《Star Wars {ONESHOTS AND SMUTS}》Luke Skywalker


1831 words


I was cleaning a house that was just destroyed by a sandstorm. I exhaled as I picked up another piece of trash and threw it away. There were some noises outside of the house, I would've checked but I don't get paid enough to care.

I grabbed my broom and began sweeping, sand was everywhere inside of here. I hated sand with every fiber of my being, but all I could do about it is just deal with it. I didn't get paid enough to be able to leave this sand planet called Tatooine.

I finished cleaning and smiled wide.

I went to leave the house but the door was blocked and every window was locked shut. I tried to open the door again when I heard some voices outside. I didn't listen for long as the interior of the house felt hotter than normal. I turned around and saw fire.

I let out a scream and tried slamming the door open, but it wasn't working.

I started coughing due to the smoke filling the house. Tusken Raiders cheered outside of the house. They must have started the fire.

Smoke filled my lungs as I collapsed to the floor my vision faded to black. I felt myself slip out of consciousness. The last thing I saw was a figure breaking down the front door and running towards me.

I felt hands on the side of my face, trying to wake me up. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the face of someone I though I lost.

"Luke!" I exclaimed, hugging my closest friend.

He chuckled and hugged me back.

"It's so great to see you again." He said with a large smile.

A frown quickly grew on my face as I remember how he abandoned me without a goodbye.

"So... you actually did it, you're a Jedi." I said with slight disbelief.

"Yes, I did, and I'm so sorry for leaving you here... alone... I wasn't thinking..." he started but I cut him off with a finger to his lips.

"You were chasing your dreams, I wouldn't want to hold you back anyways. But you could've at least said goodbye." I chuckled.

"Hold me back?" He questioned.

"You know how much you had to help me with basic tasks, if you hadn't left, I'd be holding you back by asking for help." I smiled at him.

He shook his head.

"No, you did anything but hold me back!" He exclaimed, taking my hands in his.

I chuckled and looked up at him.

"While you went away I had to create a new identity for myself." I laughed.

"Why is that?"

"I have a rather large bounty on my head." I awkwardly said.


"Y/n what did you do?!"

"I freed Jabbas slaves. I couldn't let them be stuck there!"

He smiled and hugged me again.

"At least you did a good thing." He chuckled.

"So.. now what? Are you just going to leave again?" I questioned.

"Well yes but... I'm not leaving you this time." He said. I gave him a confused look as he pulled me up and practically carried me to a ship.

"Luke, this counts as kidnapping!" I said, unsure if I wanted to leave the sandy planet yet. It had been all I wanted for so long... but was I ready..?

He seemed to sense my conflict and he rubbed my arm.

"I'll take you to whatever planet you'd like." He smiled softly.

"How about Naboo?" I asked.

"Naboo sounds lovely." He said as he helped me inside. It was the largest ship that I had ever seen.

"Kid, who's she?" A male with brown hair asked.

"Han, meet Y/n." Luke said as he introduced us.

"Han Solo, darling." He said with a wink, kissing my hand.

"Y/n L/n." I said. I chuckled at his antics and realized how tense Luke was.

Luke quickly pulled my hand away from him.

"Han you will not flirt with my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." He said with a frown.

Luke rolled his eyes and dragged me away.

I was led to a girl and two droids.

"Hello dear, I am Princess Leia, but please call me Leia." She introduced herself.

"I'm Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." I responded with a smile. The golden droid quickly stood in front of me.

"I am C3P0, Human-cyborg relations." A golden droid introduced itself to me.

"It's wonderful to meet you." I replied with a look of awe as I admired the droid. I felt something hit my leg and I looked down.

A blue and silver R2 unit was tapping my leg. I squatted down and smiled.

"I'm Y/n, you are?"

The drips beeped in response. Luke was about to translate when I cut him off by speaking.

"It's nice to meet you R2-D2."

Luke's eyes widened when he realized I could understand R2-D2.

"Kid, where are we going?" Han asked, entering the room.

"Naboo." He replied quickly.

"Alright, and kid, can we talk?" He asked.

Luke nodded and followed him into the cockpit.

