《Star Wars {ONESHOTS AND SMUTS}》Mandolorian


—~ • ~—

1874 words

I sat in my quarters on the ship, quietly packing my bag. You see, I had a huge bounty on my head, so everywhere we went, Din had to fight other bounty hunters off to keep me safe. I couldn't stand seeing my boyfriend getting hurt because of me anymore.

The child's bounty was a lot lower than mine, and people all around the galaxy knew my face, so Din got hurt a lot protecting me. I was a Jedi Master in a time where being a Jedi on most planets is treason, hence, my bounty was over 900 million credits from the empire to turn me in alive. They planned on turning me into a sith.

I really wish I could fight the bounty hunters, but every time I try, Din makes me leave. We were currently on Tatooine, definitely not a good thing due to it crawling with bounty hunters.

I heard Dins footsteps and quickly hid my bag under my cot.

Din entered with a bandaged arm, and torso. I frowned at it, knowing it was my fault.

He lifted his helmet just above his lips and kissed me passionately. He bid me goodnight and left to his quarters.

As soon as his door shut, I grabbed my bag and wrote a quick note, the note explained why I left. I placed it on my bed and sighed. I knew Din was a light sleeper, so the second the ramp opened I was going to run as fast as I could.

I looked over at the child and gave him one last hug.

"Goodbye Grogu, it was a pleasure teaching you the force." I chuckled sadly.

He started crying, realizing that I wasn't coming back, his cries woke Din. I quickly put the child back and lowered the ramp, sprinting out. Din realized what happened and started chasing me, gaining on me quickly.

I was shocked by how fast he could run with all the beskar and weapons.

So I started weaving between trees and such, slowing him down and getting distance.

"Y/n! Y/n come back!" He called out. Once I was far enough, I climbed up a tree and waited for him to leave. I could see the Razer Crest from here, saw the ramp close after a few hours of Din searching. It was pitch black out and my body hurt from staying up there. I continuedn to climb down and run.

I found a small alleyway and slept there for the night. When I woke up, the streets were full of people shopping and eating. I snuck into the crowd, trying to find a pilot to take me to a different planet.

And I saw the one person I was avoiding, his shining beskar sticking out like a sore thumb. I noticed him looking my way and I quickly hid my face, acting as if I were blocking the sun.


I checked to see if he was going away, just to find him walking towards me. I quickly sprinted through an alleyway and into another crowd. I went over to a cloak shop and bought one for 30 credits.

I put the cloak on and continued walking. He seems to have lost me. His head was on a swivel at this point. I saw a building and entered the cantina, searching for a pilot. I saw a man sitting next to a Wookiee. I quickly beeline over there as I recognized him.

"Han Solo, correct?" I asked.

"Yes, what's it to you?" He asked.

"I'm N/n, I need to get off this planet fast." I said, trying not to reveal my name due to the amount of bounty hunters around us.

"Alright but it'll cost you."

"Whatever! Let's just go!" I exclaimed as he smirked.

He dragged me over to the ship, I failed to notice my hood was down, so my face could be seen.

"It's even better than I was told." I smiled.

I admired the ship until I was interrupted by Din yelling my name and running towards me, a blaster in his hand. Surely he wasn't going to shoot Han.. right?

Han, Chewbacca, and I quickly got on the ship and closed the ramp.

I saw Din throw a tracker on the ship and stare at us as we flew away.

"He put a tracker on it." I groaned, using the force to crush it.

"So, you're name is Y/n, not N/n." He smirked.

"Why would you lie about a name?" He asked.

"I'm Y/n L/n, a Jedi Master." I said.

"The one with the huge bounty? Hah, that explains why you're running."

"Yeah, I just want to be somewhere peaceful for a little while until my bounty is forgotten about."

"I'll make this flight free, but this is a one time deal, where are you heading?" He smiled, kindly.

"Ummm, Naboo. Naboo is a peaceful planet."

Han nodded and we set course for Naboo. I felt awful for leaving Din and the child, but it was dangerous for them to be near me.

We arrived and I traded contact information with Han. I gave him a hug and a bag a credits, even though he kept trying to give it back to me.

I took in a fresh breath of air as I saw Han and Chewie depart.

I made my way to the palace. I knew the Queen of Naboo, she was a close friend of mine. We grew up together.

"Your highness." I bowed formally.

"Y/n!" She squealed and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

"It's so wonderful to see you again!" She smiled.

"It's amazing to see you as well!" I chuckled.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" She asked.


