《Frozen 1 ( Elsa x female reader)》We Meet Again



We were standing by the mountain staring up at it when Anna decided to try climbing it. I was all for getting there faster but this was both dangerous and unnecessary, there were literally stares leading up too a massive castle. But Kristof seemed like he could handle this so I decided to think about Elsa.

I wonder how she looks now, and how she is. I know she ran away from home and all but I hope she is happy. There is just this sinking feeling I have thanks to my visions.

Now we were all headed up the ice stairs and I was starting to get scared what if she hates me now. Shaking my head I continued to climb watching as the others had a hard time staying balanced. Sven had to stay at the bottom because of his four legs. Kristof was admiring the ice so was I.

"You four should wait outside" Anna said you all begrudgingly agreed because Anna didn't know you knew Elsa. I had a feeling again and my vision flashed I saw Elsa talking to Olaf she looked good.

When my vision ended Olaf was gone and Kristof face palmed. Soon I got a bad feeling and tapped Kristof's arm.

"There's a problem we have to help" I said he nodded and we when inside. I pulled up my hood so Elsa couldn't r cognize me and we ran to help up Anna.

"Who are they, you know what just go" Elsa said the ice had begun to turn black and she was panicking. I wanted to run to her but not yet.

Then Elsa made an ice monster and it tossed the others out. I used Zephyr to help dodge it's hands and land behind Elsa. Quickly using my gift to make sure they would be ok, they would.



I was so scared. I can't believe I cast Anna out but I couldn't let her get hurt. "Don't feel don't feel" I whispered. Soon my pacing got worse and so did my ice.

"Hi Elsa" a hooded figure said. I turned around my her ice becoming rigid.

The figure pulled there hood off and I looked at her in shock. She quickly ran up to me and hugged me. I stiffened for a second but then melted (A/N ha see what I did there😉) into her familiar touch.

"F/N, but how" I said, a tear slipping down my face. "I came up heart with my brother, I needed to see you, hold you in my arms." She said whipping the tear away. "Don't cry snowflake I'm here" she cood, my heart pounded at the familiar nickname.

Slowly my black ice disappeared and I finally felt safe.

With Kristof

Kristof and Anna Elsa ere with the trolls. Anna was worried about you but Kristof and the trolls both knew your and Elsa's history.

Your POV

As Elsa was showing you around you got a vision. It was of Hans and his men coming for Elsa.

"Snowflake there people coming" you said your face now serious. Elsa nodded and took your hand, both of you ran to the balcony. You told Elsa of your power when you were younger so now she understands when you say vague things.

The both of you continued to race up the many stares as you were being chased. You were both now corners in a golden iced room and you stood in front of Elsa Zephyr at your side. They fired two shots one Elsa blocked with ice and one Zephyr took out.

You held up her back as she shot ice at the solders and you used Zephyr. You took both men out and were at a standstill until Hans came in.

"Queen Elsa don't be the monster they think you are" he said. Getting another vision of the chandelier falling you took Elsa's hand and dove out of the way before everything went black.

(A/N That's all for now sorry 😞 for it being short. Hope you enjoyed😀 let me know if you want there to be another fluff special of you telling Elsa about your visions)

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