《Male Indra Reader x Naruto (Redo)》8; Sound Ninja Four


I groaned as I sat up, and looked around the room. This isn't my house. This isn't my bed. That is my girlfriend though. I turned towards the beautiful blonde, and she smiled.

"Morning Y/n. Lady Tsunade said that you'd be fine so I could just take you home. Your door was locked, so I just brought you here."

"Thanks Ino. You're the best."

"I know. Let's go get breakfast."

We went downstairs, and I saw some food sitting on the table for us. I smiled and sat down, enjoying the smell of food in the morning. We talk while we ate, and eventually we head out.

We were relaxing, when Shikamaru walked up to us.

"Oh, hey Shimamaru. What's going on?" I asked.

"Sasuke left the village." Shikamaru stated.

I stood up immediately and grabbed him by the vest.

"Sasuke what!?" I shouted.

"Sasuke left. I'm gathering a team to find him. I need you for this Y/n." He explained.

"Is Ino going?" I asked.

"What? No." Shikamaru said.

"Then neither am I. If Naruto's going with back up you guys have it handled." I said, sitting back down.

Shikamaru rubbed the bridge of his nose, and sighed.

"What a drag. Fine, she can come too. If anything happens to her, I want you to remember it's your fault." Shikamaru said.

Ino smiled at me, and I smiled back.


We were going through the forest, and this isn't looking good. We left Choji behind to fight some guy that's built weird, and now we've got a two headed creep staring us down.

"You guys keep going. I'll handle this. If anything happens to Ino it's your ass, Shikamaru." I said, dropping to the forest floor, staring the two headed guy down.


"No way, I can help! Shikamaru, go ahead!" Ino shouted, dropping down with me. I looked at her, before sighing.

The guy grinned at us, and dashed forwards. I activated my sharingan, and jumped back with Ino in my arms. He's got a lot of chakra concentrated in his hands for just a punch.

"What? What's up?" Ino asked.

"Something's off about this guy. He wasn't trying to punch me, he was trying to grab me. All of his chakra flowed to his hand when he did it too." I explained.

"Well I have a solution for that." She said, before jumping off.

"Hah! Some shinobi you lot are, she abandoned you!" He shouted.

"Shut up and fight me already." The man laughed and went for an attack, causing me to dodge and throw a kunai.

It stabbed him in the thigh, and he shouted in pain. He pulled it out of his leg, but while he was busy with that I threw another kunai and it stabbed him in the back.

He shouted in pain, before taking it out too.

"Mind transfer jutsu!" Ino shouted from cover. His posture got rigid, before he relaxed. He gave me a thumbs up, before he grabbed a rock, and swung it towards his head.

"Release!" He said last second, hitting himself in the face.

He shouted again, and a mark on him started glowing. Then he transformed and split into two people.

"Go find the girl." One said. The other nodded and dashed off. Before I could chase after, he was in front of me, reaching for my face.

I leaned back, narrowly dodging, before weaving handsigns.

"Fire style: fire ball jutsu!" I shouted, causing him to jump back. I fired off the fireball, and he barely dodged it.


"I don't have time to play with you. Take this!" I shouted, before the trees shot wood out and wrapped around him, restraining him and sucking out his chakra.

I dashed off as fast as I could towards where Ino was. Well, this is going downhill fast. I was jumping, until I saw something that made me panic. A bloodstain. I noticed it was a trail, and cursed under my breath.

I sprinted after the trail, and found Ino with the other guy. The worst part was what was happening. He was laughing, and she was crying. Her left arm is gone, and she's using some of her clothes as a turniquet.

"Get away from her!" I shouted, firing a massive fireball towards the bastard. He dashed out of the way, and I dropped in front of Ino.

"Y/n....you're....here.." She trailed off, falling back, unconcious. I couldn't even believe this is happening. Shikamaru's right, it's my fault.

Wait a damn minute. No, no it isn't. It's all because of this bastard!


The teen staring me down with his sharingan was trembling with rage. After his girlfriend or whatever died, that was when I started to actually feel concern.

His eyes were shifting, changing. They made a swirl pattern, and he glared at me. He covered his right eye, as the left one trickled out a tiny bit of blood.

"Jigoku no shinkirō." He muttered under his breath. (Translates roughly to mirage of hell).

A mist covered the area, and I remembered the whole ordeal about Uchiha and their genjutsu.

"Release." I said, and the mist cleared.

However, the mist cleared to reveal myself surrounded by clones of him. I looked around at all of them, and gulped in worry.

"You took the only person I truly care about from me. I did the same to you, sure, but I don't feel satisfied yet. This'll probably make me feel better." One of the clones on my left said, before they all shifted and changed into my brother.

One of them charged me, and jumped on my back, putting me in a chokehold. I tried to elbow him, only to miss. Another one jumped on me, biting my shoulder. I tried to punch him, but I missed again. How? I kept trying to fight back, but they just kept piling on!

They all backed off except for one, who wrestled me to the ground. When he did, he started strangling me, while the rest were kicking and stomping on me.


I watched as he squirmed around on the ground in pain, like the worm he is, as the genjutsu continued killing him. I would be overjoyed to have a new jutsu this powerful if it wasn't at the expense of Ino.

I turned my back to the dying "ninja" and crouched beside Ino. She still has a pulse. Super faint, but still present. Shikamaru will have to keep pressing without us.

I picked her up, and sprinted back to the village as fast as I could, throwing Tsunade's door open. She gasped at the sight of Ino in my arms, and immediately started treating her. Good, job well done I guess.

Now I just need to wait on them to bring back Sasuke. I walked past a mirror, and stopped to look at myself.

"So this is the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan. It's kind of underwhelming. Definitely not worth killing your loved ones." I said to myself.

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