Leia grabbed my hand and led me to a bedroom.

"Hello Y/n, we are going to be going somewhere tonight and you are going to need to dress nicely, there is some spare clothing of mine in there." She smiled at me and pointed to a closet.


"Thank you Leia, you're very kind." I gave her a hug.

She left the room so I could change. I looked through the outfits.

I found the outfit of my choice and smiled, putting it on. Leia entered the room and gasped.

"You look absolutely stunning! Now come here so I can do your hair." She said with a smile, patting a chair in front of her. I sat down and closed my eyes as she did my hair.

"Now why did you make me look this nice and formal?" I questioned.

"We're going out on Naboo to eat dinner." She said as she got her own dress. I left the room so she could change and I stood outside the door.

I saw Luke staring at me with his jaw dropped.

A smile broke onto my face as I hugged him tightly.

Leia came out of the room dressed casually. I looked at her, confused.

"Han and I had a change of plans, you two are going out instead." She smirked, quickly entering her room before we could disagree.

Luke offered his arm to me, I smiled and held it. He led us to a expensive looking restaurant. I felt his lightsaber against my leg, it wasn't the most comfortable feeling, but it could've been worse.

We were lead to a table with a beautiful view through a window. We were handed our menus and we told them our drinks. My right hand rested on the table as I looked out of the window.

Luke's hand made it's way on top of mine. I turned my attention to the blonde male sitting in front of me. Noticing the way his eyes lit up like the Tatooine suns when he looked at me. A small blush graced my cheeks.

I turned my right hand over and held his hand, while at the same time I used my left hand to read the menu.

After ordering our food we began to get lost in each others eyes.

It felt like an endless staring contest.

His hand began running patterns onto my hand. I smiled at him and blushed faintly. An even more prominent and obvious blush graced his face.

After what seemed like hours of staring into each others eyes, the waiter came back and took our orders.

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" He asked.

"Well, I stole this off a sith after shooting them." I said, holding a lightsaber in my hand.

"Maybe I should teach you how to use it." He suggested, I smiled and nodded.

"Luke, the thing is, there's something odd about this Kyber Crystal. It changes colors based on emotions. When I was upset, it would turn red, but when I was calm, it would be blue. Do those exist?" I asked.

"I forgot you studied lightsabers..." he chuckled to himself. "But normally, no. Though if we can somehow access the Jedi archives, we may be able to figure it out." He said.

"We'll have to see if we can do that." I smiled.

Our food was placed in front of us. It looked extremely good.

"Luke, what is this?" I asked.

"Hm?" He looked at me like a deer in headlights.

"We were originally going here as some sort of group outing but now it's just us and I'm getting many mixed signals." I chuckled.

"Well, I'd like it to be a date if you'd like it to be a date." He smirked. A bright blush grew from my cheeks, but I tried to keep my composure.

"That would be lovely." I spoke with a calm tone. Luke exhaled in relief and continued eating. I chuckled and continued eating as well.

Soon enough, we both finished our food. I was about to pay, but Luke quickly payed before I could. He took my hand as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Luke I-" I was cut off by him pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widened in shock, but I melted into the kiss. His hands rested on the small of my back. We pulled away for air and just stared at each other.

"Glad you feel the same." He said with a chuckle.

I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek and jaw.

"Let's get back to the falcon before it's dark." I smiled.

He nodded and picked me up bridal style, earning a yelp from me.

Once on the falcon, he took me into what I assumed was his room. He handed me a shirt of his and turned away so I could change. I smiled and took the dress off and let my hair down. The dress pooled down at my ankles. I looked at the shirt he gave me, it was a basic white shirt, but it was extremely soft. I put it on and smiled, it went down to my mid-thigh.

I tapped his shoulder and pecked him when he turned around.

He smiled and grabbed some clothing so he could get changed.

He reentered the room in a black shirt made with the same material that mine was with and sweatpants. I chuckled and got into his bed with him.

I tried not to touch him so I could respect his boundaries, but he didn't have the same idea as he grabbed my and pulled me against his chest. I smiled and looked up at his sleepy face.

"Goodnight Luke." I said, pressing a kiss to his jaw.

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