《Star Wars {ONESHOTS AND SMUTS}》Darth Vader


1124 words


I groaned as sweat built on my forehead.

I worked as an imperial engineer, I fixed the ships and blasters. I was the most experienced engineer here, so higher ranks normally came to me with problems.

I was working on some tie fighters when I heard robotic breathing nearing my area. I turned around to see Darth Vader walking towards me.

Normally you'd want to look nicer if he spoke to you, so my grease covered tank top and shorts weren't very formal.

He stood in front of me. I never noticed how tall he was.

"You are Y/n L/n, correct?" He asked.

"That would be me, is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.

I expected myself to be more scared, but I felt oddly calm and safe.

"Yes, follow me, and bring your tools." He said, walking out of the room.

I hurried to follow him after grabbing my toolbox. His longer legs made him walk a lot faster.

He noticed this and slowed down.

"Thank you." I said to him, he simply nodded in acknowledgment. I noticed how he limped on one leg, that's probably the reason he called for me.

He led me to his private chambers and entered the room.

I cautiously entered the room with him.

He sat down on a chair and ushered me over.

He removed some padding on his thigh area, which revealed a bullet hold going through his leg.

"Since you are our best engineer, I expect you to know how to fix this." He said.

"Yep! No problem, it's actually a easy fix." I said as I opened my toolbox and began repairing his thigh.

I did feel a little awkward and slightly uncomfortable sitting between his legs and working on his thigh, but whatever, I couldn't do anything about it.


I finished repairing it and put my tools away. He stood up and walked around, making sure I did it right.

"Impressive." He said.

"Thank you sir, is there anything else you need me for?"

"Yes, there is."

"What is it, sir?"

"I need to know if you'd like to dine with me tonight?"

My eyes widened.

"Are you sure you'd like to dine with a engineer?" I questioned.

"Yes, you repaired my leg, it's the least I could do."

"In that case, I'd love to."

"Good. Wear something formal and meet me here at 6:30."

"Um, sir. You seem to forget I'm an engineer, we don't exactly have nice clothing."

"I'll send some people to bring you outfits then." He said.

I thanked him and left his room and walked towards mine.

I pinched myself, did that really just happen?

True to his word, some females came to my room and handed me loads of dresses and suits.

My eyes widened, what was I supposed to do with the ones I didn't wear.

Four outfits stood out to me.

I choose my outfit then took a shower and got dressed.

I styled my hair in a way that matched the outfit.

I noticed something reflecting light, peeking out from under the clothes.

There was a note and two rings.

I gasped at the rings and carefully put them on.

Wait... how the hell did he get my ring size..?

I asked myself.

I shrugged at the question and grabbed the note.

Y/n L/n,

I hope you will wear these rings to dinner tonight, they mean a lot to me, and I hope they'll mean a lot to you as well.

Those gems are Kyber Crystals, and the metal is beskar. The Kyber Crystal and beskar were found on a dead Jedi.-


That would've been a lot more touching without the dead Jedi part.

-So please wear these rings tonight, I look forward to seeing you.


Darth Vader

A small smile graced my lips as I admired the rings. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw a stormtrooper.

"Good evening Ma'am, I'm here to escort you to your dinner."

"Thank you." I said a as I flashed a quick smile at the stormtrooper.

He walked me to a extremely fancy room with a small ballroom inside. My eyes widened.

I had no clue this room existed.

"That's because nobody, except us, has seen it." Darth Vader said.

I was confused because I couldn't see him, and his voice wasn't robotic.

I felt a hand in my shoulder.

I turned around and was met by shining yellow eyes. I took in the details of his face, he was incredibly attractive.

My E/C eyes looked into his.

I kissed his cheek, growing up on Naboo had taught me that it was s good way to show gratitude.

"Anyways, dinner?" He said, changing the subject to halt his blush.

He walked me to a two person table. He pulled my chair out for me and pushed it in once I sat down.

"Thank you." I smiled.

He used the force to bring plates of food to us.

My eyes widened at the amount of food.

One plate landed in front of me, and the other in front of him.

"What drink would you like?" He asked.

"I'll have a F/D please." I said.

He used the force to pull to over to me.

We had a friendly conversation as we ate.

I was starting to be confused as of why people were scared of him. Then again, I worked on ships all day, so I didn't really have much experience with him.

We finished our food, I went to help him pick up the dishes, but he insisted that I sat down.

I chuckled and looked around.

This room was very beautiful. I heard music start playing. I turned to see Darth Vader holding gloved hand out to me.

I put my hand in his as he pulled me out of the chair and towards the small ballroom area.

We started a small slow dance to the music.

The night was going by faster and faster.

Eventually, Darth Vader had walked me back to my room.

"That was fun." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, it was." He responded.

He didn't have his helmet on in the hallway, which surprised me.

"Promise me we will do this again." He smiled.

"I promise." I chuckled.

I unlocked my door and turned to face Darth Vader. I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Goodnight, sleep well." I smiled as I entered my room and shut my door.

Darth Vaders hand went to touch his lips as his face lit up.

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