobi.

He adopted me and trained me to be a Jedi.

But nobody lives forever...

I was reminded of that many times... but the most painful time was with my father...I was on the Death Star with Luke and the others, when Darth Vader walked to me.

"You. You're the youngling I spared, aren't you?" His robotic voice asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." I said, wielding my lightsaber.

"You would be wise to surrender." He said, stepping towards me.

Fear ran through my body. I felt like a padawan during order 66 again...

"Yeah... probably..." I said, but I didn't get to fight him, as my father pushed me towards Luke.

Luke grabbed my arm and forced me onto the ship. I watched my father fighting Anakin through the window. I saw him die...

I cried out loudly, as did Luke.

Darth Vader looked at me through the window as we flew off.

"Hello? Are you alright?" The Mandolorian said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I spaced out." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Care to tell me what you were thinking about?" He asked.

Grogu looked interested in what I had to say.

He wasn't training with us when order 66 happened, so he didn't know what happened then.

A few tears pricked my eyes as I began telling the story. I felt an aura of sympathy from the Mandolorian.

Grogu waddled up to me and gave me a hug, it was more like him wrapping his tiny arms around my neck, but it helped.

The Mandolorian just stared at me, silent.

Grogu looked back at the Mandolorian and cooed at him.

"Could you translate?" He asked me.

"Grogu asked if I could stay with you two." I translated.

The Mandolorian seemed unsure.

"If not, could you drop me off at Tatooi-"

"You can stay." He cut me off, sounding eager.

I smiled at him and shifted, which was a huge mistake. My body began hurting again.

"You're going to need to lay still for a while. I'll bring you some pain killers." He said.

I thanked him and groaned in discomfort.

Grogu got comfortable on my chest and fell asleep.

I smiled and slowly moved my arm to gently wrap around him. The Mandolorian entered the room and stood still to admire the sight in front of him.

"Here is the pain killers." He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I thanked him again and took them.

He sat next to the bed and looked at us.

I could feel joy radiating off him, yet I didn't know why.

"You should get some rest." He said.

"You should as well." I said.

"Well you're kind of in my bed." He chuckled.

I tried to think of something.

I did just meet this guy, so same bed was almost a complete no. Though there was something inside of me, telling me to allow him to do it.

I pushed those thoughts away and looked up at him.

"You don't have a spare bed or something like it?" I questioned.

He shook his head.

"Nobody ever really get allowed in the ship unless they are a bounty."

"Where do your bounty's sleep?"

"Carbonite." He said.

My eyes widened at that.

I scooted in the bed to make room for him, trying not to wake Grogu, and trying not to hurt myself too badly.

It hurt to scoot, but it did give me a chance to get comfortable.

The Mandolorian grabbed a blindfold and carefully covered my eyes. He turned off all the lights so it was pitch black, though with the blindfold I couldn't see anyways.

I heard the sound of armor hitting the floor, thankfully it wasn't loud enough to wake Grogu.

He climbed into the bed, still keeping a small amount of distance between us.

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