"Well, I'm kinda in hiding from a Mandolorian..."

"I see.."

"That Mandolorian also happens to be my boyfriend..."

"Oh shit." She exclaimed.

We chuckled and she took my hand.

"We can stay at the Varykino Villa if you'd like."

"That would be lovely." I smiled, recalling the beautiful villa from my last visit.

I meditated and assessed my thoughts.

Hiding from Din is talking a huge toll on me. Though I doubt he is unaffected by it.

He is probably in worse condition than I am.

But if I returned to him, he would kill me with a blaster bolt to the face.

I was pulled out of my meditation by my friend.

"Y/n, there's someone here to see you." The queen spoke. I entered and saw a face that surprised me.

"Luke Skywalker, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"There is a force sensitive child I must pick up, I'd like to bring you along just in case, you could also teach me a few tips along the way." He chuckled.

I reluctantly agreed as hopped in a X-Wing with him.

"The youngling is one of Master Yodas kind." Luke said. My face paled, surely this was just a coincidence.

Soon enough, we landed on the ship.

We heard a message, telling us to identify ourselves, ignored it and continued on.

I felt a presence I was scared to meet as we entered.

I pushed my fears aside and helped R2-D2 out of the X-Wing. We saw strange robotic stormtroopers. We ignited our sabers and destroyed them all with ease. We were in front of a door. I could sense Din behind it.

This is it... I'm gonna see him again... is he going to be mad at me..? Definitely, but how mad...

The door opened, stopping my train of thought.

I turned my Saber off and stepped into the room. I avoided Dins gaze, feeling ashamed. Luke sighed and force pushed me over to Din, knowing I wouldn't go on my own accord.

"Umm.. hi?" I mumbled awkwardly.

"Are you kidding me. 'Hi?!' You ran away and left for months and all you say is 'hi!?' " He yelled, I flinched, thinking he was going to hit me when he moved his arms. Getting hit with beskar was on my To-Do-List.

Yep, definitely mad at me, but he has reasons to be mad.

I noticed the pain and guilt in his eyes when I flinched at him, I apologized to him quietly.

He quickly wrapped his arms around me, his knees gave out, making us both fall down while hugging.

I was on my knees while Din leaned his head on my chest, arm still tightly wrapped around me, acting as if I would float away if he loosened his grip slightly. It was tight to the point where I had bruises from it.

My eyes widened as Din did something unexpected.

He took his helmet off and looked at me. His brown eyes filled with sadness and joy. Tears filled his eyes, spilling out across his cheeks. I raked my hand through his hair, occasionally massaging his scalp.

He leaned into the touch, a bitter sweet smile on his face.

His tears slowly faded and he sat down with his legs crossed, he pulled me onto his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist. The others started talking to each other, trying to find something to do.

My breathing became unstable as I began crying. Din pressed my face against his chest, trying not to make my face touch the cold beskar. His shirt getting wet with my tears.

"Why did you leave me..." he choked out.

"I was trying to protect you and Grogu... it wasn't safe to be near me with my bounty..." I explained,

"I don't care about a bounty! I'd get stabbed a million times for you to stay..." he cried out.

"That was the issue... you were getting stabbed a million times because I stayed."

I turned my head down slightly and closed my eyes, feeling shame and guilt. While my eyes were closed, I felt Din gently press his lips to mine, the kiss conveyed so many emotions. Mostly pain, guilt, and fear.

Practically praying for me not to leave during the kiss. It was odd seeing the cold hearted bounty hunting Mandolorian express emotions for the others, but for me, I just walked to stay by his side.

We pulled away and the next few events went by in a blur for me. Grogu was taken by Luke, he almost took me as well but Mando made it clear that it wasn't an option, and I ended up awkwardly sitting in silence on his ship as we headed towards a bounty.

Tears were silently falling from my eyes, it did not go unnoticed by Din. He put the ship into hyperspace after typing in the coordinates. He opened his arms for me to hug him as he sat in the pilots seat.

I just stood in front of him, unsure of what to do. He pulled me onto his lap and I cried into his shoulder.

He gently rubbed my back as I cried. He was just happy to have me back in his arms, but he didn't show that, as it was not the moment.

After crying for a good while, I stood up, I hadn't really stopped feeling upset, I just pretended to be alright so that Din didn't worry.

I went to my old room and laid on my cot, I felt happy and sad, but why did I have to choose which one.

I was glad to be back, but will it ever be the same..?

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