《Male Indra Reader x Naruto (Redo)》4; Tour of the Leaf


I was sitting on a fountain, thinking to myself on whether I should go back to the sand or stay here for now, only to be distracted by a familiar girl sitting next to me.

"Good morning, Ino. What are you doing here?"

"Morning, Y/n. I'm heading back to the flower shop I work at, since I just finished a delivery."

"Really? Then you must know your way around the village."

"You could say that. Do you want me to show you around?"

"That sounds fun, let's do it."

I stood up and held my hand out to Ino, pulling her to her feet. She smiled and started leading me around the leaf, pointing out various locations, and waving to some people.

"How do you think the village is gonna do after....you know."

"I don't know. Nothing's ever really happened like this before. The other times a hokage ended up.....not okay, there was always a replacement, or someone to stand in. However now..."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, and she gave me a small smile. Then, a building caught her attention, causing her to grab my hand and drag me to the resturaunt.

"Here, let's eat lunch! My treeeeaaaat~"

"If you insist, it'd be rude of me to decline."

She giggled and got us a seat, and we started looking over our menus. This is quite the array of foods.

"What will you two have to drink today?"

"Um, let me get a Strawberry Shinobi Shake."

"I'll get the Crunchy Choco Chunin Shake. Oh, by the way, I'd suggest talking to the ceo about the abbreviation for the Krazy Kage Kicker."

The waiter wrote it all down, before looking back up.

"Can I interest you two in any appetizers?"


"Um, how about some onion rings, mozzarella sticks, and some cheese dip over here."

The waiter made a sly smile, and looked over the two of us, before writing down what was clearly shorter than what Ino said.

"Understood ma'am. Well, I'll leave you two here while we get that done for you."

He walked away, pulling a curtain that blocked us off from the rest of the resturaunt, with seals all over it, and some candles lit themselves. Well, this is an interesting place, I'll say that.

"Hm. The Leaf sure is a strange place."

"You're telling me. They didn't do that when I ordered that last time."

"Hm, well, maybe we're like the thousandth customers or something."

She shrugged, and the appetizers arrived with our drinks. As well as a cake for us to share, a single large shake with two straws, and....a strange music choice.

"Huh. Strange place, Ino."


After a moment of thought, she turned really red, and covered her mouth in shock.

"What is it?"

"Oh, dammit. I accidently made the order for a special date. They must think we're a couple, or on a date."

"But, aren't we?"

I placed my hand on top of hers, and she got really nervous. Smooth one, Y/n, smooth one.

"U-uhm....d-do you th-think of this as a date?"

"I do. Do you?"

She didn't answer, and nervously took a bite of the cake, and tried to change the subject.

"Man, this cake is really good!"

"It is. We should come back here again some time. Maybe for a second date?"

"I-i'd like that."

I smiled and ate my cake, and we started eating the appetizers. Everything was finished, except for the single large shake. The waiter pulled the curtain to the side for a second, and took our plates, placing a vase with flowers in front of us, some romantic candles, and then he left again.


"Well, this shake won't drink itself."

"Right, let's get rid of it then."

I started drinking some, and she did too. We made eye contact, and held it for a minute. We both stopped, and I slid the shake to the side. We both started leaning in, until the curtain was thrown to the side.

"There you are, Ino!"

We both slowly turned and glared, seeing that Sakura girl, who gasped and covered her mouth. She quickly closed the curtain and ran off, leaving me and Ino alone again.

"Wanna start that over?"


We both took a drink from the shake, and just went straight for it, only for the pink haired girl to open the curtain again.

"Are you two done ye-?"

She was interuppted by me throwing the shake at her, and the vase as well. I sighed in annoyance, as did Ino.

"Damn. Well, the mood is dead now. See you tomorrow?"

"I'd like that. See you tomorrow, Ino."

She kissed me on the cheek, and walked out, leaving me with the shake and an extreme hatred for Sakura Haruno.

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