《Child of Hydra || Reader Insert》Final Assault


You, Amos, and Jean arrive back to the house. Jean used her powers to heal your wounds on the way back.

"I have a lead on another Infinity Stone," Amos announces. You reply, "Do we really need another Stone?" Amos seems frustrated with the question. You explain, "I mean, we have two Stones, and that makes was the most powerful beings in the universe." Amos replies, "There are four more Stones. What if someone got those four Stones? We'd all parish as they hunt these last two. We will not give up now, we're almost there." "Fine, fine. Continue," you reply.

Amos explains, "From a source that shall remain private, I have learned the location of the Time Stone; 177A Bleecker Street in New York City. It's being guarded by an Avenger I think we're all familiar with; Doctor Strange. We need to work together if we're going to defeat him, and take the Stone." Natasha comments, "We have two Infinity Stones, that should be enough." "It won't be," Amos explains, "We need all of us if we're going to get the Stone. The person we're going up against has been using the Time Stone for like 7 years, meaning they know how to use it."

"Anyway," Amos says, "Let's go." As he prepares to teleport everyone there, you say, "Wait, now? Shouldn't we rest first." Amos lashes out, "Silence! I have had enough of you. You have been slowing me- us down from our final step to victory, and I refuse to stop now." "How is this our final step?" you ask. Amos ignores the question, gets in your face, and demands, "You will go with me to the Time Stone, and you will tell your slaves to kill the keeper of the Stone. Do I make myself clear, mortal?" "Y-Yes..." you reply. Amos teleports everyone to New York City.


You step into the sanctum, and there you see Doctor Strange and Wong walking down the stairs. "Natasha? What happened to your..." Wong asks, gesturing to her breasts. Natasha answers, "They got bigger, and they are for my master only." "Your master? What is this?" Wong asks. Doctor Strange hovers in the air, and says, "Who are you people, and why is Natasha Romanoff and an altered Carol Danvers with you?" Amos explains, "You have something I want. Give it, and we'll walk away." "Never," Doctor Strange replies, as he and Wong prepare for combat. "So be it," Amos says.

Amos blasts beams at both of them, which get deflected. While still trying to hit them, Amos uses the Space Stone to throw furniture at Strange and Wong, momentarily breaking their guard. "Help me," you say to all the slaves. "Yes master," they all reply. Carol blasts energy at the two sorcerers along side Amos. Laura runs up the stairs, and attacks Wong. Wong grabs a weapon, and he and her engage in a hand to hand fight. Natasha helps Laura fight Wong.

Jean is able to make Strange lose his necklace containing the Time Stone. But as Strange catches it again, he is blasted into the other room by Carol. Amos conjures an energy from the Power Stone, Strange conjures his energy whip, and they both duel.

Wong opens a portal to the mirror dimension, and attempts to run in. Before he does, Carol blasts him to the ground. Natasha puts him in a choke hold (but struggles due to her enhanced boobs), and makes him fall unconscious. "He not a threat for now," you say, "Now help take down Doctor Strange, don't kill him though." "Yes master," the slaves reply.


Amos is disarmed, and wrapped up in the energy whip. Strange shield's himself from a blast from Carol before being pursued by Laura. As he flies up the escape, Jean pulls him back to the ground. Laura rips the cloak of levitation, leaving Strange grounded. Meanwhile you help Amos back up. Laura, Natasha, and Carol proceed to start beating Strange, before he sends a blast, knocking them out. Amos punches Strange with the Power Stone, sending him through the window, and onto the street. Amos lefts him yup back into the sanctum. Jean holds Strange against a wall. As he reaches for the necklace, Amos's hand is burnt by it. He sends beams of energy from the Power and Space Stones. The spell is eventually destroyed, and he uses the Space Stone to remove the necklace, and place it on himself.

A quick wave of green, blue, and purple energy shoots from Amos, and you see the different color energies radiating from his now unrecognizable body. You see his cloak rip off, and his body deform. Amos's body smokes, and drips blood as it morphs. The radiating of the Stones stop, and you see what his body has become.

"I feel it..." Amos says, "The power." "Amos?" you ask. Amos turns to you, and says, "Thank you for your loyalty and your slaves, mortal. When I return, I will have all six Stones." As the Space and Time Stone glow, Amos ends with, "One day soon, you all will bow." A blue and green portal opens, he walks through, and it closes.

Wong walks into the room. "What have you done..?" Strange asks, fearful. "I... I don't understand," you say. Strange explains, "You let that monster find the other six Infinity Stones. He's going to go back in time, and take the other three when they're at their most vulnerable state." "He did call this the "final step." Now we know why," Natasha comments.

"I will alert Doctor Banner," Wong says, walking away. "How can I help? We can stop Amos whenever he comes back," you say. Strange replies, "Yeah, that's the thing; we can't. With all six Infinity Stones, he will be a God." You say, "But still, we can tr-" "No, I think you should leave," Strange says while opening a portal to your house. Without saying a word, you and your slaves leave.


Amos steps onto Nidavellir. Dozens of dwarves taller than him put weapons at him. He blasts them, and says to a dwarf, "I need a device." The dwarf replies, "What can you offer us?" Using the Space Stone to start choking all but the one dwarf. "Nothing," Amos replies. He releases them, and they immediately start forging.

End of Phase Two

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